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Operation Blue Star — the untold story

Very good. Do we need China or Pakistan or any other enemy when such people like Indira Gandhi sent BSF trucks with weapons to Bhindrawale and can become our prime minister and be lauded as great Deshbhakts..... sarcasm .... Not a wonder Maoists are flourishing so much.
in terms of killing Bhindarwale? well if killing all the inmates was a success then its a pitty that its after affects or aftershocks were felt for long.

The harm it caused was a worst PR

Well Yes the PR was worst..... But when armed terrorist (in your language freedom fighters) start operating form holy places like Godlen temple.... The govt has little option..... I am sure everyone in GOI must have realised the every bullet fired towards golden temple is landing on the heart of every sikh.... But then there wasnt much option.... Probably this was better option when compared..... If this episode was taken place now... I am sure the world would have different view from what it was then.... Because almsot every country (other than few) realises the danger of "TERRORISM"
Where?? In deserts of Pakistan ??
Wana be Indian ?? :omghaha:

Go study first and then come up with such stupid posts.

It seems you dont have any knowledge about the Sikh organisation and what happened.

anyway akalis were in constant talks with Indira but Indira and the centerak govt then played a double game on Sikh factions.

Unfortuante that Longowal, Thora and Talwandi were in power wrangling and Bhindarwale was used by likes of Indira, zail singh.
Well Yes the PR was worst..... But when armed terrorist (in your language freedom fighters) start operating form holy places like Godlen temple.... The govt has little option..... I am sure everyone in GOI must have realised the every bullet fired towards golden temple is landing on the heart of every sikh.... But then there wasnt much option.... Probably this was better option when compared..... If this episode was taken place now... I am sure the world would have different view from what it was then.... Because almsot every country (other than few) realises the danger of "TERRORISM"

NAIR dont act like emotional poster. the worst PR stage came after a long planning by Indira gandhi.

i am talking about the development much before the Golden temple.
I personally believe in NO arms at any religious place.
the question asked to Congress that if the some one do same does Congress attack on Jamma Masjid of Delhi? then why Indiraji permit to attack on sikh golden temple. there was also killed innocent women and children which make the anger lots in mind of one body guard. and hence he planned to kill Indiraji and result the same. the other body guard was not with it. he had decided to kill the body guard died in attack by police and prove himself innocence. but he could not do so and he also kill Indira. The Body guards had supported to the police and surrendered peacefully but the Bas****s do quarel with them insult them and then kill them. there was no need to do that but garbage police (One force was that i forget the name) who failed to do duty to save Indira, so there impotency on Body guards who surrendered. and later on Rajiv said that "when big tree falls shake the lands" and kill innocence Sikhs. which later resulted in "Khalistan Chalval". I think Indiraji had made a mistake by not understanding the problem and strongly taking false decision.

Two Iron ladies one from India and other from Britan who took wrong decisions.


WTF.. children and women were raped, while there fathers and husbands were being shot in cold blood, and you call it anti terrorism operation?

How can you kill men in temple without warning and call it anti terrorism, while in Pakistan, you declare the people terrorists for carrying out operation in red mosque, after through warnings and opportunity to lay arms.

If you read the above mentioned article then you will realize that people were allowed to get out of the temple but they were shot down by the militants as they were using the civilians as a shield.
dude no one can break india..... if u n ur people think by creating a topic on sum forum will get help u dividing india.. den u r wrong... not going to work....1st u look at ur own problems which r internal security failures, baloch issue, economic failure etc

:what: i think you are high on something and not reading. NVM nobody is talking about breaking cracking India.

read again with open eyes

I feel dirty that i have talk to an Untouchable even worst than Porks---don't take bath you gonna waste lots of water and still you gonna be dirty :lol:---it's not your fault if you are contaminate since you was born in a slumdog :lol:

cut it off. you are derailing the topic.
:what: i think you are high on something and not reading. NVM nobody is talking about breaking cracking India.
i dont think dis should b discussed any more further. its a long gone dead issue n is not affecting right now any1 of us. sikh people r happy n de r proud of dere nation.
Indra got what she deserved...those were the dark periods of india no one knew what she was cooking! Why would sikhs want Khalistan when entire Hindustan is theirs. Sikhs are proud Indians
yes they did but it could have been done in a better way...RIP the innocents who died in cross fire and RIP the soldiers who laid their lives.

If that operation not carried that way then today Punjab burnt more than Afganistan & million time more innocent people lost their lives.
yes they did but it could have been done in a better way...RIP the innocents who died in cross fire and RIP the soldiers who laid their lives.

If that operation not carried that way then today Punjab burnt more than Afganistan & million time more innocent people lost their lives.

they could have let civilians escape before starting the operation!
Any more personal remarks and you get banned.
LOL @ the trash loving trash.Iron lady got killed by bullets or was it a conspiracy :omghaha:
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