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Operation Mosul- Updates & Discussions

Iran will dictate to her puppets in Baghdad not to agree to this idea.

I think US has same mentality with Iran BUT, They just dont take responsibility by giving this speech, so Iraq and Iran will do again what they have in their mind.
Finally US accept Turkey for Mosul operation
Turkey must participate in #MosulOffensive, U.S. Defense secretary Ashton Carter says.


US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said he would stress the need to respect Iraq's sovereignty during a visit on Friday to Turkey, which has been locked in a dispute with Baghdad over who should participate in the campaign to retake Mosul from ISIS.

Carter, acknowledging it was a delicate issue, declined to explicitly say whether he thought Turkey should be allowed to participate in the operations in Iraq. Washington in the past has deferred that matter to Baghdad.

"Of course we'll talk about that. And yes, of course there are sensitivities there. We conduct ourselves, and the coalition does, respecting Iraqi sovereignty. That's an important principle of ours," Carter said.


Anyone found his exact words about Turkey's participation in Mosul operation ?
30.000 armed people 36 countries so called fighting against Daesh in Iraq but Daesh now about to control another big OIL city Kirkuk that has sunni population. Iraqi government intentionally allows Daesh to do that because after that they will send their Shia militants to take the city from Daesh and massacre the sunni civilians to make city become a Shia city. Same game the coalition powers played in Syria. They allowed Daesh to occupy sunni cities then US supported Pkk-Pyd terrorists take the city from Daesh and exiled the public. And US showed Pkk- Pyd terrorists as the heroes who fight Daesh. That is an evil plan for ethnic cleanse and we have spent 25 billion dollars official and unofficial money for these refugees to save them by hosting in our country. Daesh's main weapons came from the US army by Iraqi army leaving the Mosul to Daesh with the biggest military base, with all the weapons in it. They didn't even fight back to Daesh because that was the order they received. It was the biggest legal looking illegal weapon transfer to Daesh. The world can sit and watch all these but we know that there will be a judgement day for all these evil actions to be punished.
30.000 armed people 36 countries so called fighting against Daesh in Iraq but Daesh now about to control another big OIL city Kirkuk that has sunni population. Iraqi government intentionally allows Daesh to do that because after that they will send their Shia militants to take the city from Daesh and massacre the sunni civilians to make city become a Shia city. Same game the coalition powers played in Syria. They allowed Daesh to occupy sunni cities then US supported Pkk-Pyd terrorists take the city from Daesh and exiled the public. And US showed Pkk- Pyd terrorists as the heroes who fight Daesh. That is an evil plan for ethnic cleanse and we have spent 25 billion dollars official and unofficial money for these refugees to save them by hosting in our country. Daesh's main weapons came from the US army by Iraqi army leaving the Mosul to Daesh with the biggest military base, with all the weapons in it. They didn't even fight back to Daesh because that was the order they received. It was the biggest legal looking illegal weapon transfer to Daesh. The world can sit and watch all these but we know that there will be a judgement day for all these evil actions to be punished.
Isis is the carrot and the rabbits are ypg and those shiites that want to get rid of sunnis. We have seen how isis was freely allowed to relocate to other and enter cities. Foremost the US is playing a dirty divide and conquer game. Without isis, the ypg and those shiites couldn't justify their actions. The game being played is becoming way too clear. Even Barzani has expanded its territory a lot thanks to the disguise of fighting isis.

And the biggest tragical joke is, all of this is likely unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. Once isis is done, the Iraqi govt, KRG, anti-Barzani Kurdish factions and/or the pkk/ypg will sooner or later start quarreling over territory and influence. If sectarian games will continue to be played, there won't be Iraq anymore and if that happens, our state better don't make mistakes anymore.
Isis is the carrot and the rabbits are ypg and those shiites that want to get rid of sunnis. We have seen how isis was freely allowed to relocate to other and enter cities. Foremost the US is playing a dirty divide and conquer game. Without isis, the ypg and those shiites couldn't justify their actions. The game being played is becoming way too clear. Even Barzani has expanded its territory a lot thanks to the disguise of fighting isis.

And the biggest tragical joke is, all of this is likely unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. Once isis is done, the Iraqi govt, KRG, anti-Barzani Kurdish factions and/or the pkk/ypg will sooner or later start quarreling over territory and influence. If sectarian games will continue to be played, there won't be Iraq anymore and if that happens, our state better don't make mistakes anymore.

Actually shiites just a tool for dream of Persian empire of Iran, Iranian government has nothing to do with Islam or Shiism. Thus they spread Shiism, make sectarian wars then capture the areas for realize of their fascist dreams. Those actions have supported by US or others countries for making Muslims more weak.

Imagine Muslim countries have be weakened, people die who can be resist against invaders, all cities and historical places are destroyed then those areas will be lead by small and weak authorities who can be serve strong countries like US. Then Iran will be easy prey for US or another country because of their corrupted system and leaders.

Look at the Iraqi govenment which working with Iran all they are citizen of UK

As a Turkey we have to be cleaver and acting equal all sides like Shiites Sunnis etc. Just we can stopping this sectarians and proxy wars at ME
Either Iraqi and Kurdish militas are unbelievable incompetent or ISIS is some next level ninja group. How could they loose Kirkuk for a second time?
Either Iraqi and Kurdish militas are unbelievable incompetent or ISIS is some next level ninja group. How could they loose Kirkuk for a second time?

Amazing really, ISIS infiltrated Kirkuk with around 50 fighters and now there are reports that Peshmerga is fleeing the city.
Either Iraqi and Kurdish militas are unbelievable incompetent or ISIS is some next level ninja group. How could they loose Kirkuk for a second time?

Apparently ISIS killed Turkmeneli TV reporters and also the nephew of Turkmen Leader :angry:

Peshmerga and their families are already fleeing the city as far as i heard.

Also a US airstrike on a funeral killed 25 Turkmens.

Both Erdoğan's *allies*

Erdoğan'ın barzaniye sattığı topraklarımız, şimdi gelmiş Musul'dan bahsediyor.
Hala gelmiş Mısaki Milli diye zırvalıyor o kadar sene soydaşlarımız ile ilgilenen olmadı, bugün bir daha gördük ki oradaki Türkmenler yalnız ve birkez daha kıyıma uğradılar.

Misakı Milli'yi o sünni arap kardeşleriyle yapıcak.
They should really cut it out. Just stop mentioning joining the Mosul offensive, stop embarrassing yourself more for god's sake.
Either Iraqi and Kurdish militas are unbelievable incompetent or ISIS is some next level ninja group. How could they loose Kirkuk for a second time?

Little bit of both. Peshmerga are indeed the best what Iraq has, but far cry from serious military force by any higher standard.
And ISIS is no some rag-tag militia. Remember former high ranking officers of Sadams elite units & Inteligence were behind its creation. The ppl who run Sadams security apparatus - which was no joke.
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