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Open Debate | Do Bangladeshis regard India as a 'savior' ?

Do Bangladeshis today regard India as a 'savior' in the backdrop of 1971 war ?

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In 1971,As a result of the conflict, a further eight to ten million people, mostly Hindus,[27]fled the country at the time to seek refuge in neighbouring India.

From wiki


I can edit Wikipedia to suit my argument. And that's why only trolls quote from there. I mean, why would any one believe a bunch of old fools saying?

Come up with how that information was compiled, and then you may add some value into the debate. Otherwise, it's just numbers. They couldn't even compile the data to account for the "3 million" killed.

What was the approximate number of refugees?

I don't know.
Savior is not the exact word to describe such a complex & complicated event. But I, whatever the present circumstances is, feel grateful to India for what they did for us in 1971. Personally I don't have any soft corner left for Pakistan(Doesn't matter how you describe 1971)
Savior is not the exact word to describe such a complex & complicated event. But I, whatever the present circumstances is, feel grateful to India for what they did for us in 1971.

A straight 180 degree contradiction.

Personally I don't have any soft corner left for Pakistan(Doesn't matter how you describe 1971)

No one here is asking you to. Or anybody for that matter.
The question is that during the 1971 war when there was a civil strife in then East Pakistan, India decided to take advantage of the civil strige and invaded Pakistan against all international laws. Their agenda was to disintegrate Pakistan while appealing to the eastern Pakistanis as their 'saviors', hence trying to score two hits with one shot.

Since the war is over and Bangladesh is now a free nation, i am interested in asking from the Bangladeshis on this forum, if or not today in 2013, they accept India as their 'savior' for invading in a domestic conflict of a sovereign nation, or not. What role does India play in the psyche and the history of Bangladesh for the Bangladeshi youth??

Please participate in a civil debate and the poll.

Best regards.

Any chance of a civilized debate evaporated the second you framed it in such a condescending fashion. Do Pakistanis view the United States or China as a glorified messiah for all the crumbs they've thrown your way? Why would you expect Bangladeshis to respond to such crude language unless it is to confirm your own bias on the matter?
UN didn't support in this case in favor of Pakistan as most countries favored India on this,thanks to our elaborate political campaign.nor UN Security Council was favored Pakistan.and did we forgot the challenge thrown to India by Pakistani Diplomat(can't remember who was it,I'll find out and post it soon as it was shown in an documentary) when he performed the famous "Torn Up Pages in UN" stunt in front of the whole world???

by the way @Aeronaut

can't Indians participate in this pool.cause even I voted.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
After Jinnah broke India(west and east pak), we broke Pakistan. Soon we will break Baluchistan also... We won't stop after it either.... JAI HIND!
I can edit Wikipedia to suit my argument. And that's why only trolls quote from there. I mean, why would any one believe a bunch of old fools saying?

Come up with how that information was compiled, and then you may add some value into the debate. Otherwise, it's just numbers. They couldn't even compile the data to account for the "3 million" killed.
I don't know.


Go through this article. It is mentioned 10 Million.

I believe the 10 million number because Bangladesh is very densely populated area having close to 10 to 15% hindu population. When Genocide started where will they go??

In addition to Hindus Muslim Bengalis also fled to India. This Genocide by West pakistan started in the month of March and continued till December 1971. So The number will be definitely in Millions.

Go through this article. It is mentioned 10 Million.

I believe the 10 million number because Bangladesh is very densely populated area having close to 10 to 15% hindu population. When Genocide started where will they go??

In addition to Hindus Muslim Bengalis also fled to India. This Genocide by West pakistan started in the month of March and continued till December 1971. So The number will be definitely in Millions.

And in what position is "Cultural Survival" in to make that kind of conclusion?

Your article doesn't talk specifically about 1971. Or how they compiled such a vast amount of data in such short span of time. It talks about the entire scenario since the 40's till now.

If you don't know, just say you don't know. There's no shame in that.
Only 10 million? Hey, why not make it a billion?

It's sad being a Bengladeshi not knowing country's history...

UNHCR honoured by Bangladesh for helping millions in 1971 conflict
DHAKA, Bangladesh, March 27 (UNHCR) – The government of Bangladesh on Tuesday honoured the UN refugee agency for providing life-saving aid to some 10 million refugees during the 1971 war of independence from Pakistan.

At a ceremony in Dhaka attended by President Zillur Rahman, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and other dignitaries, UNHCR was among several international organizations and dozens of individuals named as "friends" of Bangladesh during the 1971 independence conflict.

"UNHCR appreciates the recognition," said Craig Sanders, UNHCR's Representative in Bangladesh, who received a certificate and a plaque. "It's been a strong partnership between UNHCR and the government of Bangladesh over the years, and we look forward to continue working closely."

In late March 1971, the former East Pakistan declared independence from West Pakistan. During the ensuing violence and repression, some 10 million civilians fled into neighbouring India and a massive relief operation was launched.

UNHCR was, for the first time in a humanitarian crisis, chosen to act as general coordinator for all UN assistance. As "focal point," the refugee agency's tasks included mobilization of international support and funds, procurement and delivery of relief supplies to India, and coordination with the Indian government, which organized the distribution of these supplies. It was a pivotal moment in UNHCR's history.

Meghna Guhathakurta was among the millions displaced in 1971, when she was 15, and says the experience made her want to help refugees. Her father died of gunshot wounds and she and her mother had to hide during the following nine months.

Today she heads Research Initiatives Bangladesh, an implementing partner for UNHCR in Cox's Bazar, where some 30,000 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar live in two camps. "I feel I understand what they want. They just want to be able to do ordinary things as other ordinary people do, going to school or cultivating their lands," Meghna said.

There are an additional 200,000 unregistered persons of concern from Myanmar in Bangladesh. UNHCR also advocates for these people.

Please go through the article it mentions about 1971 and then says about number of refugees. I also gave the reason I believe in that number.

And in what position is "Cultural Survival" in to make that kind of conclusion?

Your article doesn't talk specifically about 1971. Or how they compiled such a vast amount of data in such short span of time. It talks about the entire scenario since the 40's till now.

If you don't know, just say you don't know. There's no shame in that.
It's sad being a Bengladeshi not knowing country's history...

I didn't ask for your pity. But simply how they came up with it.

And you are only making a fool out of yourself in front of Bangladeshis by portraying Hasina handing out and receiving various gifts and awards. She does those everyday.

Please go through the article it mentions about 1971 and then says about number of refugees. I also gave the reason I believe in that number.

"Believe" is not a word :no:

That 10 million is only an estimation. Not an exact number.
1971 witnessed worst human influx from Bangladesh to neighboring India. Indian government reports that around 8-9 million migrants took shelter in 829 refugee camps. According to National Geographic (Sept. 1972), the estimated number of Bangladeshi refugees was 10.0 million. Also, a large number of people were displaced within the country, estimated number was around 20 million (The UN in Bangladesh).
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