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Operation against Chotu Gang in Rajanpur

If I'm not wrong Zarrar practices river raids in Mangla where they are stationed.
All Operators in SSG are combat swimmers but they are not specialist s on amphibious assault..... But given there experience and equipment at disposal theynwere the choice ofnthe hour
The attitude & comments of some of the Army Fan boys towards Police jawans here in particular & in general is sickening. This isn't a game between Army vs the Police & Governement. Have some respect for the deceased at least, 8 pages & not a single comment showing sympathy for the Dead & injured.
The police Jawans fighting these Mofos are no less heroic & worthy of our support than the Jawan in army.
May ALLAH accept their sacrifices & give strength to their loved ones to bear this loss.
The attitude & comments of some of the Army Fan boys towards Police jawans here in particular & in general is sickening. This isn't a game between Army vs the Police & Governement. Have some respect for the deceased at least, 8 pages & not a single comment showing sympathy for the Dead & injured.
The police Jawans fighting these Mofos are no less heroic & worthy of our support than the Jawan in army.
May ALLAH accept their sacrifices & give strength to their loved ones to bear this loss.
you are right to some extent but it is also a fact that the whole police department from top to bottom is corrupt and functions on bribes. their loyalty, honesty and professionalism have always remain in doubt and that's why they don't have respect in pakistan. army's image and respect was also tarnished during the musharraf's rule and after the poor response by the army high command during the salala and OBL incident but the performance of the army under the leadership has greatly regained the respect in pak and today people of pak always look up to the army when ever they are in need.
the police in pak is " dacoits in uniform"

the police is good only for taking bribes, killing civilian mob, protecting their masters (MNAs, MPAs, wadiaras, ladlords etc)
The attitude & comments of some of the Army Fan boys towards Police jawans here in particular & in general is sickening. This isn't a game between Army vs the Police & Governement. Have some respect for the deceased at least, 8 pages & not a single comment showing sympathy for the Dead & injured.
The police Jawans fighting these Mofos are no less heroic & worthy of our support than the Jawan in army.
May ALLAH accept their sacrifices & give strength to their loved ones to bear this loss.

I agree, those police jawans who went in deserve our respect....this was a failure of police leadership just like their was a failure of leadership when over a 100 army soldiers including a colonel surrendered in front of the taliban in 2007 in South Waziristan.
I agree, those police jawans who went in deserve our respect....this was a failure of police leadership just like their was a failure of leadership when over a 100 army soldiers including a colonel surrendered in front of the taliban in 2007 in South Waziristan.

I don't know about 100 or 1000 but all those involved and the lt col were court martial and punished..

Do we expect from the police too? Or would it again be swept under the carpet like gully butt and the PAT massacre where brace "jawans" of poooolce shot women ?

The cops who were killed .. Died because of their own officers .. Their own higher ups..

It's not a fukin secret that just before Army even went to the operation .. 40 gangsters surrendered...

Because the military is the strongest and the most trusted & functional institution in the country.., and police .. Well ..
Police contingent taking part in operation was poorly equipped and consistent supply of weapons and support was not made sure. Poor guys had to face the brunt for inefficiency of their seniors. That is why Army and Rangers have reportedly stepped in. RIP the fallen ones.
I don't know about 100 or 1000 but all those involved and the lt col were court martial and punished..

Well over a hundred but good to know that the leadership was reprimanded.

Do we expect from the police too?


Or would it again be swept under the carpet like gully butt and the PAT massacre where brace "jawans" of poooolce shot women ?

It will definitely be swept under the carpet

The cops who were killed .. Died because of their own officers .. Their own higher ups..

That is what I said "failure of leadership"

Because the military is the ONLY strongest and the most trusted & functional institution in the country

I added the "only"

And here lies the problem if Pakistan wants to become a normal functioning stable state

The army can only do so much

I don't know who is going to do it or how its going to happen but it needs to happen

The police jawans who died definitely deserve our respect....I don't think anyone should disagree with that !
CTD is your typical Counter Terror Unit and focuses on fast paced raids, they are not trained for this nor have the capability, they have not even matured yet ...... So we should not blame them...... The only person tonbe blamed here is IG police, home department and higher ups in poloce for not even taking initiative.....

Trained to kill a bunch of daciots? Trained by SSG/Foriegn trainers? Spent between 15-17 billion RS on them and they can't take on "daccous of Kacha".
Trained to kill a bunch of daciots? Trained by SSG/Foriegn trainers? Spent between 15-17 billion RS on them and they can't take on "daccous of Kacha".
Then i will blame the trainers for such poor outcome..... No? End of the day it was their job to ensure that only those who posses the skills passout.....
And i bepieve not CTD did not even take part in this Op, Elite force was used......
if any thing ... these guys have been trained in close quarter urban environment. the current train is like storming and taking a hostile island surrounded by water all over with elephant grass and quick sands.... this is way beyond the scope of their training I guess.....
Listen/read the conversation here.
Police is literally ''bagging'' Chotto gang to have some ''mercy'' on the captives.

And Gang Leader is just smashing jaw breaking answer.......................
It explains the Capability and Professionalism of our Police force and its Elite as well as the high ranking policy and strategy makers...................

You will find few interesting notable things too

The attitude & comments of some of the Army Fan boys towards Police jawans here in particular & in general is sickening. This isn't a game between Army vs the Police & Governement. Have some respect for the deceased at least, 8 pages & not a single comment showing sympathy for the Dead & injured.
The police Jawans fighting these Mofos are no less heroic & worthy of our support than the Jawan in army.
May ALLAH accept their sacrifices & give strength to their loved ones to bear this loss.

Amen to the prayers.
May Allah reward these policemen and may we certainly not see anymore casualties of our police and military during the course of this operation.

However, a lot of posts were quite sympathetic to the ill equipped police and were critical of the Punjab Government which is actually not disrespectful at all but based on historical evidence and present circumstances.

The emphasis of elite force is VIP duty, the new white elephant Dolphin force is also going down the same road despite such a heavy investment!
We should have invested in raising a Police SWAT unit preferably equipped with few armored vehicles and a couple of helicopters, to ensure that there is a cutting edge unit of police which can put the fear of God in the hearts and minds of terrorist gangs.
The Punjab based terrorists know that mobilization of Army and Rangers is always resisted by Punjab Government and they have no fear of undermanned, under trained and ill equipped police.
This makes the situation very difficult as there is no deterrence factor associated with the Police and the terrorists always take the initiative once police moves in.

If you rewind to 2013 and multiple other times, this episode has taken place earlier as well...
Rana Sanaullah facilitated the escape of hardcore LeJ terrorists in 2013 once Chotu gang captured policemen and demanded escape route for the LeJ operatives who went off towards Baluchistan.
It is indeed sickening to see such games being played by the Government, all the while it is claimed that there is no issue in Punjab.
Everyone here needs to stop bashing the police.

No police in the world can do what they've been tasked to do. How many police courses involve amphibious assault against people armed with RPGs and Anti-Aircraft Guns?? It's a very niche field, the whole operation should have been handled by the Pak Fauj from the start, not because police are incompetent, but they simply can't do it.
I agree, those police jawans who went in deserve our respect....this was a failure of police leadership just like their was a failure of leadership when over a 100 army soldiers including a colonel surrendered in front of the taliban in 2007 in South Waziristan.

One thing to note is that it was the "good taliban" commander who actually betrayed our troops.
Strict disciplinary action was taken because despite the brokered peace between government and the militant commander, the officer did not take extra precautions.
However, we should know that 2007 was the era in which were just about learning to fight.
There were acts of great individual courage on one hand and collective failures on the other.
In many combined actions, paramilitaries were repulsed and military was stranded.
People saw their fellow soldiers being beheaded, burnt etc. while they were isolated in pockets, nearly out of ammo and waiting for reinforcements.
There was this fortification which repeatedly asked for artillery support but could not get it in time and the last request before they were martyred was to shell their own location as they were overwhelmed.
It was really something terrible which the soldiers went through as things were always complicated by the many good militants who were mostly double dealing rascals playing both sides; and yet we tried to run with our shoelaces tied due to such peace deals which mostly impeded our troops and helped the militants.

It has been nearly 10 years now and our military is as well organized and fighting fit as it has ever been in our history; this is something we have gained only after giving a lot of bloody sacrifices in countless engagements.
Perhaps this decade of experience should be utilized and Army should be given a lead in conducting operations here?Once done, then the rest of Punjab; including some folks near Faisalabad whom our beloved Provincial minister Rana Sanaullah is not willing to acknowledge as terrorists.

There is no risk in Army taking the glory because COIN is not a few months project, it takes years after military cleanup to achieve the objectives of lasting peace, stability and development through focused efforts of civil administration.
The police and government shall have an ample opportunity to show their capabilities and win over the nation, once the highly dangerous militants are neutralized by the military.
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