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Looking for IEDs



Ao kana...some Taliban love....

Is that guy with the hat SSG? His uniform is different, mods on gun are different as well...

If he is an SSG, then does PA insert a couple of SSG operators with the regular soldiers?

@Xeric, @Icarus.
Yes he is. Will not be specific on how we employ our men.
North Waziristan Offensive
  • On July 1, Director General (DG) of the Pakistan Army’s Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), Major General Asim Bajwa, told journalists that security forces discovered a large improvised explosive device (IED) factory in Miram Shahand recovered a huge cache of explosives as part of the recent ground operation in North Waziristan Agency. Bajwa said that security forces found 225 explosives-filled cylinders, 700 pipe bombs, 10 anti-tank mines and a training facility within the factory. Gen. Bajwa reiterated that recent U.S. drone strikes are in no way related to the ongoing military operation in North Waziristan. Gen. Bajwa advised Afghan authorities to arrest Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) chief Mullah Fazlullah, who he believes is hiding in Afghanistan. According to Gen. Bajwa, the operation in North Waziristan has killed 376 “terrorists” so far.[1]
  • Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said in an official statement on July 1 that Pakistan’s armed forces will eliminate all militants and militant sanctuaries indiscriminately in North Waziristan Agency. Sharif spoke with the chief of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), Air Marshal Muhammad Tahir Rafique Butt, on July 1 in Islamabad. During the meeting, Sharif praised the efforts of the PAF in the ongoing military operation.[2]
  • On June 30, former DG ISPR Major General (retired) Athar Abbas told BBC Urdu that the Pakistani military’s leadership favored launching an offensive in North Waziristan in 2010, but the operation was delayed until now because of then-army chief General (retd.) Ashfaq Pervez Kayani’s indecision on whether to conduct an operation at the time. Pakistan’s military leadership first planned to launch an operation between 2010 and 2011 but postponed the operation after Kayani decided against it, Abbas claims. Abbas blamed Kayani’s personal weakness and fears that he would be held accountable for domestic backlash from the operation. Abbas also mentioned the challenges of addressing the Haqqani Network, domestically unpopular pressure from the U.S., and mass internal displacement as reasons the offensive was repeatedly delayed.[3]
Operation Zarb-e-Azb: 2nd July Developments - PKKH.tv


On the eighteenth day of Operation Zarb-e-Azab military gunship helicopter shelled militant hideouts and destroyed several compounds in the area of Khar Warsak.

ISPR spokesperson said today that the operation in progressing successfully as planned. He further added that the forces are making swift progress in North Waziristan as they are hitting and shelling militant hubs and hideouts. He said that three IED factories and a suicide bomber training center were discovered during an operation. Six IEDs attached to laptops were also recovered from a private hotel.

According to sources of PKKH, most of the TTP militants have evacuated North Waziristan Agency and are gathering in the area of Lwanda Lataka at the Pak-Afghan border. Mullah Fazlullah is trying to unite the splinted groups of TTP and is trying his best to bring back Khan Said’s Sajna Group back in TTP to fight against Pakistan Army but Fazlullah’s efforts have not brought any success so far.

Around 500,000 people fled the operation affected areas in North Waziristan and reached Bannu, Lakki Marwat, Karak and Dera Ismail Khan. Registration process of the IDP’s is still going on.

At least 10 suspected militants were killed and 3 militant hideouts were destroyed in military gunship helicopters shelling in the Khar Warsak Area. So far, 376 militants have been killed and 19 soldiers martyred in the whole offensive.

Interior Minister’s Reaction on Former DG ISPR Statement
Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar said that the Pakistan Army is fighting war for the future of Pakistan and retired army officials should be careful while making statement and should not create confusions through their statements.

Internally Displaced Person (IDP)
First consignment of 41 tones dry ration from Karachi and Islamabad has been dispatched for the IDPs by Pakistan Navy.

Mastermind of Peshawer Airport Attack Arrested
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police have arrested Ali Haider, the commander of TTP’s Shahid Group who is believed to be the mastermind of PIA plane firing incident at Peshawar Airport in which one woman was killed and a steward got injured.. Peshawar police also seized 5 kg explosives along with two grenades from a vehicle apprehended as belonging to suspected terrorists in Peshawar.

Afghan Military and Intelligence Delegation to Arrive In
officials should be careful while making statement and should not create confusions through their statements.

Internally Displaced Person (IDP)
First consignment of 41 tones dry ration from Karachi and Islamabad has been dispatched for the IDPs by Pakistan Navy.

Mastermind of Peshawer Airport Attack Arrested
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police have arrested Ali Haider, the commander of TTP’s Shahid Group who is believed to be the mastermind of PIA plane firing incident at Peshawar Airport in which one woman was killed and a steward got injured.. Peshawar police also seized 5 kg explosives along with two grenades from a vehicle apprehended as belonging to suspected terrorists in Peshawar.

Afghan Military and Intelligence Delegation to Arrive In Islamabad
A high-level afghan military and intelligence delegation will be arriving today in Islamabad. Matters of mutual concern will be discussed including the matter of TTP hideouts in the Kunar/Nooristan areas of Afghanistan. Pakistani side will also discuss the matter of the handing over of TTP leader Mullah Fazluallah, with the afghan delegation.

Source PKKH.tv
But SSG usually have there Insignia/badge on there left shoulders. DOnt they?



Icarus is right. Its just a co-incidence that both regular infantry and SSG troops are operating in the area and thus conducting clearance operations together. You can clearly see the SSG wing on his chest under his webbing. The camouflage he is wearing is only worn by the SSG as per regulations and per the same, you cannot put on formation badges during operations.

If you look closely on top, you will see another bomb is on its way

Not really. First it would be next to impossible to catch a JDAM GPU at it's speed. Second two guided munitions that close? Overkill. Most probably something that blew up.
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