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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.


This is suppose to be an Arab matter, what the Iranians are doing here is beyond me.
If it was an Arab matter you must refrained from putting Iran name in your mess .
Also it ceased to be an Arab matter when it referred to UN.

And more importantly anything happen in middle east is our concerns as it affect us.
This is suppose to be an Arab matter, what the Iranians are doing here is beyond me.

As it seems memory loss is a classic symptom for warmongers when wars take longer than what they've been planned in advance ... You've forgotten that you attacked Yemen under the pretext that Iran supports Houthis ... something you failed to prove too.

why they dare to enter Allah home with their shoes !?
and they are reading Sallah on Persian carpet and close hand ( Just like Zartositan when they pray ) ....

It's not about shoes, it's about the one who is dead .. it is the RSAF commander in chief funeral , rumor has it that he was killed during Houthis missile firing at Saudi's airbases ...
If it was an Arab matter you must refrained from putting Iran name in your mess .
Also it ceased to be an Arab matter when it referred to UN.

And more importantly anything happen in middle east is our concerns as it affect us.

Putting Iran's name in our mess or Iran shove its nose in the mess of others? What happens in the Arabian world concern the Arabs only so please mind your own business. How Iran is related in any form or shape in issues like for example Saudi led-collation operations against Houthis? How does that affect you? Yemen doesn't have any relation with Iran no trade no cooperation of any kind nada, how does it affect you? From page 1 to page 266 all I see is this...


As it seems memory loss is a classic symptom for warmongers when wars take longer than what they've been planned in advance ... You've forgotten that you attacked Yemen under the pretext that Iran supports Houthis ... something you failed to prove too.

Nope we are attacking Houthis because the legitimate government of Yemen requested that based on the UN article 51. Later the UN resolution 2216 was obtained. No wonder you are coming form a country that doesn't acknowledge international laws and conventions.UOTE]
Yemen talks in Saudi Arabia
PressTV-Iran official in Riyadh for Yemen talks

And Yemen talks in Geneva
Yemen offers rebels limited ceasefire as talks begin in Geneva | The National

"Mr Ban, who met some of the delegations taking part in the talks, said he had “emphasised the importance of having another humanitarian pause, at least two weeks”.

“I’m urging them that, particularly during this Ramadan – which is a period for peace for people, and praying for peace – they must stop,” he said"

Why he speaks about "two weeks"? does he thinks that it's unavoidable restart the war when iran nuclear deal will be reached 30th june? That in the case of Saudi Arabia and Iran wont reach some agreement before 30th june, of course. :what:
Putting Iran's name in our mess or Iran shove its nose in the mess of others? What happens in the Arabian world concern the Arabs only so please mind your own business. How Iran is related in any form or shape in issues like for example Saudi led-collation operations against Houthis? How does that affect you? Yemen doesn't have any relation with Iran no trade no cooperation of any kind nada, how does it affect you? From page 1 to page 266 all I see is this...


We didn't meddled with this matter it was you guys who first claimed Iran is supporting houthis and by such baseless claims made it our concerns.
Also how our nuclear program is ksa matter nota Persian matters but these attrocites in Yemen are not other peoples matter and Arabs allowed to kill defenseless people and destroy thousands years old world heritage and claim its Arab matters.

Nope we are attacking Houthis because the legitimate government of Yemen requested that based on the UN article 51. Later the UN resolution 2216 was obtained. No wonder you are coming form a country that doesn't acknowledge international laws and conventions.UOTE]
There was no legitimacy about that government as they finished their terms ages ago.
Nope we are attacking Houthis because the legitimate government of Yemen requested that based on the UN article 51. Later the UN resolution 2216 was obtained. No wonder you are coming form a country that doesn't acknowledge international laws and conventions.UOTE]

First of all you started the war due to the pretext that Iran backed Shia militia aka Houthis are taking advances in Yemen which shows Iranian evil plots for the region that Iran hold controls of 4 Arab capitals including Sanna ... and if it's an Arab issue then why did you ask Pakistan to fight for you? furthermore as far as you are coming form a country that does acknowledge international laws and conventions therefore you wouldn't have any problem if I get a UNSC's resolution to attack Saudi Arabia soil?huh? And you forget the fact that you first bombed Yemen and then went to the UN to get the resolution .... and moreover no legitimate government would ask a foreign government to raze its country to the ground and kill its citizens to get to the power if it enjoys its people supports ...
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Smoke billows from the site of a Saudi-led air strike on a Houthi position in the outskirts of Yemen's southern port city of Aden June 15, 2015.
Developments in Yemen Are the Accomplishments of Our Revolution

While authorities in some of the neighboring and regional countries have expressed concern about the growing influence of the Islamic republic of Iran in West Asia and point to the country’s military presence in war-torn countries such as Syria and Iraq as evidence for their fears, the top commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards force (IRGC) is boasting, “We are building a civilization and are moving in the direction of the great Islamic civilization.”

Speaking at a seminar organized to commemorate the political-ideological trainees of the force, General Mohammad Ali Jaafari said,

The Islamic revolution is doing very well outside the country and today we are witness to the Islamic awakening and Islamic resistance. Today, the latest accomplishment of Iran’s Islamic revolution is in Yemen who have used Iran’s resistance model to stop the imperial order and resist it. No matter how the regional and beyond-regional powers try to silence this resistance and endurance, they fail.”

He continued, “We are in the process of building a civilization and are moving in the direction of the great Islamic civilization. This century is the century of Islam, spiritualism, rationalism and justice. Whoever tries to block the Islamic revolution will be completely destroyed.”

He then turned his words to the domestic scene and said, “What we have managed to provide today at an acceptable level is security because we have passed through military and security threats despite the problems. This is a huge accomplishment.” He continued, “In three other areas of social justice and economy, moral training of people, welfare and development work has been done, some of which is of course weak and more must be done. Development and construction has been uneven or has not been based on justice. This must be better planned and more efforts need to be made.”

Regional concern over Iran’s growing influence has been loud. Last month Turkey’s president publicly said Iran was interfering in the domestic affairs of Yemen and stressed, “Iran is striving to take control of the region. This is a concern for us, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries. This is not acceptable and Iran needs to know it.” He continued, “Iran needs to change its approach. It must withdraw all its forces from Yemen, Syria and Iraq and respect the sovereignty of these countries.” Even after Iranian authorities publicly protested to these remarks, Recep Tayyipb Erdogan still fulfilled his visit to Iran where he even met ayatollah Khamenei, among others.

Even though an Iranian Guards general claimed that Erdogan had been cautioned or warned during the visit, a news report in Iran quoted Amrollah Ishler, an advisor to the Turkish president, to have indicated that Turkey continued to view Iran’s policies to be driven to dominate the region. Specifically he said, “The damage that Iran has done to the Islamic world is much more than the damage perpetrated by Israel in decades.” He also repeated Erdogan’s view that Iran was a regional hegemon that was opportunistically using the situation created by the Arab spring to exports its revolution.

Iranian officials have been making aggressive and confrontational statements for quite some time. In the month of Mordad (July/August) last year general Gholamali Abohamzeh, the commander of the Guards in the province of Hamedan, had said that the Islamic republic was pursuing the goal of creating the great Islamic civilization. He identified three strategic areas for Iran: “Domestic stability, the creation of the Islamic administration and the creation of a 100 million para-military force. The third was to acquire the key bases/positions around the world so that wherever around the world there was a base the Islamic republic should take it over.”

In the month of Shahrivar (August/September), former Guards commander Mohsen Rezai quoted Henry Kissinger about Iran’s desire to create an empire and said, “We proudly and clearly announce that we are after creating an advanced Iranian-Islamic civilization and not an empire.”

Earlier this year, ayatollah Khamenei’s representative in the IRGC force, Yadollah Javani, echoed these dreams in a writing titled “The Role of the Islamic revolution in Iran’s geopolitical developments” which read, “Now in the fourth decade of the Islamic revolution, despite the various plots and seditions of the imperialistic regime and its allies against the Iranian nation, the Islamic republic has turned into an effective and decisive regional power. Events and developments in the region speak of a bright future for Iranians: a future in which the Islamic world will have multiple poles with the Islamic republic at its center.” He predicted that in future the major powers of West Asia will be in “under the control of Islamic movements that are in line with Iran.”

And then some khaminists on here have the audacity to claim their regime has nothing to do with the Houthis...
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