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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?


Sep 15, 2009
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Zarb e AZB (Asif Zardari-Bhutto) adventure failure to be put on Nawaz Sharif just like Kargil adventure was planned for failure by Musharraf's group.
Reminds me of Operation Taharat to cleanse Heera Mandi by Gen Zia. Result they relocated all over the city. LOL
only one thing make him agree if he goes against operation than his will loss his political ground. so this retard now become agree half halfheartedly other wise he is not with army.
This so called retard warned you not to enter in Tribal areas in 2003 other wise Pakistan will get stuck but slave of USA muhsarraf was too arrogant to listen and to busy in serving his masters and USA and from that day on peace situation has gotten destroyed and the thing which started the problem will never solve it but some are too lame to understand this so let operation take place after an year every body will know nothing has improved
@Zarvan, will you let us discuss this operation in peace? What you have been saying over many dozens of posts on this thread has no DIRECT bearing on this operation. Start another thread and let me know - something like 'political and religious aspects of Operation.....' or something like that. It would be well worth a discussion.

Please stop these tangents that you have been throwing up on this thread.

How do YOU know that it will fail?
It would fail because clearing an area is not issue in that aspect state will succeed but this will not even decrease terrorism by 40 % that pretty much Armed Forces even know Sir

I know his good advise :lol: one and only peace talks :rofl:
And what if in the end you again end up doing talks to solve the issue because you realize an year later the problem is still their and not weaken much than what other option you will have ?
It would fail because clearing an area is not issue in that aspect state will succeed but this will not even decrease terrorism by 40 % that pretty much Armed Forces even know Sir

And what if in the end you again end up doing talks to solve the issue because you realize an year later the problem is still their and not weaken much than what other option you will have ?
That question was not aimed at you Zarvan. I wanted @r2t2 to answer it. How does he know it is going to fail?

Discretion is a great art Zarvan.
It would fail because clearing an area is not issue in that aspect state will succeed but this will not even decrease terrorism by 40 % that pretty much Armed Forces even know Sir

And what if in the end you again end up doing talks to solve the issue because you realize an year later the problem is still their and not weaken much than what other option you will have ?

So what is your solution? Continue to let these animals kill innocent Pakistanis in airports and others places?

the peace scam obviously didn't work
This so called retard warned you not to enter in Tribal areas in 2003 other wise Pakistan will get stuck but slave of USA muhsarraf was too arrogant to listen and to busy in serving his masters and USA and from that day on peace situation has gotten destroyed and the thing which started the problem will never solve it but some are too lame to understand this so let operation take place after an year every body will know nothing has improved
Musharraf would have been eliminated these terrorists in his regime but retarded imran khan / nawaz sharif and mullah brigade started wukla gardi and disturbed him to serving for country. now these so called politicians have reached the same conclusion that army operation is the only way to getting rid of this menace.

And what if in the end you again end up doing talks to solve the issue because you realize an year later the problem is still their and not weaken much than what other option you will have ?

After operation we will have upper hand on terrorists. we must conduct talks but at our conditions.
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So what is your solution? Continue to let these animals kill innocent Pakistanis in airports and others places?

the peace scam obviously didn't work
Even this operation will also not work Sir because of your talks you were able to break groups still you can break more groups but with that state also needs to start work on implementation of Islam and than those groups which are left behind use local triblas to wipe them out

Musharraf would have been eliminated these terrorists in his regime but retarded imran khan / nawaz sharif and mullah brigade started wukla gardi and disturbed him to serving for country. now these so called politicians have reached the same conclusion that army operation is the only way to getting rid of this menace.

After operation we will have upper hand on terrorists. we must conduct talks but at our conditions.
Yes I have been listening this after every operation and after few months they prove who has the upper hand so stop this crap
Even this operation will also not work Sir because of your talks you were able to break groups still you can break more groups but with that state also needs to start work on implementation of Islam and than those groups which are left behind use local triblas to wipe them out

Yes I have been listening this after every operation and after few months they prove who has the upper hand so stop this crap

I agree that Islam must be implemented, but is that the reason the TTP are fighting the state?

Does hindu India fund TTP because Pakistan hasn't implemented Islam?

Though this operation may not be perfect, it is simply the only option left to anniliate the TTP
Yes I have been listening this after every operation and after few months they prove who has the upper hand so stop this crap
Almost all operation were successful but this is first operation which is being done in their epicenter. After this action they all will be butchered by our army.
I agree that Islam must be implemented, but is that the reason the TTP are fighting the state?

Does hindu India fund TTP because Pakistan hasn't implemented Islam?

Though this operation may not be perfect, it is simply the only option left to anniliate the TTP
One of the major reason they get support you end it you end most groups than you compensate those who are fighting for revenge than only those are left who are funded by RAW and Mossad than eliminate those and those who fund them
Don't make your hatred for Islam so obvious... Not all madarsahs or Islamic leaders support the TTP

it is only the saudi funded wahabis that support them

under any circumstance there is no justification to attack civilians.... so like any other country will annihilate from the source.

you are just sympathetic towards these animals because they share the same wahabi beliefs as you do, but majority of Pakistanis support the army operation and so should you
Yes true also state doesn't have any right to become partners with kufar and attack Muslims both side have done wrongs both have to show sense and end this war operation will never end this conflict its not conflict with India and Israel war will only deteriorate situation in the long run here
Military operation is a part of political strategy. Look at what/s happening in politics! IK and TUQ warming up to remove NS govt. Shailh Rashid and Chaudhry's with them. With today's unfolding events in Model town and killing of 8 and injury of more than hundred political situation moving towards meltdown. Now, every one is trying to gain from situation as to who will form next govt. Army as a group also wants to form govt for next 10 years. So, to regain public trust and emerge as heroes, this operation was launched. But my analysis is that the insurgents will melt away from NW and then start protracted hit and run operations and IED explosions all over the country, the Afghan Taliban will join them and the whole country will be in flames for the next three years. Hence, the Operation AZB (Asif Zardari-Bhutto) will fail. So, a military takeover will be required to put everything in order and for that NS will be blamed for not supporting the army and miserable government performance as well as corruption. The conclusion is MERAY AZEEM HUMWATNO!!
Yes true also state doesn't have any right to become partners with kufar and attack Muslims both side have done wrongs both have to show sense and end this war will never end this conflict its not conflict with India and Israel war will only deteriorate situation in the long run here

I think you really have no point to argue on.

due to musharraf's treacherous actions, Pakistan has and will continue to pay dearly

however, this operation has nothing to do with what Musharraf has done....

Pak army's sole responsibility is to protect the nation from all threats foreign and domestic..
even from those on this forum that support the TTP animals just because they happen to share the same aqueeda with them
An easier way out of this mess created by Musharraf having political-insurgent-military dimensions will be formation of Khilafat by the Army (as proposed under Islamic Pakistan thread by someone else). The TTP to be reconciled and recruited as Jennisary division of Army based on Ottoman model. The raison de etre for fighting between the TTP and Army/Governement will end. Objectives resolution to be implemented in letter and spirit. Islamic Constitution developed by Taqiuddin An Nabhani can serve as model. Pashtun areas in Afghanistan and Afghan Taliban will also join such a government voluntarily next year after US moves out. Look at spectacular victories of Taliban in 1996 and ISIS in Iraq this year. But this will require a serious out of the box thinking. Why go for 10 year rule when a better and long term option exists.
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