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Iraqi army didn't 'flee' from Mosul, most of soldiers were ordered to simply leave their units. Commanders of Ninavah province ordered their troops to leave their weapons and go home,
I heard this story a lot....

If my commander orders me to go home...i won't get naked in the street and run.

I heard this story a lot....

If my commander orders me to go home...i won't get naked in the street and run.


In June 2014, between 15,000 to 30,000 Iraqi troops were stationed in Ninevah province. I hope you understand that 2 pictures don't exactly show anything.

Mind you, when ISIS captured Mosul, some small number of soldiers were still in area, some fled and some tried to flee by changing their clothes, while having no access to any commander or higher authority as they had already sold them.
In June 2014, between 15,000 to 30,000 Iraqi troops were stationed in Ninevah province. I hope you understand that 2 pictures don't exactly show anything.

Mind you, when ISIS captured Mosul, some small number of soldiers were still in area, some fled and some tried to flee by changing their clothes, while having no access to any commander or higher authority as they had already sold them.
so what about Fallujah who has fallen to ISIS months before Mosul?

And what about Ramadi who was taken by IS months after the loss of Tikrit?

What about Tikrit? Jalawla? Saadiya? Yusufiya? Muqdadiya? Baiji? Tel Aafar? Sinjar?

Did all the ISF divisions there get orders to flee?
peshmerga are the greatest allies of the US in Iraq, never forget this.

You are finished

your kerbala people have been bounded for more than 20 years
so what about Fallujah who has fallen to ISIS months before Mosul?

Fallujah is a different story, it's perhaps the most terrorist-nurturing city in the world. Many of its population support ISIS/AQ and extremists. Even US had a very tough job in Fallujah and failed to take the city after first huge attack in 2004.

And what about Ramadi who was taken by IS months after the loss of Tikrit?
Ramadi didn't fall in a day like Mosul and Tikrit. It fell after 2 months of intense urban warfare. ISIS literally used tens of VBIEDs and all kinds of suicide operations. Hundreds of ISIS terrorists were killed before the city fell, and those resisting inside the city were mostly a small group of Iraqi special forces, the golden division which inflicted heavy losses on ISIS before retreating from city. Not defending the performance in Ramadi, but it is a different story from Mosul, Tikrit.

What about Tikrit? Jalawla? Saadiya? Yusufiya? Muqdadiya? Baiji? Tel Aafar? Sinjar?

All of these you mentioned fell with Mosul in ISIS blitzkrieg of June 2014.

peshmerga are the greatest allies of the US in Iraq, never forget this.
So what?

You are finished
Give it to the Russians! They will finish the job in few weeks.

A Russian carrier group consisted of 8 vessels is moving towards Syria from the Barents Sea... This way they will finish it not in weeks but in days! :D
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