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Operation Zarb-e-Azb: Indian currency recovered from Miranshah


Aug 26, 2007
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Operation Zarb-e-Azb: Indian currency recovered from Taliban hideouts in Miranshah

Pak Warriors - Photos from Pak Warriors's post | Facebook

Pathetic excuse.

No source is necessary. Picture speaks for itself with man in uniform.


They seem to have bumped into the Counterfeit Indian currency making or storing center.

If they had found USD , what would that have meant ?

In any case what value does Indian currency have in Pakistan , it cannot even buy the bearer a loly pop.

They seem to have bumped into the Counterfeit Indian currency making or storing center.

If they had found USD , what would that have meant ?

In any case what value does Indian currency have in Pakistan , it cannot even buy the bearer a loly pop.

Lol another excuse "counterfeit"

I wonder how many more creative answers to follow. Im waiting to read them :D
I thought there is a thread exists based on this photo.... I remember posting in that thread @WebMaster

Can some one explain to me How Indian currency can be used in afghanistan or Pakistan?

They seem to have bumped into the Counterfeit Indian currency making or storing center.

If they had found USD , what would that have meant ?

In any case what value does Indian currency have in Pakistan , it cannot even buy the bearer a loly pop.


Next time u also not post any thing without source.

Your are patriotic Indian, i can understand that u Indians still think, that your government never funded for terrorism in Pakistan.
so this time as source i will ask you what u have did in Bangladesh in the name of support of Mukti Bhani.

My Unity and uncle and my whole in laws left the East Pakistan in 1971, and they are still witness that how much terrorism done by Mukti Bhani, even the Accountant of my uncles Factory was burnt in burning oil, in front of my Uncle, and how my uncle escape from that spot is a complete filmi story.

My father's friend was shoot, and left with other hundreds of deads, but he survived and still alive. If you can say i will give u the contact numbers , and ask them what u army did in East Pakistan, in the name of Moral support of Bangali People.

and for your refrence i would ask you read the famous Book of the Daughter of Subhash chander bhosh, which is written on that topic.

Indians think they are complete innocents and victims but their history shows otherwise. They will try to put back on us by bringing up irrelevant things from the past but it doesn't work.

There is much more currency discovered, this is just one image. The currency is real.

Next time u also not post any thing without source.

Your are patriotic Indian, i can understand that u Indians still think, that your government never funded for terrorism in Pakistan.
so this time as source i will ask you what u have did in Bangladesh in the name of support of Mukti Bhani.

My Unity and uncle and my whole in laws left the East Pakistan in 1971, and they are still witness that how much terrorism done by Mukti Bhani, even the Accountant of my uncles Factory was burnt in burning oil, in front of my Uncle, and how my uncle escape from that spot is a complete filmi story.

My father's friend was shoot, and left with other hundreds of deads, but he survived and still alive. If you can say i will give u the contact numbers , and ask them what u army did in East Pakistan, in the name of Moral support of Bangali People.

and for your refrence i would ask you read the famous Book of the Daughter of Subhash chander bhosh, which is written on that topic.



Not for a moment am I denying ( or accepting ) what you write. All I am saying is that nothing in this world is quite like what it looks.

There are undercurrents & reasons for everything.

No nation other than the Vatican is a saint - everyone does things to further their interests.

In my post I have offered a possible explanation to what the picture says. Tell me , can you buy anything with INR in Pak ? If not then why would I as an Indian 'agent' give INR to someone in Pak ? I'd rather give PKR or USD .

Thats all.
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