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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Well, Iran never expected of you to take sides. Iran never asked for your help on the issue either. Pakistan is not also a victim in its fight against Takfiris. But Pakistan is fighting Muslims on its own land, since failure to do so, means the end of Pakistan.

It is easy to take "moral" high ground and preach. Reality is different. When Pakistan Air Force is dropping bombs on its own territory, do you think the mission planners, the pilots and the ground tech loading those bombs are enjoying it? They are doing it because, Pakistan is fighting for its survival against a hegemonic ideology threatening the existence of Pakistan. Similarly, Iran is doing what it must in order to keep this filth out of its borders. By barricading the filth faraway and neutralizing the threats before they reach Iran's borders.

The Saddam aggression against Iran supported by Takfiris, taught Iranians many lessons. One of those is, that it is better to fight a war on enemy's turf than on Iran's borders or inside Iran. Another lesson was, no body comes to your help when you need it most. And yet another lesson, that there can be no negotiation when the other side does not want it.

You know whats funny I bet the Saudis say the exact same things about you !

But I get your point so there is very little point in continuing on with this conversation.

Pakistan should enjoy and relax to drink chai and laugh at those clowns. :lol::D:lol::D
You know whats funny I bet the Saudis say the exact same things about you !

But I get your point so there is very little point in continuing on with this conversation.

Saudis can say whatever they want. It was not Iran with US help, that supported Saddam to attack Saudi Arabia and kill/maim a million Saudis.

Yes, I agree, there is no point in continuing this discussion. Specially when both Iran and Pakistan are at a war with the same ideology and mindset. The rest is moot.
You know whats funny I bet the Saudis say the exact same things about you !

But I get your point so there is very little point in continuing on with this conversation.
You know, Mullahs always blame Ayatullahs and vice versa I bet they would spark a sectarian war in afterlives trying to take control of the hell from eachother...
Apr 5, 2015, SPA -- Brig. Gen. Ahmed bin Hasan Asiri, consultant at the minister of defense's office and spokesman of the Coalition forces, stressed today that the situation in the city of Aden is reassuring despite that the Houthi militia is still terrifying the people through random shooting.

Furthermore, they started today to cut off water and electricity supplies in some Aden districts, he announced.
In today's daily briefing, which he held at Riyadh airbase, Brig. Asiri said the Houthi militias managed to establish special command centers inside residential districts and hotels to attract the coalition forces to hit them inside such facilities and cause civilian casualties, saying that work is underway to verify this information, and pinpoint those sites prior to taking the appropriate measures.

He said the coalition forces are continuing volleying military items to support the popular committees to face the militias.
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22:26 LOCAL TIME 19:26 GMT

Giving an account on the evacuation operations and humanitarian relief works in Yemen, Asiri said nobody showed up to the flight prepared for the Red Cross personnel to depart from Yemen at 9 o'clock this morning with news that the Red Cross has requested the Ministry of Defense to change the plane and postpone the flight to an indefinite date. He added that the flight assigned to pick Egyptian dependants was also postponed due to shortage of seats of the plane, no new schedule was announced, he added. On the other hand, the Houthi militias, who control Sanaa airport, denied departure for Sudanese dependants, Asiri stated.

In this regard, he confirmed that the coalition forces are keen on the safety of air crews who go to Yemen to help evacuate the stranded foreigners. Contacts are underway between the Command of the Evacuation Operations, which was appointed by the Determination storm operation and those concerned inside Yemen to guarantee safe lifting of foreigners.

On the other hand, air operations are still going to achieve the set goals, he said, noting that they targeted yesterday military sites, ammunition and arms stores controlled by the Houthi militias.

Asiri said the land forces and the border guard have silenced the trenches digging operation by Houthi militias in the vicinity of Saudi border while the navy is keeping a vigilant eye on the Yemeni ports traffic, culminated by foiling an attempt to seize the port of Aden.
22:49 LOCAL TIME 19:49 GMT

Dozens killed in fighting near Yemen's Aden port| Reuters
Houthi fighters and allied army units clashed with local militias in the southern Yemeni city of Aden on Sunday, and eyewitnesses said gun battles and heavy shelling ripped through a downtown district near the city's port.

The Houthi forces have been battling to take Aden, a last foothold of fighters loyal to Saudi-backed President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, advancing to the city center despite 11 days of air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition of mainly Gulf air forces.

Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia launched the air strikes on March 26 in an attempt to turn back the Iran-allied Shi'ite Houthis, who already control Yemen's capital Sanaa, and restore some of Hadi's crumbling authority.

The air and sea campaign has targeted Houthi convoys, missiles and weapons stores and cut off any possible outside reinforcements - although the Houthis deny Saudi accusations that they are armed by Tehran.

People dig graves for the victims of an air strike in Okash village near Sanaa. Photo: REUTERS



Yemen's Houthis ready for talks if air strikes stop: senior member| Reuters
Yemen's Houthis are ready to sit down for peace talks as long as a Saudi-led air campaign is halted and the negotiations are overseen by "non-aggressive" parties, a senior Houthi member said.

Saleh al-Sammad, who was an adviser to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, also told Reuters in emailed answers that Yemenis reject the return of Hadi, who escaped to Saudi Arabia after Shi'ite Houthi fighters edged closer to his southern base of Aden last month.

Warplanes and ships from a Saudi-led coalition have been bombing the Iran-allied Houthi forces for 11 days, saying they are trying drive back the Houthis and restore Hadi. U.N. brokered peace talks in the preceding weeks between Hadi and the Houthis had failed.

"We still stand by our position on dialogue and we demand its continuation despite everything that has happened, on the basis of respect and acknowledging the other," Sammad said.

"We have no conditions except a halt to the aggression and sitting on the dialogue table within a specific time period ... and any international or regional parties that have no aggressive positions towards the Yemeni people can oversee the dialogue," Sammad said, without specifying who they might be.

Sammad added that he wanted the dialogue sessions aired to the Yemeni people "so that they can know who is the obstructer".

Saudi Arabia's King Salman was quoted as saying on Monday that the kingdom was also ready for a political meeting of Yemeni parties, under the auspices of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Five out of the six GCC member states are part of the military coalition bombing which is bombing the Houthis.

Tribesmen stand on a military vehicle they took from an army base in Shihr city of Yemen's eastern Hadramawt province

At least 30 people were injured on Sunday in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, as government forces clashed with locals, according to activists who said the assault was an attempt to quell calls for protests against military intervention in Yemen.

Residents of the oil rich but poverty stricken province told MEE “hundreds” of armoured security vehicles stormed Awamiyah village at 330pm (1230 GMT) on Sunday.

“From 4pm until 9pm the gunfire didn’t stop,” said Mohammed al-Saeedi, activist and Awamiyah resident. “Security forces shot randomly at people’s homes, arrested a lot of people, and closed all but one of the roads leading in and out of the village.”

“It is like a war here – we are under siege.”

Gunfire seemingly from security forces could be heard amid shouts of “Allahu Akbar” (God is Great) – shouted out of fear by locals - in footage sent to MEE, which also included images of cars and homes on fire across the village of some 25,500 people.

Some armed local residents fired at security forces, leading to running battles throughout the afternoon. While gunfire had stopped by 9pm (1800 GMT) locals reported that armoured vehicles were still scouring the village seeking out more people to arrest.

The number of people detained is as yet unknown and the total number of those injured – including potential casualties – has not been confirmed.

The Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia is home to the country’s Shiite minority – who make up 10 to 15 percent of the kingdom’s 29 million population. Locals say the government discriminate against them in employment and education among other areas, which has led to sporadic protests since 2011 that have been brutally put down by security forces leading to tens of people being killed.

Authorities have repeatedly denied accusations of discrimination and claimed they are fighting an illegal – and armed – uprising against the government.

The latest round of clashes in Awamiyah on Sunday came after calls in the province for protests against Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen, where Riyadh is battling to push back Shiite Houthi rebels who have expanded their powerbase and forced the sitting president into exile.

Local resident Saeedi told MEE that on Friday the community were planning to hold an anti-war protest but cancelled after receiving information that the security forces would break it up.

“The protest was cancelled because we were told to be careful and that if we rallied they [the security forces] would kill everyone,” he said.

Human rights activists warned that no dissent would be tolerated in Saudi Arabia against the military intervention in Yemen.

“The war in Yemen will be used by Saudi authorities to justify a hardened crackdown at home,” said Yahya Assiri, head of the UK-based Al Qst human rights organisation.

“It is very difficult for people in Saudi Arabia to criticise the war, human rights violations, or defend victims of the crackdown. Those who do risk being arrested and later exposed to maltreatment in prison.”

Awamiyah resident Saeedi said the province has been quiet recently and he accused the security forces of attempting to stoke the flames of conflict with locals.

“Nobody in Qatif has protested against the government for a long time,” he said.

“But the government has come here to try and make a problem – to force people to react.”

There has been no official statement by authorities on the Awamiyah clashes.

- See more at: Security forces raid Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province to stop anti-Yemen war protests | Middle East Eye
In response to a question on whether all or any of the Coalition forces, the Yemeni Government or the Army has composed a clear mechanism to shelter whoever wants to surrender alone or with his family or to guarantee the safety of his family behind him, Asiri said the Yemeni arm-holders inside Yemen know each other to the extent that nobody could confuse surrendering to the wrong point and jeopardize himself or expose his family to danger. There are distinct lines and identities between the popular committees, the Yemeni army, and the Houthi militias and anybody is in contact with his unit, so if he wants to spilt, he could easily swim the way to the other shore, Asiri said, adding that for whoever plans to give up, the military units supportive to the legitimacy are available and he will be welcome.

Asked why fighting is still raging in Aden by the Houthi militias and their supporters, Asiri said that before the operation started, the Houthi militias were controlling most cities and some Yemeni army camps, noting that the tactics of militia’s everywhere manage to demonstrate exaggerated might on the media in the first days of the fighting. In the most recent exposure of power, they resorted to cutting water and power supplies in Aden where the regular groups don't possess heavy equipment, Asiri added.

He said the Coalition forces are supporting them with information, equipment and logistics, hoping that within days they will control most cities. He expressed confidence that the coalition forces would completely kill the Houthi endeavor to reach Aden port, a step that would guarantee that the Houthi militias could not have access to any kind of supplies or new supportive forces.
23:17 LOCAL TIME 20:17 GMT

On using of coalition forces of Omani airspace to conduct their operations, Brig. Gen. Asiri disclosed that the coalition forces are in full control of the whole Yemeni airspace round the clock and that there are no need, consequently, for an airspace of another country, he disclosed, adding that there are a traffic of entry and exit between Oman and Yemen, for Oman is in charge of its border and airspace.

Answering a question about forming a unifying front for all armed outfits and people's committees loyal to the legitimacy, to assist in concentrating work to achieve the objective of the operation, as prompt as possible, he emphasized that the reference of resistance is the legitimate Yemeni government led by his Excellency President Abdrabbo Mansour Hadi.

Asiri commented on the conflicting naming of People's Committees by the two quarrelling parties, the loyalist and the Houthis, as well, he uttered that the term People's Committees is widely agreed upon to refer to those who are defending the Yemeni people against the acts of those militias, ascribing the attempt to snatch the term by the Houthis to the effective role played by them, on the ground, to defend the Yemeni people.
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23:30 LOCAL TIME 20:30 GMT

He warded off doubts that volleyed arms meant to reach their legitimate destination might mistakenly fall in the hands of Houthis as the coalition forces are keen to pinpoint their targets. However, he could not rule out the assumption, confirming that so far the results are positive, without any mistake on the ground.

Asked whether it is time to use helicopters and drones to provide support for the land forces on the ground, particularly in the areas where the Houthi defenses have been wiped out, Asiri said such possibilities are on schedule but they will be enforced after verifying the clearance of a specific area and after receiving confirmation from the popular committees and Yemeni army. He underlined the fact that the operation is going as scheduled and that such proposed action is now premature unless the land is purified.

Asked whether there is any specific condition to provide support for any popular committee in Yemen that is ready to fight the Houthi similar to the support being dropped to those in Aden, Asiri said the coalition forces provide support to whoever wishes to defend Yemen's security and stability and safety of its people, stating that the major condition is the interest of the people of Yemen and the citizens of the country.
23:47 LOCAL TIME 20:47 GMT
Mighty Saudi air force targeted trucks carrying wheat and food, as if Yemenis aren't already suffering from lack of food.




Saudi stronkk.
so thats what a GBU bomb does to a truck! yeah ok LOL
i can clearly see where the bomb strike :sarcastic:
hey if your government has the guts to Photoshop missiles and fabricate planes "qaher 313" i wounder what a troll like you would do!! of course you must have trained the houthies some nice techniques lol
like using photos of syrian and palistinian victims. including babies. thats so low btw
Saturday, 4 April 2015
Yemeni Houthi militias stormed and took control of the headquarters of the Russian consulate in Aden, Al Arabiya News Channel reported on Saturday.

The rebels then deployed snipers at the consulate to hunt opponents.


Monday, 6 April 2015
Yemeni Houthi militias, making an aggressive bid for power in the impoverished Gulf state, arrested more than a hundred members from a rival Islamist Sunni political party, including two leaders, the party said in a statement Sunday.

The Islah party, the Muslim Brotherhood's branch in Yemen and a traditional power player in Yemen, had declared its support for the Saudi-led coalition bombing campaign against the rebels and their allies. The Houthis have been joined by security forces loyal to deposed leader Ali Abdullah Saleh - whose loyalists control elite forces and large combat units in Yemen's military.
saudi air force used JPADS "Joint Precision Airdrop System" to deliver weapons telecommunication device and what ever else they needed


thats a video of how it works

the 2 saudi pilots that ejected in the red sea due to plane malfunction with deputy crown prince and minister of interior mohammad bin nayef and defense minister prince mohammad bin salman
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