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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Well for a start it has achieved what the Iranians would not agree to a month back.
None in Iran called the Houris to come to table ( or better say abide by the table decisions )when they were taking province after province just a month back.

Why do you think Houthis were successful? By having dialogues with different parties in Yemen. Houthis never refused dialogues. There was talks back in Jan & Feb between different parties, and before then.

This is from February,
"Houthi leaders have been trying to reach an accord with other factions on a new political trajectory ever since. They first held bilateral talks before Houthi leader Abdul Malik Al Houthi called a three-day conference starting last Friday at an indoor sports stadium in San’a. When that term expired, the Houthis extended it and issued their Wednesday ultimatum."
Yes there were talks and after every meeting they would come out to break what was agreed in that meeting and the last meeting they participated in had Hadi in the chair ,
Only problem was the president was chairing a meeting being under house arrest.

So, you agree there were talks. Meaning that strikes did not change from no-talks to a situation where there is talks.
Yes fully agreed
They were talking to a president whom they had put under house arrest.
and Now they have to talk to someone who is not.

This may seem to be a miniscule difference to u but i never blame the persian jews to overlook facts.

Persian Jews? That's a new one!
Infact quite old
Abdullah bin Saba followers must not belittle the actual father of Shiasm.

I don't think you understanding that calling me a Persian Jew isn't as insulting to me as you think. It's like calling me a Farsi Christian or a Kurdish Buddha or an Azari Scientologist. This isn't my label, but if it was, I wouldn't feel offended either.
How can any Iranian be offended by Truth . Infact how can a Jew be offended by calling him a Jew.
But i have to admit , living in the land of Wilayat-faqih , it is hard to accept the facts

As I said, I'm not offended at being called Jew, Shia, Sunni, Zoroastrian, Christian, Hindu, or Buddhist.

I'm also not offended not offended by being called Persian, Azari, Turk, Armanian, Lur, Baluchi, Kurd, or Afghani.

The label might not be accurate, but none of these is a term of negativity for me to be insulted by it. If you think calling someone a "Persian Jew" is an insult, then that says more about you, than it does about me.

Student group returns from Yemen - The Hindu
The dozen-odd students from Malappuram and Kannur districts who arrived at the Karipur airport were received by NoRKA officials.
A group of Malayali students returned from Yemen on Monday. The dozen-odd students from Malappuram and Kannur districts who arrived at the Karipur airport were received by Non-Resident Keralites Affairs (NoRKA) officials.

Former students of the Madin Academy here, they had been studying at Darul Mustafa Islamic University, Tarim, for the past one year. They said the university conducted their exams early and allowed them to go home in view of impending clashes in Hadhramaut. The student group went to Salala in Oman, and from where they took a flight to Karipur. Madin School of Quran director Aboobacker Saqafi received the students at the airport.
ROFL sure, you do know that Yemen and Yemeni sources are written in Arabic not Farsi or French right?:omghaha:
My Arabic is better than yours...don't kid yourself..:cheers:

Well,our soldiers did the same,that doesn't mean they aren't professional.


That the reason, you resemble the Sauds...You haven't won a war yet...how can french forces be the norm or the standard!
That the reason, you resemble the Sauds...You haven't won a war yet...how can french forces be the norm or the standard!

Look at the recent operations then talk about that.....
Our soldiers are very professional,and because they carry their Famas doesn't mean they are professional. (Just like the Saudis,how can you claim they aren't professional,so are your soldiers ?)
You should clean up your country that is still full of men of AQMI,and did you win a war ? The last time i checked the Moroccan spanked you so hard that now you're funding a terrorist group that fought Morocco instead of you... haha pathetic,maybe your soldiers are better at killing their own people instead of fighting men with AKs.
I won't waste my time with an idiot like you,don't quote me again.
Look at the recent operations then talk about that.....
Our soldiers are very professional,and because they carry their Famas doesn't mean they are professional. (Just like the Saudis,how can you claim they aren't professional,so are your soldiers ?)
Be careful, we may have to come and save France again like we did in the past..

You should clean up your country that is still full of men of AQMI,and did you win a war ? The last time i checked the Moroccan spanked you so hard that now you're funding a terrorist group that fought Morocco instead of you... haha pathetic,maybe your soldiers are better at killing their own people instead of fighting men with AKs.
Bla bla bla..only french smicar that spend their time molesting Moroccan children, believe that Morocco spanked us...Just in 2008 we released over 2000 of their prisoners, not counting the one who were detained by the Polisario..
I won't waste my time with an idiot like you,don't quote me again.
Etoui Mr. imbecile...your are in good company with the Sauds..hope they feel sorry for you and buy a french baguette or two...But for the time being with all your courbettes and shoeshine and @ss kissing, they haven't open their purse to you. They know that France is a cheap street harlot...not to trust..
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Apr 14, 2015, SPA -- Brig. Gen. Ahmed bin Hasan Asiri, Consultant at the Minister of Defense's Office and Spokesman of the Coalition Forces, lauded the steps taken by a number of brigade commanders of the Yemeni army to re-join the army ranks, citing the armored brigade 315, brigade 111, brigade border guard 11 who, finally, perceived responsibility towards Yemen and its people, reiterating his call for the rest of the brigades and units to follow suit and come back the way they have come from.

In his daily press briefing held today at Riyadh Airbase, Asiri said that the relief works continue to proceed at a good rate, noting that the coming 24 hours would witness tangible relief measures on the ground to benefit Yemeni citizens.
Asiri said the coalition forces operation is going on as scheduled, focusing on preventing the Houthi militias from regrouping and reorganizing themselves or taking advantage of the military capabilities available at the military camps.
He pointed out that the coalition forces today, several times, targeted Al-Majd brigade, Al-Mass camp in Maareb, and the vocational institute in Al-Baidha.
22:17 LOCAL TIME 19:17 GMT

Brig. Asiri said that the coalition forces targeted Al-Sawdawia camp in Al-baidha'a, and Al-fardha camp in Sanaa, referring to the continued bombardment by the coalition forces of the areas of Matarah, Kattaf and Saada last night, because the Houthis militias are trying to regroup there.

He reported that the situation in Aden has not changed as the Houthi militias are still tampering within the neighborhoods of Aden and in Kaiter, Mualla and on the coastal road. He expected the decline of these operations when the militias become isolated from supply, especially with the slow movements of the militias between cities, indicating that these militias are now taking defensive positions in a desire to survive and escape with what equipment they have for fear of their destruction by the coalition forces.

With respect to land operations, Asiri pointed out that there is constant pressure around the clock in Saada and northern Yemeni border, indicating that the surveillance devices of the border guards spotted movements and gatherings of the militias near the Saudi border in an attempt to re-organize there, and the artillery of the border guards targeted yesterday more than one site in the sector of Jizan and Najran and destroyed them and work continues to prevent these militias from achieving any kind of media victory that they seek.

At the level of naval operations, Brig Asiri said that the naval assets of the coalition forces are still imposing a naval ban on the Yemeni ports and are carrying out their role in inspection of ships heading to and leaving Yemeni port to ensure that they are free of weapons and supplies smuggling operations.

23:05 LOCAL TIME 20:05 GMT

Then, Brigadier Ahmed Asiri answered reporters' questions, noting that the command of the coalition believes that the Security Council's decision to approve the Gulf draft resolution is a victory for the Yemeni people and in their interests. He stated that diplomatic and military actions are the ones that make security and peace. He added that therefore, this decision reflects the international community's realization of the seriousness of the situation in Yemen, pointing out that the international community believes that it is its responsibilities to protect Yemeni citizens in parallel with what the coalition operations are doing, and stressing that the air strikes by the coalition forces have achieved most of their objectives which were designed in the beginning.

Brigadier Asiri said that Determination Storm has specific targets dealing with a military position and not with individuals as individuals are part of the whole, and noting that the Security Council added the son of the deposed president to the individuals who will be subject to penalties in addition to his father and that there is a Security Council previous decision about him. He added that therefore, the international community is aware of the seriousness of these people to the Yemeni society, stressing that whoever hurts the Yemeni citizens and security and stability in Yemen and prevents the government from exercising its legitimate right to run the country is considered among the enemies of society and the Yemeni people and Determination Storm will get them.

The Coalition spokesman reported that the Yemeni government had officially asked a few days ago from the international community and from the countries participating in 'Determination Storm' to enforce a sea embargo on all territorial waters and ports of Yemen, so that the coalition forces have the right to visit and search at any time hoping that everyone will comply with this procedure to help the Yemeni government to enforce law and order over its territorial waters and ports to protect the Yemeni people.

Brigadier Asiri confirmed the participation of Malaysia in the Operation Determination Storm from the beginning because it is a state supportive of the security and stability of Yemen and realizes its responsibility towards the Yemeni citizens and it is in direct coordination with the coalition countries so that Yemen can go back to its previous status of stability and security.

23:06 LOCAL TIME 20:06 GMT
Be careful, we may have to come and save France again like we did in the past..

Yeah sure,it is the president En couche culotte that will call us to help him,he's coming always in our hospitals,that explain everthing.
Your country is controlled from Paris.

(La photo tirée d'un documentaire réalisé par l'Armée Française au Mali, au profit de l'émission Envoyé Spécial sur France 2 et montrant la "Guerre du Mali", a émue beaucoup d'Algériens en général et de constantinois en particulier. )
(La capture d'écran montre une femme militaire française entrain de passer une pièce à un opérateur invisible se trouvant sur un VBCI. Ce blindé portant la mention CONSTANTINE 1837 peinte en blanc à l'avant.)


Yeah sure,it is the president En couche culotte that will call us to help him,he's coming always in our hospitals,that explain everthing.
Even in his couche culotte, il se tape du cul Francais...Regarde toutes ces larves tricolores qui viennent le sucer...

Your country is controlled from Paris.
There are 7 million hard corp Algerian in France...If you talk about who control who...I think we are...

(La photo tirée d'un documentaire réalisé par l'Armée Française au Mali, au profit de l'émission Envoyé Spécial sur France 2 et montrant la "Guerre du Mali", a émue beaucoup d'Algériens en général et de constantinois en particulier. )
(La capture d'écran montre une femme militaire française entrain de passer une pièce à un opérateur invisible se trouvant sur un VBCI. Ce blindé portant la mention CONSTANTINE 1837 peinte en blanc à l'avant.)


Tu dois rever mon cher...A Constantine, c'est la ville ou ils s'en foutent le plus de la France...Tu aurais pu choisir une autre ville...:suicide::suicide:
Even in his couche culotte, il se tape du cul Francais...Regarde toutes ces larves tricolores qui viennent le sucer...

I understand why he came in our hospitals,you can't compare ours and yours.


Où ton président a été opéré.


There are 7 million hard corp Algerian in France...If you talk about who control who...I think we are...

Lol,the last time it was 10.000.000 and now 7millions ? T'es défoncé 24/24 ou quoi ? Vous n'êtes même pas 2 millions,ils doivent être contant qu'on les laisse vivre dans des HLM dégueulasses,c'est toujours 1000x mieux que le Bled. :enjoy:

Tu dois rever mon cher...A Constantine, c'est la ville ou ils s'en foutent le plus de la France...Tu aurais pu choisir une autre ville...:suicide::suicide:

I posted this pic and the legend because you guys were scaried/angry of a VBCI with Constantine 1837 on it near your borders hahahaha.

So,let's not pollute this thread.
Reuters / Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Saudi volunteers deploy at the Saudi Viva mountains at the border with Yemen, April 14, 2015. REUTERS/Faisal Al Nasser


An Egyptian military helicopter over Egypt. The country's leaders are considering joint military exercises with Saudi Arabian and other countries.(Photo: Hassan Ammar/AP)

Egypt, Saudi mull military exercise; Yemen strikes continue
CAIRO — Egypt and Saudi Arabia are mulling whether to hold a joint military exercise in the kingdom as airstrikes by a Saudi-led coalition are continuing to pound Shiite rebels in Yemen.

The airstrikes targeting Yemeni rebels known as Houthis began on March 26 in an effort to halt their power grab. Hundreds of people have been killed and over 121,000 have been displaced amid the turmoil and fighting.

The Houthis have captured Yemen's capital, Sanaa, and forced Western-backed President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to flee the country.

A statement late Tuesday from Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi's office says he held talks with Saudi Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman in Cairo about holding "a major strategic exercise" in the kingdom involving Egyptian, Saudi and other Gulf forces.
In case that isn't posted, a senior Saudi general was reportedly killed on Yemen border by Houthis (or Yemeni army) while visiting the border area, Prince Fahad bin Turki bin Abdulaziz, the one on the right:


Saudi arms mistakenly air dropped for Houthis in Shabuh province:





Thanks Saudis, but you are doing it wrong.
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