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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

you lose your sovereignty long time ago ... sending 500 special forces is more decisive than sending 5000 regular force ...
pakistan army in KSA from last 30 years its not first time we are sending 500 special forces

Just got from Foreign Office

''Pakistan is assessing the Saudi request to join the coalition''

Pakistanis in Yemen have been asked to prepare for evac.
I was sure of this reply they will never admit

Yemeni Houthis seize airbase in advance on Aden - Al Jazeera English

Yemen's Houthi rebels have advanced towards Aden, where President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has been holed up since fleeing the capital Sanaa last month.

Before moving closer to the coastal city on Wednesday, rebels seized an airbase that until a few days ago was used by US troops deployed in the fight against al-Qaeda.

The al-Anad base, 60km from Aden, had since been occupied by Yemeni government forces.
Point to a solid source of Iran giving large scale support to the Houthis. Where is the evidece? Iran landing in Yemen with Mahan air, is not exactly proof.
Whatever support has been given has almost exclusively been verbal, but we havent given them any serious financial or military aid. So whats to loose :lol:
Besides, this day 1 of a military campaign. I will just sit by and relax and see how it unfolds,

Anyway this thread is hilarious. Arabs celebrating Arabs killing other Arabs, with the cheerleading of Pakistanis being the cherry on the cake. :rofl:

Just a couple of days ago what some 180 tonnes of weapons sent by Iran to the Houthis? Hell even other Iranains are posting pictures of captured weapons that were sent by Iran to the Houthis that were intercepted.

Just got from Foreign Office

''Pakistan is assessing the Saudi request to join the coalition''

Pakistanis in Yemen have been asked to prepare for evac.

We will be really out of our depth if we are actually considering this. Isn't the loss of billion dollars on our exchequer because of WOT enough, that we have now decided to take our excavation trip even further.
though its against basic principles of our foreign policy but supporting them with navy and little air force and some hundred soldiers can earn us Good respect in GCC countries.. so its not that bad decision.. and its not against Iran... its just against a Tribal Militia...

btw Pakistan should try to start some kind of dialogues to make peaceful way out for both Saudi and Houthis..
not belong to KSA pakistan army also in Jordan or bahrain to train armed forces just for training purpose

and their training ground is Yemen ...

though its against basic principles of our foreign policy but supporting them with navy and little air force and some hundred soldiers can earn us Good respect in GCC countries.. so its not that bad decision.. and its not against Iran... its just against a Tribal Militia...

btw Pakistan should try to start some kind of dialogues to make peaceful way out for both Saudi and Houthis..
in that case , you cant gain respect from GCC ... just don't forget your words ...
and their training ground is Yemen ...

in that case , you cant gain respect from GCC ... just don't forget your words ...

Dude, Arabs also knows that thy cant totaly wash out houthis in Yemen so its better to try dialogues... btw it was crazy from Saudi side that they involve themselves in war without even trying to have Talks and discuss the problem on table..
we are not in that position our focus on TTP
so what is point of fighting TTP , KSA just pay for both your army and TTP in the same time ... just ask KSA to solve problem between her employee rather than killing each other ...

Dude, Arabs also knows that thy cant totaly wash out houthis in Yemen so its better to try dialogues... btw it was crazy from Saudi side that they involve themselves in war without even trying to have Talks and discuss the problem on table..

there is no place of words anymore ...
so what is point of fighting TTP , KSA just pay for both your army and TTP in the same time ... just ask KSA to solve problem between her employee rather than killing each other ...


who are u to tell us? dont behave like that u Mullah boys own houthis... i am sure if they discuss it on the table there would be some give and take. and situation dont turn it like it is now.
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