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Open Debate | How to conduct a 'reasonable debate' between Pakistanis and Indians on PDF?

Yeah u must have been jumping up and down with joy when that happened.

Now, I am not a psychoanalyst. But the attention he gets through trolling here is probably the only one he gets in life.

Now for all those concerned, I will post my bit here. Can reasonable talk exist between the groups ? Yes. I believe it can.

Provided these conditions exist between both the parties.

1) Both parties are open minded and courteous enough to allow each other to speak their mind, digest the opposing view point and come up with their own viewpoint.

This is what happens with sexual violence news now. The people who post those threads makes obvious racist attacks on Indians afterwards. It does a major disservice to the victims involved.

What I have observed is that the Indian trolls on this frum then act self righteous and look down their nose at Pakistan. Hopefully the treatment of India by the Chinese trolls have made them a bit more wiser in how it feels to be the object of disdain and contempt.
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Maybe Indians need to stop giving favabeans material to work with. :sarcastic:
Dudes just mark ignore for favabeans,simple.You will notice neither his posts nor his threads.And avoid this shit altogether.Did the same to razpak and hongwu long ago myself.This way favabeans gets to keep his 'freedom of speech' and yet fails in his ultimate purpose -that is to flame bait indian members.
all gud discussions/debates " happen" in seniors cafe....
You're a piddly Lieutenant! That's why. You have miles to go before you can enter the hallowed gateway to the Seniors Cafe.

In the meanwhile you can suck some lollypops and go play marbles outside. :partay:

You gotta earn your rank. Like that Bournville chocolate ad that says: "you don’t just buy a Bournville, you earn it.” :P :D
Dudes just mark ignore for favabeans,simple.You will notice neither his posts nor his threads.And avoid this shit altogether.Did the same to razpak and hongwu long ago myself.This way favabeans gets to keep his 'freedom of speech' and yet fails in his ultimate purpose -that is to flame bait indian members.
Why isnt "hell ban" imposed on regular trolls like favabeans and hypersonicmissiles???
Hello. I just wanted to collect ideas on how defence.pk can better conduct a reasonable debate between Pakistanis and Indians?

From our experience there are a few problems that hinder our efforts to engineer debates towards a fruitful ending.

  • Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.
  • Members presume it to be an infringement of their 'internal matters'.
  • Members look at threads as a means of 'triumph' or 'defeat' to the other nationality, which is absurd.
  • Members have personal grudges against other members from another nationality
  • Trolling
  • Mine is bigger than yours
Now we want to solve this issue, so i thought that its better to put it out there for an honest session of debate on how we can improve the situation.

Please give your opinion.


Very Simple. Moderators should remain Neutral and exercise moderation without bringing their nationality in. I have very bitter experiences and I have stop posting my comment on certain subjects and in response to certain individuals.
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