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Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

May there souls rest in peace!
but what our government and army doing? fighting american's war at expense of their own innocent people and brave armymen. it's time to get rid off these casualities by saying "NO MORE" to america and bring the so called TERRORISTs to table of talk so that our upcoming years may be peaceful.
3 troops, 30 militants killed in Tirah

PESHAWAR: At least 23 troops are reportedly killed and many other injured in a fierce clash between Tliban and the security forces during as a result of a crucial military offensive was launched in the restive Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency. More than 30 militants are also told to have been killed in the operation.
Local and official sources told The Frontier Post that after the massive displacement from Tirah Valley, the security forces have launched a full fledge military offensive with SSG and local Amn Lashkar volunteers along side the security forces to root out the strong bases of banned out fit of TTP from the restive valley.
The TTP has captured almost the whole of the valley after they conducted fierce fighting with the Ansarul Islam (AI) during the last month.
Sources also confirmed that several SSG men also died in the clashes.
"The forces are backed by gunship and jet planes," official said on the condition of anonymity adding that the forces were quite near to seize the area completely.
Sources also told that the security forces are properly backed by the SSG and the local tribesmen as volunteers who are more familiar with the complicated ways of the hilly area of Tirah.
The FC media cell had confirmed on Friday that four soldiers were killed and over 14 militants had died in the clashes which have been continuing since then.
A dead body of an SSG commando and six injured SSG soldiers along with eight other solders were seen in Peshawar shifted to CMH on Sunday.
It is to be mentioned here that more than ten thousand families have been migrated from the restive valley in the aftermath of the clashes between TTP and AI. According to the reports pouring in from the area since than, scores of local tribesmen, women and children have also been killed in the fighting between the two banned outfits. Some of the experts are also of the opinion that Tirah Valley has becoming a strong hold for TTP and Militants of Darra Adam Khel who are shifting to the restive valley as they see it more safe than any other place in the KP and the adjacent tribal areas.
Meanwhile security forces have revoked the assault of militants over a post in Bara Shiekhan on Sunday. Sources told that a group of militants attacked a security post in Bara Shiekhan with automatic weapons and sniper guns but the security forces revoked the attack. No life loss was reported in the incident.

Heading claims 3 soliders ,but in news its 23 ...may be a typing error
May there souls rest in peace!
but what our government and army doing? fighting american's war at expense of their own innocent people and brave armymen. it's time to get rid off these casualities by saying "NO MORE" to america and bring the so called TERRORISTs to table of talk so that our upcoming years may be peaceful.

What if these terrorist demand they be handed over the nation itself, so they can rule like the taliban did ?...will you talk to them then ?....talking with terrorist is a waste of time. They will only regroup.
Taliban (afghanis not PTT) were ruling in afghanistan acording the islamic laws that what all muslim world need. so no worry if they demand to rule the whole muslim nation
Taliban (afghanis not PTT) were ruling in afghanistan acording the islamic laws that what all muslim world need. so no worry if they demand to rule the whole muslim nation

Are you sure you would want to live under those rules? First thing they did when they came to power in afgh was to ban women's education. Girls couldn't go to school, couldn't work, even the ones who had a PHD. That's just one example of how horrible their rule was. Are you really batting for such a system? Would you want to live in a country where music, sports, science, anything that ennobles the human spirit is banned?

People support anything horrible if the name of their religion is attached to it.
taliban are muslims but ptt created by cia raw and mosad have to do nothing with islam they never want muslim to be peaceful. government should talk with those taliban who want peace not with those who work on internal agencies agenda
Can someone plz tell me, IS it normal for Special forces to operate along side regular troops ..

Because if i remember correctly... PA used SSG along Regular troops in kargil as well .. I have never heard any other Army operating their Spec Forces like normal infantry men ....

Haven't you heard about the Indian army?
taliban are muslims but ptt created by cia raw and mosad have to do nothing with islam they never want muslim to be peaceful. government should talk with those taliban who want peace not with those who work on internal agencies agenda

Yeah you guys need talk when they have you by the b**** dont you ? Still harping on cia mossad raw line ? :hitwall:
May there souls rest in peace!
but what our government and army doing? fighting american's war at expense of their own innocent people and brave armymen. it's time to get rid off these casualities by saying "NO MORE" to america and bring the so called TERRORISTs to table of talk so that our upcoming years may be peaceful.

Why on earth are so many Pakistanis so eager to surrender? What will you negotiate on? They want to take everything from you & you are willing to sit down & negotiate? How much are you willing to surrender of your life?

You have no choice here. You can either fight for your country or surrender it. Negotiations mean nothing to them(TTP & others), only a chance to regroup & push their demands once again. You are on a slippery slope and they will show you no mercy. Either deal with them militarily however hard it is or see you country ceded to them inch by inch.
Why on earth are so many Pakistanis so eager to surrender? What will you negotiate on? They want to take everything from you & you are willing to sit down & negotiate? How much are you willing to surrender of your life?

You have no choice here. You can either fight for your country or surrender it. Negotiations mean nothing to them(TTP & others), only a chance to regroup & push their demands once again. You are on a slippery slope and they will show you no mercy. Either deal with them militarily however hard it is or see you country ceded to them inch by inch.

It is understandable. It's a cost effective way to end the situation. A lot of Areas of Pakistan are under tribal rule anyway. It would be no different if these militants are given a piece of their valley to self govern.

Conventional militaries always fail against insurgencies. And both sides are muslim, the army will not feel comfortable fighting their own people.
Just spoken to, Major Muhammad Shafiq Malik at the ISPR.

Seems either DAWN has cooked up or is confusing the figure with some other operation elsewhere, for the Major said that the ISPR is not aware of any such operation or casualties else it would have given out a press release. !!
Are you sure you would want to live under those rules? First thing they did when they came to power in afgh was to ban women's education. Girls couldn't go to school, couldn't work, even the ones who had a PHD. That's just one example of how horrible their rule was. Are you really batting for such a system? Would you want to live in a country where music, sports, science, anything that ennobles the human spirit is banned?

People support anything horrible if the name of their religion is attached to it.

Why on earth are so many Pakistanis so eager to surrender? What will you negotiate on? They want to take everything from you & you are willing to sit down & negotiate? How much are you willing to surrender of your life?

You have no choice here. You can either fight for your country or surrender it. Negotiations mean nothing to them(TTP & others), only a chance to regroup & push their demands once again. You are on a slippery slope and they will show you no mercy. Either deal with them militarily however hard it is or see you country ceded to them inch by inch.

Don't derail the topic, want to discuss the political and social influences of this war open another thread. We are discussing the tactical side of war here and the failure of our planners who don't care about soldiers. So please spare this holy crap

Just spoken to, Major Muhammad Shafiq Malik at the ISPR.

Seems either DAWN has cooked up or is confusing the figure with some other operation elsewhere, for the Major said that the ISPR is not aware of any such operation or casualties else it would have given out a press release. !!

@nuclearpak showed you the coffin of major that got shaheed. if you still gonna believe that lanti ISPR who disowning the deaths of their own soldiers. Then Good Luck.
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It is understandable. It's a cost effective way to end the situation. A lot of Areas of Pakistan are under tribal rule anyway. It would be no different if these militants are given a piece of their valley to self govern.

Conventional militaries always fail against insurgencies. And both sides are muslim, the army will not feel comfortable fighting their own people.

Then Saudi Arabia or Iran can simply Invade Pakistan....you just gave a No objection certificate. :hitwall:
It is understandable. It's a cost effective way to end the situation. A lot of Areas of Pakistan are under tribal rule anyway. It would be no different if these militants are given a piece of their valley to self govern.

They are no longer interested in just that piece of territory, they want to take over the whole country. In any case if Pakistan does what you suggest, what will be the outcome if a significant terrorist operation is carried out in Europe or the States from within that area?

Conventional militaries always fail against insurgencies. And both sides are muslim, the army will not feel comfortable fighting their own people.

India has managed quite well. The key to negotiations is to only to do so when you have the militants on the run & tired. Negotiating with them when they see themselves as being the army's equals is suicidal.
Just spoken to, Major Muhammad Shafiq Malik at the ISPR.

Seems either DAWN has cooked up or is confusing the figure with some other operation elsewhere, for the Major said that the ISPR is not aware of any such operation or casualties else it would have given out a press release. !!

Tell that major to to leave up his cozy seat and take his lazy bureaucratic a.s.s to Peshawar CMH to see from his own eyes which soldiers are killed and where.
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