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Think of it like this , every single weapon bar the nukes will be unleashed on the lawless tribal areas . Our patience has limits , it seems and the capacity for self sabotage isn't boundless after all . The way I see it , it was the most logical outcome since the peace talks failed a long time ago , we had been simply wasting our money , time and energy keeping the patient on the ventilator even though he was already dead .

That's true, specifically all these uzbeks and other shady folks are not bound to let go without a fight.

But what of Hype's assertion of heavy collateral damage, these buggers do after all sustain themselves on "anger against the state"?

Perhaps a more drawn out, stretched operation, where the boots do most of the heavy lifting and the vipers are kept away except for perhaps very few strikes on entrenched positions (if said positions happen to not be in settled areas, we've all discussed exactly how even the most stringent of fire discipline cannot stem collateral damage if the strike is danger close for the civvies), let the PA bite the bullet and accept the enhanced attrition that will come from sparsely utilizing the gunships et al, take their time and clear it from the area from the sand up rather than sky down?
Dude, the orders are: "no holds barred"...... this is the first time that EVERYONE is onboard....... if you want a hint to the end-game, then look no further than LTTE.

But are 30,000 boots enough? Rah-e-rast had nearly double that.
Why should it come free first of all ? Why should anyone simply give you their money whilst expecting nothing in return ? Why cant you be self-dependent so to not need it at all ? :azn:

I think we look for short term goals.
@Hyperion Yaara LTTE had nowhere to run, not the tops at least (barring a certain "intel chief" of their org.), after the Rajiv Gandhi and IPKF fiasco we'd made it clear that if they did flee out of SL we would do our best to cut them short once they were out of SL waters.

But these "estranged brothers sitting on the mountains" have plenty of places to run too, specially when the borders are pretty much open and "un-lockable".
Kill them all leave no cowards alive ....
The alternative is no option at all. So don't worry.

But I still don't understand why was media barred for so long and still is.

Maybe the collateral damage was in the way of land to riches? Boots really know how to fool people.

But the drug lords made good $$ too. Sorry.
Media has no place in a war........... collateral damage or not, country has to stay in one piece....... at all costs...........

We can all blame each other when things settle down..........

But I still don't understand why was media barred for so long and still is.

Maybe the collateral damage was in the way of land to riches? Boots really know how to fool people.
But I still don't understand why was media barred for so long and still is.

Maybe the collateral damage was in the way of land to riches? Boots really know how to fool people.

But the drug lords made good $$ too. Sorry.

Remember the media giving out security forces' movements during the Karachi airport attack - live - on air?
Right now.... they have no where to go. trust you me..... just coming from such a brain-storming meeting.........

Still, being folks who have been in favor of a permanent solution for fundoos (you, secur, me et al), it would have been better if the borders were sealed first. Sharif sahib might think that Abdullah Abdullah is a born again friend but we know what he is (well not that I am complaining about what or who he is, suits our interests perfectly fine in fact:p:, it is odd to have to cheer for you folks but then its a matter of principle since the fundoos are the targets). Letting any of these fundoos escape after causing the sort of collateral damage you're hinting at is bad strategy, if they're all killed well and good, the govt. and the PA can then heal the wounds sans any of the remaining fundoos fanning the fire, if any of them live then they'll try to get the demagoguery and action going again.

Is it too late to try and seal some bits of the border at least, or maybe dangle the haqqanis in front of the muricans to get them to try and take out the escaping tops?
Yara, there are sort of several "tribal-seals" in place already...... not much more can be said, in any format............

Still, being folks who have been in favor of a permanent solution for fundoos (you, secur, me et al), it would have been better if the borders were sealed first. Sharif sahib might think that Abdullah Abdullah is a born again friend but we know what he is (well not that I am complaining about what or who he is, suits our interests perfectly fine in fact:p:, it is odd to have to cheer for you folks but then its a matter of principle since the fundoos are the targets). Letting any of these fundoos escape after causing the sort of collateral damage you're hinting at is bad strategy, if they're all killed well and good, the govt. and the PA can then heal the wounds sans any of the remaining fundoos fanning the fire, if any of them live then they'll try to get the demagoguery and action going again.

Is it too late to try and seal some bits of the border at least, or maybe dangle the haqqanis in front of the muricans to get them to try and take out the escaping tops?
What are your opinions so far? Oh and has Zarvi given you folks his generic warning of- OH THIS WILL LEAD TO EVEN A GREATER TTP EMERGING OUT OF THE ANGER WHICH THE GOVT. AND ARMY WILL GENERATE BY ATTACKING THE FAITHFUL?:p:

I sure hope he joins them.
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