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Operation Blue Star — the untold story

i dont think dis should b discussed any more further. its a long gone dead issue n is not affecting right now any1 of us. sikh people r happy n de r proud of dere nation.

every Hindu in India says Sikh Genocide in 84 should not be discussed any further, Muslim genocide in Gujrat should not be discussed any further. they are happy so no need to give them justice
every Hindu in India says Sikh Genocide in 84 should not be discussed any further, Muslim genocide in Gujrat should not be discussed any further. they are happy so no need to give them justice

even hindus died did de got justice ? how many of dem r converted or killed in pakistan in even 21st century... did de got dere justice ?
Spring Onion, the dog you bought from India kept barking at the neighbors cuz the neighborhood stinks of a pig-sty.
even hindus died did de got justice ? how many of dem r converted or killed in pakistan in even 21st century... did de got dere justice ?

Did we say move on no need to discuss it??
"I bought a dog from India somehow it kept barking at my neighbours"

Even U bought it from the "China" same shall be happened. man you are just a item yet not changed your panch lines. Just Respect "PDF VETERAN" Level.
Did we say move on no need to discuss it??

the problem with the Humans are some time they forget that they are human first, and then muslim, hindu, christians, sikhs. I think till the human do not be mature enought to give to priority to humanity and human life then so called junks thoughts from religions. we would be do same and same mistakes again and again. Bro the discussion is not solving problem because there is one decease which is in our mind "Politics" and I think it should be idiotic if we do not give respect the life of human who is made from god/allah/ishwar. Some Idiots always satisfy their Ego and Thoughts by killing the people have different thoughts.

Just a request: Before say anything worst for Kuran, Gita or Bible, Just read it. It will definately convert u in a Human. Rather to be a Muslim, Hindu or Christian.

Neither Indians is happy of killing of innocent Muslims or Sikhs.
WTF.. children and women were raped, while there fathers and husbands were being shot in cold blood, and you call it anti terrorism operation?

How can you kill men in temple without warning and call it anti terrorism, while in Pakistan, you declare the people terrorists for carrying out operation in red mosque, after through warnings and opportunity to lay arms.

If terrorists hide in a temple doesn't mean that the operation is guided against a spiritual place. It is the lack of conscience of these men to demean a place of worship with weapons that were used to kill innocents that had been stockpiled in a pure place like the golden temple.

Army is there to do what needs to be done whether it is done in a temple or a mosque.

If tomorrow heavens forbid some lunatics from some separatist group get holed in Mahabodhi temple or any other of our places of worship, we will never say we are offended because of commandos' action. Instead our community would request the commandos to go ahead and drag these anti-nationals and hostile elements out and finish them off.

Because we know the spiritual value of a place of worship and that the attack is directed against terrorists who are against our nation.

If some idiotic misguided so-called Sikh youths mistook this as an operation against their community and joined terrorists against their fellow Indians, then they are to blame; not the entire community or the national Army.

No spiritual place or place of worship should be allowed to be defiled by hostile, inhuman and anti-national terrorists just because the places are holy.

These places are holy because of people's belief in divinity and their reverence of the divine and the values taught. It doesn't make an excuse enough for terrorists to use any temple or pagoda or other place as a shield.

And you should be the last one speaking this after your SSG commandos raided your religion's holiest shrine along with the French special units in Saudi Arabia to flush out anti-Saud rebels.
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