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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Right! But SA is trying to screw the Houthis who are in turn supported by Iran. Now Iran would have a foothold in KSA as the Houthis will start a campaign inside KSA soon with Iran's help.

Reminds me of Ukraine!
The Iranians have tried this several times....They once made one hell of a farce during Hajj as well ...KSA is very vigilante in this regard...They would've toppled down KSA long ago only if they could. What Iran did to Iraq, they may not be able to do it to KSA ....and there are may well-founded reasons for it !
US to give 'logistical, intelligence' support in Yemen
Washington, Mar 26, 2015, (AFP)

The United States is coordinating closely with Saudi Arabia and regional allies in the military action against Huthi rebels in Yemen, including providing intelligence and logistical support, the White House has said.
"President Obama has authorised the provision of logistical and intelligence support to GCC-led military operations," National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said in a statement yesterday, referring to the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Saudi Arabia carried out air strikes against the Huthi rebels yesterday, launching an operation by a regional coalition to save the government of embattled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi as the country teeters on the brink of civil war.

Condemning the Huthi rebels, a Shiite militia that launched a power takeover in the Yemeni capital Sanaa in February, Meehan said Washington had also been in close contact with the embattled Hadi.

US forces were not taking direct military action in Yemen, she stressed, but were "establishing a Joint Planning Cell with Saudi Arabia to coordinate US military and intelligence support."

"We strongly urge the Huthis to halt immediately their destabilising military actions and return to negotiations as part of the political dialogue," added Meehan.

"The international community has spoken clearly through the UN Security Council and in other fora that the violent takeover of Yemen by an armed faction is unacceptable and that a legitimate political transition - long sought by the Yemeni people - can be accomplished only through political negotiations and a consensus agreement among all of the parties."

Two senior US Republican senators, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, endorsed the attacks. But they also used the occasion to criticise what they called a lack of US leadership in the region.

"We understand why our Saudi and other Arab partners felt compelled to take action. The prospect of radical groups like Al-Qaeda, as well as Iranian-backed militants, finding safe haven on the border of Saudi Arabia was more than our Arab partners could withstand," the senators said in a joint statement.

"Their action also stems from their perception of America's disengagement from the region and absence of US leadership," they wrote.
Saudi wages ‘Decisive Storm’ to save Yemen

Members of the Saudi special security forces take part in a military exercise in Arar, near Saudi Arabia's northern border with Iraq March 18, 2015. (File: Reuters)
Text size legitimate President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

A Saudi air campaign was launched overnight which has already resulted in the elimination of several Houthi leaders.

Yemen air space is currently under full control of the Saudi Royal Air Force.

Members of Saudi security forces gesture during a military exercise in Arar, near Saudi Arabia's northern border with Iraq March 18, 2015. (File: Reuters)

As the operation continues, a coalition of all GCC countries, barring Oman, is taking part in the campaign, including Sudan,Egypt, Morocco, Jordan and Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia has deployed 100 fighter jets, 150,000 soldiers and other navy units, Al Arabiya News Channel reported.

Infographic: The 'Decisive Storm' coalition

(Design by Farwa Rizwan/ Al Arabiya News)

White House backs campaign
The White House has voiced support for the campaign against the Houthis. Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Washington Adel al-Jubeir announced the kingdom had launched a military operation involving air strikes in Yemen against Houthi fighters who have tightened their grip on the southern city of Aden where Hadi had taken refuge.

Jubeir told reporters that a 10-country coalition had joined in the military campaign in a bid “to protect and defend the legitimate government” of Hadi.

“We will do whatever it takes in order to protect the legitimate government of Yemen from falling,” Jubeir said.

The U.S. has said it is coordinating closely with Saudi Arabia.

“President Obama has authorized the provision of logistical and intelligence support to GCC-led military operations,” National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said in a statement, referring to the Gulf Cooperation Council.

The Saudi-led military coalition declared Yemen’s airspace as a “restricted area” after King Salman bin Abdulaziz ordered the airstrikes on the Iran-backed Houthi militia on Thursday at 12 a.m. Riyadh time.

Yemeni forces and loyalists to Hadi have already managed to control Aden airport from Houthi militias, Al Arabiya News Channel reported citing sources.

Hadi, who has remained in Aden, is in high spirits after thelaunch of the operation against the Houthi rebel group opposed to his rule, an aide said.

‘Repel Houthi aggression’
Saudi Defense Minister Prince Mohammed bin Salman had warned Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, the son of Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, against advancing toward Aden.

A member of the Saudi security forces stands guard as other demonstrate their skills during a military exercise in Arar, near Saudi Arabia's northern border with Iraq March 18, 2015. (File: Reuters)

The Houthis have joined force with the loyalists of former President Saleh in their offensive to take control of Yemen.

Operation ‘Decisive Storm’ to continue
Yemeni Foreign Minister Riad Yassine told Al Arabiya News Channel that the operations would continue until the Houthis agree to join peace talks and backtrack on all measures taken since their occupation of the capital Sanaa last September.

“We do not recognize any of what happened after September 21,” Yassine told Al Arabiya News, saying the military operation would help the southern Yemenis “regain confidence.”

Demonstrations reportedly broke out in Yemen’s Hadramout and Aden in support of the Saudi airstrikes on the Houthi militia.

The military operation came shortly after Arab Gulf states, barring Oman, announced that they have decided to “repel Houthi aggression” in neighboring Yemen, following a request from Hadi.

In their joint statement Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait said they “decided to repel Houthi militias, al-Qaeda and ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria] in the country.”

The Gulf states warned that the Houthi coup in Yemen represented a “major threat” to the region’s stability.

The Gulf states also accused the Iranian-backed militia of conducting military drills on the border of Saudi Arabia with “heavy weapons.”

In an apparent reference to Iran, the Gulf statement said the “Houthi militia is backed by regional powers in order for it to be their base of influence.”

The Gulf states said they had monitored the situation and the Houthi coup in Yemen with “great pain” and accused the Shiite militia of failing to respond to warnings from the United Nations Security Council as well as the GCC.

The statement stressed that the Arab states had sought over the previous period to restore stability in Yemen, noting the last initiative to host peace talks under the auspices of the GCC.

Call for U.N. action
In a letter sent the U.N. Security Council seen by Al Arabiya News, Hadi requested “immediate support for the legitimate authority with all means and necessary measures to protect Yemen, and repel the aggression of the Houthi militia that is expected at any time on the city of Aden and the province of Taiz, Marib, al-Jouf [and] an-Baidah.”

In his letter Hadi said such support was also needed to control “the missile capability that was looted” by the Houthi militias.

Hadi also told the Council that he had requested from the Arab Gulf states and the Arab League “immediate support with all means and necessary measures, including the military intervention to protect Yemen and its people from the ongoing Houthi aggression.”

Read also: Saudi warplanes bomb Houthi positions in Yemen

Read also: King Salman orders airstrikes against Houthis

Read also: Yemeni forces retake Aden airport

Read also: UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan deploy warplanes against Houthis

Read also: Ambassador al-Jubeir: ‘Having Yemen fail cannot be an option’

Read also: Reports: top Houhti military commanders killed in Saudi airstrikes

Last Update: Thursday, 26 March 2015 KSA 10:51 - GMT 07:51
Well today Iran lost two countries it had influence in, Houthis are currently running north and abandoning many cities they have captured. I guess the momentum has shifted.

Point to a solid source of Iran giving large scale support to the Houthis. Where is the evidece? Iran landing in Yemen with Mahan air, is not exactly proof.
Whatever support has been given has almost exclusively been verbal, but we havent given them any serious financial or military aid. So whats to loose :lol:
Besides, this day 1 of a military campaign. I will just sit by and relax and see how it unfolds,

Anyway this thread is hilarious. Arabs celebrating Arabs killing other Arabs, with the cheerleading of Pakistanis being the cherry on the cake. :rofl:
Yeah, and it is more than you can handle, now you can go back to bitching and moaning.

You were forced to make an open move ... now we can get closer to them ... for sure Houthis and their never ending negations with Wahhabis was not something that we could like ...
Interestingly Pakistan sent an unknown number of soldiers to KSA three or four days ago in the name of Samsam exercise. An exercise that did not bear even a single mention in Pakistani newspapers or news channels.
just 500 soldiers we sent in last week for exercise
just 500 soldiers we sent in last week for exercise
Pakistani Special forces units arrive to participate with Saudi forces in Exercise 'Samsam 5' in Taif.
All participants from both sides have ended preparations for this exercise, whose training will include focus on war in hard mountainous terrain environments and in irregular operations. Saudi Royal Air Forces, land forces aviation and units of the Border Patrol will participate in the exercise operations
Houthis have a long history of fighting against KSA with the backing of IRGC ....few years KSA jets bombed them near the border ...Saudi border patrols used to come under fire almost every day.
like 100 years ....
and we believe it ...
Pakistani Special forces units arrive to participate with Saudi forces in Exercise 'Samsam 5' in Taif.
All participants from both sides have ended preparations for this exercise, whose training will include focus on war in hard mountainous terrain environments and in irregular operations. Saudi Royal Air Forces, land forces aviation and units of the Border Patrol will participate in the exercise operations

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