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Get your facts straight. 53k Pakistanis have died AFTER 2001 (when musharraf accepted to be a US dog..)

Out of those 53k,
28k were "terrorists" killed by Army/Police etc..
19k were civilians (killed by all terrorists including ttp and those target killed in karachi (mqm?) and BLA etc etc
5k+ were security forces personal killed by terrorists

so basicaly army has killed more pakistanis than all terrorists combined

It would have been OUR war if it We had NOt started it for USA (billions of dollars of CSF, bases, drones, logistics etc)..

What the hell are you on about. Do you think ttp would have not bothered with Pak had we broken ties with US completely?

They still would have done the same thing, their demands get bigger and bigger. During peace talks they said there will be no peace unless Pak introduces their savage afghan style sharia law. What type of bargain is that?

Tttp would still have burrowed in Fata, still bombed pak because they are on payroll of their foreign handlers and there is enough evidence to show there is a complete lack of logic behind their actions.

If I could rewind time I wish Pak had fully agreed with Nato and joined in the war and closed their border and buried taliban and ttp in their own homes before they got the chance to run around towns in Pak.
Get your facts straight. 53k Pakistanis have died AFTER 2001 (when musharraf accepted to be a US dog..)

Out of those 53k,
28k were "terrorists" killed by Army/Police etc..
19k were civilians (killed by all terrorists including ttp and those target killed in karachi (mqm?) and BLA etc etc
5k+ were security forces personal killed by terrorists

so basicaly army has killed more pakistanis than all terrorists combined

It would have been OUR war if it We had NOt started it for USA (billions of dollars of CSF, bases, drones, logistics etc)..

Ignorant? Maybe you havent checked the figures! Please tell me in 14 years how much has America given for our services? In billion dollars pls?

go cry in a cave with your fellow talibans :3
You know what, you're right, we are taking the US money to wage war on the innocent ttp. Absolutely, 100 percent, Pakistan army is on the US pay roll to kill all the talibs.

And I hope we get more American money to kill all the Talib fags, and their mullah lovers. Wow, that sounds good.

That sarcasm though LOL
Guhlam Khan border is sealed for the last one month :) and its been cleaned out already

Secondly the operation had been extended to even Bajaur and Khyber agencies too since many militants had shifted to Shawal so it been extended to almost entire NW and not just limited to Mir Ali.

and presence of army last about 10 years casted an impression that they are temporarily here and will moved out but permanent cantonments are need of the hour which will give sense of ownership to locals as well.

More cadet colleges are needed for FATA
NW already has already cantt like areas and there was a cadet college razmak. These cadet colleges are not for poor and have never been much helpful in boosting literacy rate in local area. Its civilian federal governament whose attention is required in FATA
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Get your facts straight. 53k Pakistanis have died AFTER 2001 (when musharraf accepted to be a US dog..)

My bad , added the terrorists causalities in there. The mere fact that terrorists have been killing Pakistanis with impunity because they consider them to be infidel bastards siding with kafirs is a good enough reason to consider this our war and fight it whole-heartedly , in the interests of self-preservation. Sounds ridiculous or far fetched? You aren't seriously hoping that we will lay down our arms and give a red-carpet welcome to people who want their cruel barbaric system in this country just because you say so or there are useful idiots/terrorist sympathizers/Mullahs in this country who want exactly that just because of presence of an Islamic pretext for their actions!

P.S. Well I have always thought that Musharraf should have chosen the other option " getting bombed back to stone age " after all that is where the purer Muslims are striving to go since a very long time.

Source was provided, check my next post after that.

Yes , a source that itself uses no source. Just opinions of a journalist.

Look for yourself here. PAKISTAN: The facts about the military operation in North Waziristan — Asian Human Rights Commission -KaharZalmay

but my contacts in the TTP
According to my sources
It is alleged
However, my sources say

The article is self-referenced!
thank you. was that difficult? I hope our army also gets some b@lls and starts saying the truth!
just chop the head of that mehsud naswari bcha baz and fazllulah londa baz hiding like a typical cowards in pushtoo we call these type of jehadi as ( Kharbachiya or Da Dammay zo )
Waziristan operation: For Ist time Pak army says bodies of 7 militants killed in Mirali today in custody of security forces, 3 soldiers dead
Via Haroon Rashid, BBC

That sarcasm though LOL

Nopes. That's a fact. He is honest at least. Sometimes go and do some research for a change. Read. Check websites of statebank, US state department.

For e.g., do you know, till Musharraf, Pakistan was Second Biggest Aid Reciepient of USA after Israel (right now its Fourth... Afghanistan and Iraq and 2nd and 3rd).

Oh, and when you run out of facts, all you can say is bla bla bla. Shows your age
Fataite logic:

TTP killing Pakistani = Sharia love

Pakistani killing TTP = US ally

You f**king morons. No wonder a whole town was a manufacturing plant for IEDs.
Oh bhai jub zi kisi cheez key baray may knowledge na ho tou na bola kar. Roza hey dimagh mat kaa

1. Cobra Gunship
2. Artillery
3. FC
4. G3
5. Tanks
6. F-16


1. AK-47
2. IEDs
3. Toyota Hi-Lux
Ignorant? Maybe you havent checked the figures! Please tell me in 14 years how much has America given for our services? In billion dollars pls?

Now its how much in 14 years? If you want to be spoke person of TTP then at least come up with logical explanation. Don't divert discussion, explain how $300 million is enough for this operation.
Waziristan operation: For Ist time Pak army says bodies of 7 militants killed in Mirali today in custody of security forces, 3 soldiers dead
Via Haroon Rashid, BBC

Nopes. That's a fact. He is honest at least. Sometimes go and do some research for a change. Read. Check websites of statebank, US state department.

For e.g., do you know, till Musharraf, Pakistan was Second Biggest Aid Reciepient of USA after Israel (right now its Fourth... Afghanistan and Iraq and 2nd and 3rd).

Oh, and when you run out of facts, all you can say is bla bla bla. Shows your age

Babajess if you bother to check Aid Distribution file on US state department website, of all the aid that has been provided, 50 percent went to Civilian administration.
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