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Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

Makes me sick to me stomach to know so many brave patriots have died fighting for their country.

Not that a SF's life is worth more than a regular's but it is disheartening to learn of such high SF deaths. Points to serious structural issues within the PA and its leadership.

The SSG seems to have a disproportionaly high fatality rate for a SF. Points to some worrying signs, either serious issues with training, equipment and capability or,perhaps worse, a lack of understanding in how to use SFs in the Pakistani military.

RIP brave sons of your land.
I think many of us put too much faith in ISPR. In the end, PR firms, whether private or military, exist to artificially control the perception of their clients in the eyes of the public. In the never ending quagmire that is WoT, our losses have been so significant and so long standing that no military on earth would proudly announce the ground realities of a supposed low level insurgency. The fact that Pakistan is still struggling to wrest control of a significant part of Western Pakistan from extremists shows us far more than any ISPR news release ever could.

The losses suffered are legitimately high. But only if we keep living under the delusion that what we face against these terrorists is a minor and contained insurgency. If we accept this as the all out war that the extremist themselves claim it is, we would realize this is the price to pay for liberty and freedom moving forward. Similarly, if the military establishment truthfully advertised this conflict as the bloody struggle for the nation's survival, the ISPR would find a very sympathetic public to the loss of life suffered by our armed forces. In the end, all Pakistanis feel the pain from the suffering of our brave soldiers. It is a travesty then, that the ISPR and the like prevent the public from properly appreciating and paying respects to the loss of each and every soldier. By censoring information and limiting what the public is told, countless brave souls die without a single person in their nation grasping their sacrifice.

The loss of life, far from demoralizing the public, would further embolden us to support the troops in this very real war. The general population must be made aware of the enormous sacrifice of Pakistani soldiers. They must be given proof of how troublesome the menace of extremism is. Without that, extremist will continue to find sympathizers within our population and our soldiers will continue to die unnamed and unappreciated. The fact that we don't know each and every soldier who has died fighting courageously is almost as sad as their sacrifice.

Great post Sir. What the ISPR is doing is no travesty, but speaks more about them believing self-created fantasies about the Pakistan Army being the invincible Islamic Army than about coming to the realization that they in serious trouble due to a rag-tag group that is "out-Islamizing" them. Consider that the ISPR takes its direction from the senior leadership, and you can appreciate just how clueless we really are in dealing with this scourge. Heaven help us if we don't change.
Great post Sir. What the ISPR is doing is no travesty, but speaks more about them believing self-created fantasies about the Pakistan Army being the invincible Islamic Army than about coming to the realization that they in serious trouble due to a rag-tag group that is "out-Islamizing" them. Consider that the ISPR takes its direction from the senior leadership, and you can appreciate just how clueless we really are in dealing with this scourge. Heaven help us if we don't change.

The discrepancy that needs attention is that apart from The Dawn, no other media outlet has carried this story, even Dawn hasn't followed up after initial reporting......surely if the causality figure was such specially for the SSG, the likes of ARY and Geo would be running it non stop...... i get the feeling that Dawn has reported the overall casualty figure for the last several days.
The Frontier Post reported as only one SSG soldier martyred and some injured. !!
The discrepancy that needs attention is that apart from The Dawn, no other media outlet has carried this story, even Dawn hasn't followed up after initial reporting......surely if the causality figure was such specially for the SSG, the likes of ARY and Geo would be running it non stop...... i get the feeling that Dawn has reported the overall casualty figure for the last several days.
The Frontier Post reported as only one SSG soldier martyred and some injured. !!

What the media reports regarding the Army is carefully controlled, but I agree with you that the discrepancy should be clarified by ISPR as soon as possible to end rumors.
What the media reports regarding the Army is carefully controlled, but I agree with you that the discrepancy should be clarified by ISPR as soon as possible to end rumors.

When i spoke to Major Shafiq at the ISPR earlier, he wasn't even aware of the news and asked me which paper was reporting it. !!
When i spoke to Major Shafiq at the ISPR earlier, he wasn't even aware of the news and asked me which paper was reporting it. !!

wow @Windjammer windy..phir tu dawn news k baad mujhay credit jata hai for informing you all:omghaha:
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When i spoke to Major Shafiq at the ISPR earlier, he wasn't even aware of the news and asked me which paper was reporting it. !!

I hope that his being unaware of what a major daily reported about Army casualties is not an indication of his general performance of his duties.
Interacted with some of the SSG lads on deputation to the RMC in Duntroon. Very good men and even better soldiers, deserved far better than what they received in this situation.
In morning a asked to senior ISPR officer esi news disclose kun nhi ki jate he said this is not an appropriate time ...
and i m confused he said this :confused:

@mafiya @Windjammer

The is the mentality of Faujis. All the failures are hide through for the sake of National security phrase.

When i spoke to Major Shafiq at the ISPR earlier, he wasn't even aware of the news and asked me which paper was reporting it. !!

The discrepancy that needs attention is that apart from The Dawn, no other media outlet has carried this story, even Dawn hasn't followed up after initial reporting......surely if the causality figure was such specially for the SSG, the likes of ARY and Geo would be running it non stop...... i get the feeling that Dawn has reported the overall casualty figure for the last several days.
The Frontier Post reported as only one SSG soldier martyred and some injured. !!

Just like the truth about destruction of SAAB AWAC on spot came in newspaper after 6 months ago.Even though here on this forum that news began to circulate after a week and excuses were given media didn't reported it.

This truth would be disclosed in due time also. I rest my case here with this point a person who put more faith in the newspapers and pathological liars ISPR instead of a person eyewitness account of CMH Peshawar condition and how bodies are being reconstructed there and being dispatched to respective home towns, than i can't argue further
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It feels so bad when all the drawing room commentators post their thoughts here with such criticizim on Pakistan Army. First of all its masha ALLAH a well organized disciplined army so i don't believe it needs any sort of planning advise from us. Secondly the terrain is so difficult in Tirah valley that not even drones of highest sophistication can hit pin point enemy targets. We talk about NATO and Americans course of action in Afghanistan and i believe we are in such a fool paradise that we don't even had any **** amount of stats on the way Americans are operating. They don't even have the guts to shove up their arse and go on ground to fight Afghan taliban, what they do is that they just bombard them from sky and that is the reason why that Talibans still rule more then 80% of Afghanistan. One of my bro wrote that SSG has performed bad and they are suppose to inflict heavy casualties, bro its because of SSG that the casualties are this much other wise they would have been a lot higher. Who ever says that they are not performing well ask any of the other country to come and fight here. Our young boys have given their lives for this country something that bloody none of us can do. At least respect that and support them at this stage where its needed the most. Already the bastards in our media are nothing more then pimps of these foreign powers are playing their paid role of criticizing the army, atleast we should back our brave army.
We commend and congratulate the Pakistani Military for their decisive action against the terrorists who have driven thousands of peace loving people from the Tirah Valley. The WOT has cost us thousands of lives, but it is shared will and desire to defeat terrorism that keeps us moving forward. Our hearts go out to the family of the martyred soldiers. We all know how important it is to eliminate these terrorists who have been creating havoc with the lives and properties of the innocent civilians in the region. It is our common interest to rid the region of these goons whose evil agendas had put the whole region at risk. People have been fed up of their ruthless tactics. It is time the region return to peace, so displace people can go back to their homes and rebuild their lives in peace and prosperity.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Latest Update from Dawn:

Updated at 10:25Pm PST

Tirah valley battle intensifies as fight for key heights continue

PESHAWAR: The battle for key heights in Tirah valley intensified on Monday as Jet fighters and gunship helicopters pounded militant positions.

Military sources told Dawn.com that they have reports 30 security forces have so far been killed along with 97 militants.

Scores of militants have reportedly been killed in the strikes backed by artillery and mortar fire as ground troops also started advancing on militant hideouts.

Though the exact number of casualties in the clashes are not known, reports coming in from Tirah valley suggest the death toll on both sides is very high as the security forces take on Lashkar-i-Islam (LI) militants in Akakhel area.

Security forces also claim that LI and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) posts in Maidan, Akakhel and Bagh have been overrun and that a fierce battle is still continuing.

“The militants have been putting up a stiff resistance in the last two days, ever since the offensive was launched on Friday,” security forces stated.

The TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan speaking to Dawn.com, confirmed that the LI is fighting the security forces, but also said that TTP fighters are not involved at the moment. However he did say that the TTP would support the LI when needed.

Ehsanullah Ehsan added they had reports that five LI activists, including a key commander, had been killed.

The TTP spokesman said some fighters have also been injured but did know the exact number of casualties, which are said to be high.

The Tirah valley operation has been planned for many months after authorities felt that militants were consolidating their positions there and that an offensive was needed to root them out.

Due to the area being inaccessible, the exact death toll could not be verified from independent sources. The media have had to rely mostly on local sources, military and claims made by the militants.

Tirah valley battle intensifies as fight for key heights continue | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
@Windjammer @TaimiKhan @mafiya
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