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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

the only two that were giving unbiased status of the op-decisive are Daneshmand and Hazzy (his old pseudo), who is unfortunately banned or not participating...

You should add your name to that list. I just post time to time, not that regularly.

Can anyone give the updated status as of now? Sorry folks not been following due to busy schedule....
@Ceylal @Daneshmand

Not much of an update. Houthis have taken over almost all Yemen. At least the parts that count. Saudis are dropping bombs in desert. There is already nothing in that country to destroy. It is a classic stalemate, favoring forces on the ground which are Houthis.
Where are their men?

In Saudi Arabia? :rofl:

Actually, it was Hadi who crushed South Yemen resistance in the early 1990s. Hadi is a traitor of South Yemen. He defected to North Yemen in 1986 and served under Saleh. No one in Aden likes Hadi. In Aden there are only separatists who wish to restore South Yemen.

South Yemen headscarf :lol:

Casualties in 20 days:
Huthis: 700+
Saudi: 4

Hmm.. Very poor training..

700 ... !? Based on what ? , Why not 2000 or 1000 or 673 ? where did this number come from ?

Houthis do not have manpower problem and with more than 1200000 armed forces leave alone new generations I doubt sacrificing hundreds fr taking the country matters , what matters is that when Aden falls and those pro Hadi and Al Qaeda forces are slaughtered , no God damn Army can do anything against them and Saudis will have a nightmare next to their bed while their trade route is controlled by Rafida Shias in Hormoz and Bab Al Mandeb .

This is why Saudis are desperately grabbing everyone's' ball or bribing them to help them stop this .

By the way , Houthis are fighting a war that no Arab army has balls to enter otherwise they should prepare 26000 more coffins like those stupid Egyptians who are going o make the same mistake again when they're country is in chaos .
The war no based on who killing more this is major mistake who many people do.

The Saudis no take a single square meter and after many air strikes they are no able to stopped the Houthis advance, so in the military reality they just failed

They can claim killed 492389342892348324823423843428 Houthis but they cant capture a single Held Houthi town they are just so fucking scared to put their foots on battlefield.
Hadi: A hollow president whose masters in Riyadh are killing us | Middle East


The self-exiled Yemeni president supports a Saudi-led bombing campaign that is destroying the country that he betrayed and then fled

My country, Yemen, is under attack by an autocratic monarchy whose campaign of airstrikes is fuelled by a desire for regional domination. The nine Arab states currently bombing Yemen with the aim of restoring Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi as president are headed by Saudi Arabia, an oil-rich kingdom that lashes activists for tweeting and imprisons women for driving.

The airstrikes they launched last month are crippling Yemen. Airports, bridges, wheat silos, power plants, gas stations, food trucks, schools, a football field, and a camp for the displaced have all been hit. Hundreds of people have been killed, including women and children. And an air and naval blockade has brought the economy to its knees.

Reading the op-ed published in the New York Times on Monday by Hadi, it is hard to tell if he is talking about the same country. Perhaps this is because he abandoned Yemen last month and fled to Saudi Arabia. His masters in Riyadh command Yemen’s skies but have no grasp of what is happening on the ground. The column speaks to his desperate lack of leadership: with Yemen facing its most grave crisis in decades Hadi did not address his own people, he wrote to America.

Accusing the Houthis of being “backed by Iran” and of “committing acts of aggression”, Hadi made several references to the people of Yemen. But who are the Yemeni people Hadi is talking about? If they are behind him, as he says, would he be fleeing from one place to another like a criminal?

And where is this Iran Hadi speaks of? Here in Yemen we only see American drones and now foreign war planes destroying our country. Has Iran ever attacked Yemen? Sent troops? Bombed Yemeni factories? Ask a Yemeni what Hadi achieved during his two years in office and the answer will invariably be the same: nothing. Instead of building institutions, Hadi allowed the government to rot, the old regime to resurface, and his allies to loot what remained of the country’s resources.

A hollow president, Hadi has called on foreign powers to do his fighting for him, destroying Yemen’s infrastructure and army in the process. In 1994, when civil war broke out between north and south Yemen, Hadi betrayed his fellow southerners and fought alongside former president Ali Abdullah Saleh in the north. On 25 March 2015 when he fled to Riyadh, Hadi betrayed the entire country.

In contrast to Hadi, the Houthis, a politically ambitious movement from north Yemen, have decided to fulfil the goals of the 2011 revolution and deliver on their promises: removing and bringing corrupt criminals to justice, stopping US drone strikes and forming a new government. At the same time they have continued fighting Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), a violent group that flourished under the rule of Saleh.

As a movement led by Abdulmalik al-Houthi, a man in his early thirties, the Houthis have gained popular support among young people. In al-Houthi’s calls for a new Yemen, people see a way to turn the failed 2011 revolution into a successful example for change.

Looking at the failed "Arab spring" in Syria and Libya, the Houthis succeeded in providing public services and security in areas they controlled. Most Yemeni cities, including the capital Sanaa, have barely any electricity. People have to buy water privately and use generators to provide their business and home with electricity. In Houthi-controlled areas, electricity is provided by generators which are funded and built by the people. According to the Ministry of Interior, the Houthis’ stronghold of Sadaa has the lowest crime rates and some of the highest tax revenues in Yemen.

With wars raging in Libya, Iraq and Syria and terrorist groups declaring their own states, Yemen has been a different story with AQAP losing control of the towns of al-Jowf, Arhab, Ibb, Radaa as well as Bayda city.

Many people in Yemen believe the US is at least partly to blame for the failure of the Arab spring. Especially in Syria and Libya, America’s allies - Qatar and Saudi Arabia - have funded terrorist groups with the aim of destroying armies and infrastructure and crushing hope for change. The Houthis are here to turn this counter-revolution around so that the demands of 2011 can finally be realised.
google = "Template:Yemen Insurgency detailed map wiki" for see general map
Iran's peace initiative isn't that complicated,

"Mr. Zarif proposed a four-point plan to resolve the crisis in Yemen. It included a cease-fire, humanitarian assistance, a dialogue among local factions, and an agreement by regional and other powers that the country should have “a broad-based government friendly to all its neighbors.”"

Some people are claiming that Iran is asking for peace now because Houthis are losing. This is an illogical argument. If Iran was encouraging war a month back and now changed their mind, that would make it a probably claim. But there has been no changes in Iran's stance since day 1.
I find it really funny how the iranians are running from pillar to post to hell crying, calling the Saudi campaign every name in the book. While shamelessly aiding bashar and assisting him in killing the Syrians.

so what Arab mighty coalition army achieved till now !? destroying Yemen !? killing women and children !? or flexing muscle for Iran !?

Some people are claiming that Iran is asking for peace now because Houthis are losing. This is an illogical argument. If Iran was encouraging war a month back and now changed their mind, that would make it a probably claim. But there has been no changes in Iran's stance since day 1.

they said first lie "Yemeni are Iran militia " and they had no choice to say other lies .... so don't take them seriously ...

I find it really funny how the iranians are running from pillar to post to hell crying, calling the Saudi campaign every name in the book. While shamelessly aiding bashar and assisting him in killing the Syrians.

we are not the one who is bashing others for not fighting for us !!!
Please kill each other, these guys deserve nothing better. While the enemies consider Shi'ites and Sunnis one and the same, i.e. terror monkeys.

Pathetic. Glad our parliament listened to the people for once. Let's hope N league delegation doesn't succumb to power.
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