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Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent claims attacks on Pakistani ships were more audacious than reported

By THOMAS JOSCELYNSeptember 29, 2014


The banner above advertises the latest statement by AQIS explaining its attacks on two Pakistani frigates on Sept. 6. The man pictured on the right is purportedly Zeeshan Rafique, whom AQIS says was a second lieutenant in the Pakistan Navy. He is pictured giving a "briefing" to the "leadership of the mujahideen on the plan of the operation."

Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), the newest official branch of al Qaeda's international organization, has released a nine-page "press release" explaining its "targeting of [the] American and Indian Navies" on Sept. 6. The group says the operations were part of "a plan to strike America's military strength on the seas" that was prepared "on the orders of the respected [Emir], Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri."

AQIS spokesman Usama Mahmood claims that the Pakistani government has covered up the extent of its planned operations and, he says, the media coverage thus far does not accurately reflect what transpired. Therefore, Mahmood has published al Qaeda's response on his official Twitter feed.

What follows is a summary of al Qaeda's version of events and is not an independent account. None of the purported details have been publicly verified by US intelligence officials.

All citations are from the statement released by Mahmood. AQIS is eager to claim that the operations caused more damage than the Pakistani government is letting on.

"The operation was portrayed as an attack on the naval dockyard by 'outsiders' who had infiltrated the facility," the AQIS document reads. But al Qaeda claims the "operation took place under the leadership of two brothers from Al Qa'eda in the [Indian] Subcontinent, namely Oweis Jakhrani (former Second Lieutenant in the Pakistan Navy) and Zeeshan Rafeeq (Second Lieutenant)."


The AQIS document includes photos of both Jakhrani and Rafeeq. Only Jakhrani was not an active duty officer at the time of the attacks, according to AQIS, as he "had only recently resigned from the Pakistan Navy due to his faith and zeal." All of the other al Qaeda operatives "who attained martyrdom during this operation were serving officers of the Pakistan Navy." (Emphasis in original.)

The goal of the operation was to take "control of two important warships of the Pakistan Navy," the PNS Zulfiqar and PNS Aslat. There "were several Mujahid brothers" aboard both ships and they were "provided with the necessary weapons and explosives required for this operation," AQIS says.

The first al Qaeda team was on board the PNS Zulfiqar, which departed Karachi on Sept. 3 and was allegedly scheduled "to be refueled by USS Supply," which "is one of the most important American naval ships after aircraft carriers."

While the PNS Zulfiqar was being refueled, "some of the Mujahid brothers present on board...were to target and destroy the American oil tanker [USS Supply] with the 72 mm anti-aircraft guns on their frigate."

In addition, other al Qaeda operatives on board the PNS Zulfiqar "would target the American frigate protecting USS Supply using four anti-ship guided missiles." If they were successful, the al Qaeda team would then use whatever weapons were left over to attack or "destroy any American or coalition warship present in the vicinity, and fight on until attaining martyrdom."

A second AQIS team was present on board the PNS Aslat "with weapons and explosives." According to the plan, the second cadre of AQIS jihadists was going to "take over" the PNS Aslat, which was "near the shores of Karachi," and "steer it towards Indian waters in order to attack Indian warships with anti-ship missiles." If any ships got in their way, including American warships, then the AQIS crew on board would use the PNS Aslat to attack them instead.

AQIS goes on to give a version of events that is substantially different from that told by official Pakistani sources.

The group claims that the PNS Zulfiqar departed Karachi on Sept. 3 and implies that the firefight between al Qaeda's men and others in the Pakistani Navy took place deep in the Indian Ocean. Pakistani sources have said that the attack occurred in the Naval Dockyard in Karachi.

AQIS questions the timing of the Pakistani Navy's announcement that the attack had occurred, saying it waited several days to publicly acknowledge it. The press release reads: "Is it [the supposedly delayed announcement] because it took three days to erase the evidence of the firefight aboard PNS Zulfiqar and the consequent damage to the warship? Or is it because it took three days for this frigate to return to Karachi after the battle had occurred on board?"

Similarly, AQIS claims that the attack on the PNS Aslat was an inside operation and it "was not attacked form the outside," as Pakistani officials have claimed. AQIS says that Pakistan "cover[ed] up the success of the Mujahideen and the moral and material losses and damage suffered by the enemies." Pakistan supposedly does not want the public to know that "the call to perform Jihad...has now started to appeal to even officers of the Armed Forces."

AQIS says that the Pakistani government is also hiding the identities of the other attackers from the public because it hopes to avoid any further embarrassment over "the fact that the rest of the martyrs were serving officers of the Pakistan Navy."

The preface to the AQIS press release explains its motivation behind its planned attacks on the two Pakistani frigates. The al Qaeda branch says that Pakistan takes part in the Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan (CMCP), making it part of the supposed global "crusade" against Islam.

In addition to securing "maritime trade routes for commercial shipping of America and other major powers of the believers," the CMCP participates "in the so-called war on terror (i.e. the American-led Crusade against the Muslim world" and prevents "possible attacks by the Mujahideen on the seas." The CMCP also provides "logistical support to the occupying American and allied forces in Afghanistan" and consolidates "their grip on Islamic waters" while "besieging the Muslim world from the seas."

The AQIS statement ends with several messages. The first is addressed to Muslims in Gaza, and repeats al Qaeda's standard call for "revenge" for the blood shed in the Palestinian-controlled territories. Other messages are addressed to the Muslim Ummah [worldwide community of Muslims] and the mujahideen. The latter should not forget "to make Jihad on the seas one of their priorities," AQIS says.

AQIS threatens America, "the Jews," and India.

And the final message speaks to the "Officers and Soldiers in the Armed Forces of Muslim Countries." AQIS holds up the Pakistani Navy officers responsible for the twin claimed attacks on Sept. 6 as examples for all Muslims serving in the armed forces. AQIS blasts the Pakistani Army, saying its generals demonstrate a "slave's loyalty to his master" and "have devoted the entire Armed Forces to the defense of American interests."

AQIS concludes by saying that all Muslims serving in the armed forces should join the jihad if they want to enter paradise and avoid hell. Thus, AQIS is attempting to recruit more officers and soldiers serving in the Pakistani military.

Additional photos included in the AQIS press release.

AQIS claims that one of its members monitored the movements of General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani, the former Pakistani Army Chief, as he visited an American warship. AQIS says that its operative tracked Kiyani "on the computer screen of the missile control system installed on the Pakistani warship." This is intended to show that AQIS has operatives inside the Pakistani Navy.


The photo below purportedly shows the USS Supply as it refuels a frigate at sea. AQIS allegedly planned to attack the USS Supply as it refueled a Pakistani frigate.


AQIS included the photo below of the PNS Aslat.


I don't doubt their audacious plan. But anyone can make huge plans. The real thing is trying to achieve those plans, those goals. Their plan included taking over Pak naval ships and targeting American and indian ships with it. Did they achieve that? No where near. So what good was that plan when you didn't even come close to achieving it. The plan failed miserable stop trying to salvage it.
Indo-Pak Border Suicide Attack
  • On November 2, a bomber detonated a suicide vest, killing 60 people and injuring over 110, near the Wagah border crossing between India and Pakistan on the outskirts of Lahore. Three Rangers personnel were also killed and five injured in the attack. The explosion reportedly occurred as the Rangers concluded a flag-lowering ceremony at Wagah. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) splinter Jamaatul Ahrar, Jundullah and a previously unknown group calling itself TTP Mahar Mehsud faction all claimed responsibility for the attack. TTP Jamaatul Ahrar spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan, Jundullah spokesman Ahmed Marwat and TTP Mahar Mehsud commander Geelamand Mehsud independently claimed that the attack was a reaction to the ongoing military offensive in North Waziristan, Operation Zarb-e-Azb. Ehsan further declared that a suicide bomber named Hafiz Hanifullah carried out the attack and that the group would soon release video footage of the attack. Indian and Pakistani intelligence agencies had both reportedly received reports of an imminent strike at Wagah, following which security had been heightened. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi strongly condemned the suicide attack and expressed grief over the loss of life.[1]
  • On November 3, security forces conducted a search operation in adjoining areas of the Wagah border crossing near Lahore and recovered additional explosives and a suicide vest. The suicide vest was reportedly stuffed with eight kilograms of explosives and ball bearings. Security forces also arrested 21 suspects from the areas of Wagah, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Wazirabad, and Kasur.[2]
  • On November 3, a tribal jirga of Mehsud tribesmen reportedly met head of the Mehsud faction of militants formerly of the TTP, Khan Sajna Said, and other commanders to negotiate for a peace agreement between the government and Mehsud militant faction. The tribal Jirga was headed by Ikramuddin, father-in-law of the dead TTP founder Baitullah Mehsud.[3]
  • In multiple attacks on November 1, 18 militants were killed and 14 injured, and three security personnel were killed one injured, in airstrikes, shelling, and ground clashes in Bara sub-district, Khyber Agency. Three civilians were also killed and four injured in the fighting. The Pakistani military killed 13 militants and injured eight in airstrikes while two soldiers died in retaliatory gun attacks in the Malikdin Khel, Aka Khel, and Sipah areas of Bara sub-district, Khyber Agency. Army gunships were targeting Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) hideouts. Security forces killed five militants and injured six while one security personnel was killed in the Aka Khel area of Bara sub-district, Khyber Agency. Three civilians were killed and four civilians injured by a mortar shell in the Aka Khel area of Bara sub-district, Khyber Agency. [4]
  • In multiple attacks on November 2, 10 militants were killed and seven injured, and one security official and one civilian were killed in Bara sub-district, Khyber Agency. Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jets killed five militants and injured seven in airstrikes in the Aka Khel and Sipah areas of Khyber Agency. The PAF was targeting LI hideouts in the Aka Khel area. Security forces killed five militants while one security official was injured in clashes in the Jhansi Qila area of Bara, Khyber Agency. A civilian was killed by a mortar shell in the Daroadda area of Aka Khel, Bara sub-district, Khyber Agency.[5]
  • In separate clashes on November 1 and 2, militants attacked the Zawan security post in Shirin Dara area of Orakzai Agency. On November 1, Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) militants from Khyber attacked the Zawan security post and killed eight security personnel and injured three others while security forces killed 20 militants during the attack in the Shirin Dara area of Orakzai Agency. About 50 militants from the Aka Khel area of Bara sub-district, Khyber Agency participated in the attack on the security post. The next day on November 2, militants fired rockets from mountain peaks near the Zawan security post, killing a civilian and injuring four Levies Force personnel near the Shireen Dara and Khwa Dara areas of Orakzai Agency. Levies Forces retaliated by shelling militant mountain hideouts and killed five militants as a result. [6]
  • On November 2, unidentified attackers fired rockets at the office of a political administrator, killing two officials and injuring two others in Orakzai Agency.[7]
  • On November 2, the Sindh Police Crime Investigation Department’s Anti-Extremist Cell (AEC) arrested a would-be suicide bomber along with four of his accomplices in a raid, thwarting a terrorist plot in Kunwari Colony, Manghopir, Karachi. AEC official Ali Raza stated that the suspects belong to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ) and were planning to attack the main Ashura procession in Karachi on the ninth and tenth days of Muharram. Police also seized a large cache of weapons and IEDs. Police discovered in their investigation that the suspects had been trained in making IEDs in Waziristan.[8]
  • On October 31, police in Karachi arrested two TTP members who were involved in the October 18, 2007 attack on a Benazir Bhutto rally in Karachi and a targeted killer responsible for the deaths of at least 20 people.[9]
  • On October 31, unidentified attackers threw a grenade into a police vehicle, injuring two policemen who were providing security to an Imambargah in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi.[10]
  • On October 31, unidentified gunmen fired at a police vehicle, injuring two policemen in Nagan Chowrangi, Karachi.[11]
  • On November 3, a blast injured six people in Sector 5-E in Orangi Town, Karachi.[12]
  • On November 1, police arrested nine militants in a search operation near Badaber and Matani, Peshawar district, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.[13]
  • On November 1, a mortar shell killed a civilian in the Sheikhan village near Badaber, Peshawar district, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.[14]
  • On November 1, a police armored personnel carrier was hit by an IED on the Frontier Road near Aziz Market, Peshawar. No one was injured in the attack.[15]
  • On November 1, an improvised explosive device (IED) killed a member of the Levies Force and injured another member in the Qamar Sar area of Mamund sub-district, Bajaur Agency. Security forces detained at least 20 people in search operations in response to the attacks.[16]
  • On November 1, unidentified gunmen shot dead a policeman in Madina Colony of Matta sub-district, Swat, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. On November 1 and 2, security forces conducted search operations in connection to the attack and arrested 80 suspects in Matta sub-district.[17]
  • On November 1, an Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) sentenced five members of the militant group Jundullah to prison for possessing illegal weapons and extorting money.[18]
  • According to a report in The News on November 2, the Conflict Monitoring Center has revealed in its monthly report that average militant attacks declined in all parts of the country during the first four months of Operation Zarb-e-Azb in North Wazirisatan. However, attacks in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) have increased due to efforts by militants to regain territory, the report claims. The monthly average number of militant attacks in the country has reportedly dropped from 29 to 23 since the start of Operation Zarb-e-Azb.[19]

I don't doubt their audacious plan. But anyone can make huge plans. The real thing is trying to achieve those plans, those goals. Their plan included taking over Pak naval ships and targeting American and indian ships with it. Did they achieve that? No where near. So what good was that plan when you didn't even come close to achieving it. The plan failed miserable stop trying to salvage it.

exactly my point but these articles have a different purpose which is to portray that pk armed forces have been completely infiltrated by AQ/jihadists, which is no where near to the truth....sympathisers are / have been rooted out.

Liers liers.....pants on fires...
Novemebr 5, 10:30am

At least five suspect militants were killed and eight others injured when security forces, with help of artillery, shelled hideouts in Tirah, Khyber Agency in the early hours of Wednesday.

The attack comes a day after militants targetted security forces and peace lashkar in Bazar Zakhakhel, killing five people including four security personnel.

@TaimiKhan Why casualties shoot up whenever Op is conducted in Tirah or khyber agency ? Since the start of Tirah Op, Casualties has reached 50 !
Indo-Pak Border Suicide Attack
  • In an update to the Wagah border post suicide bombing first reported on November 3, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Jamatul Ahrar spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan spoke to Reuters over telephone on November 5 regarding the suicide bombing. Ehsan accused the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi of killing innocent Muslims and vowed to avenge their deaths. Ehsan claimed however that the November 2 attack was specifically aimed at the Pakistani Army. TTP Jamaatul Ahrar had earlier claimed responsibility for the attack on November 2 along with two other militant groups.[1]
  • On November 5, army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif met with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in Islamabad to discuss the November 2 Wagah border post suicide bombing. During the meeting, Gen. Sharif claimed that the attack was in reaction to the military offensive in North Waziristan.[2]
  • On November 5, security forces targeted militant hideouts with heavy machine guns and artillery killing five militants and injuring eight others in Drewand, Aarinam Wanra, and Zor Kaley in the Tirah Valley, Khyber Agency.[3]
  • On November 5, unidentified attackers assassinated a deputy chief inspector of the Department of Industries in Multan, Punjab.[4]
  • On November 5, the Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) posted a tweet stating that army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif will visit Kabul on November 6. Gen. Sharif will meet with newly elected Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, and other senior civilian and military officials.[5]
  • On November 5, 2014, the outgoing Director-General of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Lt. Gen. Zahirul Islam met with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the prime minister’s house in Islamabad. Sharif praised Islam for his service with the ISI.[6]

Novemebr 5, 10:30am

At least five suspect militants were killed and eight others injured when security forces, with help of artillery, shelled hideouts in Tirah, Khyber Agency in the early hours of Wednesday.

The attack comes a day after militants targetted security forces and peace lashkar in Bazar Zakhakhel, killing five people including four security personnel.

@TaimiKhan Why casualties shoot up whenever Op is conducted in Tirah or khyber agency ? Since the start of Tirah Op, Casualties has reached 50 !

Tirah valley is a very difficult place to operate.....
  • According to a November 6 Frontier News report, Lashkar-e-Islam chief Mangal Bagh continues to broadcast sermons through the group’s radio channel despite widespread operations by the Pakistan military against militants in Khyber Agency. Bagh reportedly issues daily speeches urging people to fight against security forces and issues threats to opponents through his FM radio channel.[4]
  • On November 5, Pakistan Air Force fighter jets killed ten militants in two airstrikes in the Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency. In the first strike, five militants were killed and four militant hideouts destroyed. The second airstrike, conducted in the Aka Khel area of the Tirah Valley, killed five militants and destroyed five militant hideouts. According to security sources, those killed belonged to the militant group Lashkar-e-Islam.[5]
  • On November 5, security forces repulsed a militant attack and killed 20 militants in Paindi Cheena in Landi Kotal sub-district of the Tirah Valley, Khyber Agency. One Tauheedul Islam member was killed and two others injured in the attack. The security forces also fired mortar and artillery shells from Jarobi camp, targeting militant hideouts in the Aka Khel area of the Tirah Valley in Bara sub-district.[6]
  • On November 4, two consecutive bomb blasts killed two Frontier Corps (FC) personnel and two members of the anti-Taliban militant group, Tauheedul Islam in the Paindi Cheena area of Zakha Khel in Landi Kotal sub-district of Khyber Agency.[7]
  • On November 5, 30 militants including commanders affiliated with Lashkar-e-Islam (LI), reportedly surrendered to authorities in Bara sub-district of Khyber Agency. Commander Kandahar, chief of his own militant group of the Zakhakhel tribe, was among those who surrendered.[8]
  • According to a report in The News on November 6, militants fired rockets at an Ashura procession, killing two mourners and injuring 28, in the Merazai area in lower Orakzai Agency.[9]
  • On November 6, an improvised explosive device (IED) detonated near a police mobile, injuring two security personnel in the city of Turbat in Balochistan.[10]
  • On November 6, police gunned down a suspected militant in response to a grenade attack on a police check-post on Afridi road in the Badhber area of Peshawar district. One policeman was also killed in the clashes.[11]
U.S.-Pakistan Relations
  • On November 5, the Foreign Office summoned U.S. Ambassador Richard Olson to protest against “unwarranted comments” against Pakistan contained in a U.S. Department of Defense report to Congress titled “Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan.” Foreign Office spokesperson Tasneem Aslam declared that the report makes “unsubstantiated allegations” about the existence of militant sanctuaries in Pakistan and the use of proxy forces by Pakistan against Afghanistan and India.[12]
  • In a video briefing on November 6, a senior commander for U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Joseph Anderson, declared that the Haqqani Network was now fractured like the Quetta Shura Taliban as a result of the ongoing Pakistani military offensive, Operation Zarb-e-Azb, in North Waziristan. He also declared that the operation had disrupted the Haqqani Network’s ability to conduct attacks in Kabul.[13]

looks like the good general will be called back for 'consultations'.....
  • On November 7, a statement issued by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leadership council formally sacked former spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid and announced that Muhammad Khurasani would be replacing him as spokesperson for the TTP.[1]
  • On November 7, new TTP spokesman Muhammad Khurasani stated that the TTP will work together with Khyber Agency-based militant group Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) against Pakistani security forces conducting operations in the area. In the statement, the TTP committed to sending fighters to fight alongside LI militants in the Khyber Agency.[2]
  • On November 7, Security forces targeted militant hideouts with artillery and mortar fire killing five militants and injuring 10 in the Aka Khel and Sipah areas of Bara sub-district, Khyber Agency.[3]
  • On November 6, Orakzai Agency Political Agent Zubair Khan stated that 90 percent of Orakzai Agency has been cleared of militants. Khan stated that the rest of Orakzai Agency cannot be cleared yet due to the ongoing military offensive in Khyber Agency.[4]
  • On November 6, a police official with the Special Police Force and a militant were killed in a shootout in the Mashogagar area of Peshawar.[5]
Two soldiers, four militants killed in North Waziristan clash
Published: November 10, 2014

PESHAWAR: At least two soldiers and four militants were killed in an exchange of fire in North Waziristan, the military said on Monday.

The clash took place during a clearance operation late Sunday in the tribal district, where the military has been waging a major offensive against insurgents since June.

“Four terrorists were killed during clearance operation in Gharlamai area of North Waziristan. Two soldiers also embraced shahadat (martyrdom) in the exchange of fire,” a military statement said.

No other details of the clash were given but two intelligence officials said both soldiers and militants used heavy weapons.

North Waziristan has become a major base for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, which rose up against the state in 2007.

The army says it has killed more than 1,100 militants and lost more than 100 soldiers since the start of the operation.

But the number and identity of those killed is difficult to verify as there is little regular media access to the conflict zones.
  • On November 10, two separate Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) killed two people and injured two others in the Narai Baba area of the Tirah Valley in Khyber Agency. The first blast killed one member of anti-Taliban militia Tauheedul Islam (TI) and injured two others. The second explosion killed another TI member.[2]
  • On November 9, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighter jets killed 13 militants in airstrikes in the Aka Khel and Tirah Valley areas of Khyber Agency. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Jamatul Ahrar confirmed that one of the militants killed in the airstrikes was a key TTP Jamatul Ahrar commander, Abu Jandal, known for training suicide bombers. Abu Jandal was leading a group of 50 TTP Jamatul Ahrar fighters that had been sent into the Khyber Agency to engage security forces. Security forces also destroyed ten hideouts and an ammunition depot in the airstrikes.[3]
  • On November 9, security forces killed five militants including a top LI commander in the Aka Khel area, Khyber Agency.[4]
  • As reported by The News on November 9, an anti-Taliban militia took control of the Shalobar area of Bara sub-district, Khyber Agency.[5]
  • On November 7, security forces killed 17 Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) militants while repulsing an attack on a security checkpost in the Spin Qamar area of the Tirah Valley, Khyber Agency. At least 60 militants participated in the unsuccessful attack on the checkpost. Two of the militants who were killed were identified as residents of Swabi district, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.[6]
  • On November 7, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighter jets killed six TTP and LI militants and injured ten others in airstrikes in the Aka Khel and Sipah areas of Khyber Agency. The PAF additionally destroyed two militant hideouts in the airstrikes.[7]
  • As reported by The Express Tribune on November 9, TTP leader Mullah Fazalullah appointed Commander Mansoor Mohmand as new head of the TTP in Mohmand Agency. The former head of the TTP in Mohmand Agency, Omar Khalid Khurasani, broke away from TTP to form the militant group TTP Jamatul Ahrar.[8]
  • On November 7, TTP leader Mullah Fazalullah formally announced that Khalid Balti, alias Muhammad Khurasani, will be the new TTP central spokesman. Balti a TTP commander from Gilgit Baltistan, used to teach at the Jamiat-ul-Rasheed seminary in Karachi and was formerly part of the TTP’s Umer Media organization.[9]
  • On November 7, two roadside IEDs killed seven and injured three people in the Chinari area of Safi sub-district, Mohmand Agency. The second IED detonated as the bodies from the first explosion were being attended to. The blasts killed two anti-Taliban militia members; the militia was apparently the target of the attack. TTP Jamatul Ahrar claimed responsibility for the attack.[10]
  • On November 7, a roadside IED killed five people and wounded two others when it struck a passenger van in Ghallanai, Mohmand Agency.[11]
  • On November 8, security forces thwarted a militant plot when they raided a militant hideout in Dheri, Chakdara, Lower Dir district, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Four security personnel were injured in the raid that also killed militant commander Rashid Ahmad. The News reported that the security personnel were injured when an unidentified suicide bomber detonated his suicide vest. Two other militants were arrested in the encounter. Security forces additionally seized three suicide vests, 13 grenades, and other explosives in the encounter.[12]
  • On November 8, security forces killed one militant and arrested four others in a search operation in the Gohati area of Mamund sub-district in Bajaur Agency. Security forces also recovered arms and ammunition from the militants.[13]
  • On November 9, security forces killed five militants in an intelligence-led counterterrorism operation in in the Hassan Khel and Jina Kor areas of Frontier Region Peshawar. Those killed included a commander identified as Hazrat Ali and his deputy, commander Malang. Hazrat was reportedly affiliated with the TTP’s Darra Adam Khel chapter.[14]
  • On November 9, security forces killed four militants during a clearance operation in the Gharlamai area of North Waziristan. Two soldiers also died in the exchange of fire.[15]
  • On November 6, armed militants fired at a railway station, killing two railway officials in the Bakhtiarabad area of Balochistan.[16]
  • On November 7, an IED detonated on a road, partially destroying a Frontier Works Organization vehicle near the Rakshan river in Panjgur district of Balochistan. The driver of the vehicle was injured in the blast.[17]
  • On November 10, an IED detonated at a bus stand, injuring one pedestrian, in the Jacobabad area of Sindh province.[18]
why was ik against this opetation?
i bet mazakhrat would have not shown such a good result.
US drone kills six in North Waziristan

November 11, 2014 - Updated 187 PKT
From Web Edition

PESHAWAR: A US drone fired missiles in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal region on Tuesday, killing six people, official sources said.
The sources said that the latest attack took place in Data Khel area of North Waziristan Agency.
They said that the unmanned aircraft targeted a moving vehicle in the tribal area.
The sources said that some foreign militants were also among the dead and the injured.
However, it was yet to be known as to how many people got injured in the attack.

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