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only MQM stood against peace talks in NA today, MQM is the only true representative of Pakistani ppl

Yes, only a man scared of taliban attacks gives his election campaign freely and openly without being shielded by bulletproof glass (sarcasm intended), I have personally seen IK give a speech atop his land cruiser's roof in Dir, that too with minimal security, he is only talking about peace to avoid collateral damage.....your idea of bravery and cowardice is perverted, bravery is not bombing the **** out of your people but bravery is serving your people and country

Doesnt that mean that taliban are actually supporting him. He is a Pakistani elected member of Parliament and taliban dont recognise the govt. So they seem to have given him a free pass. Isnt that a little Dodgy? Surely he must have done something to pacify the taliban(sarcasm not intended). I have pesonally seen IK in Sharjah during his playing days and he always used to treat his fans with contempt. He was one of the rudest sports personalities around. He was not a humble cricketer. But suddenly he has become a man of the masses. Looking at him now, I can never imagine its the same guy. I dont understand how can one change one's nature so easily.
HMMM! Something is Dodgy.

But I was too fooled, I started believing in him when the elections came and I thought he might do something major. But he was a major let down. I am starting to think that it was all an act.
I think you're unwittingly agreeing to what I had said. Although I cannot say because you're typing by pissing on the keyboard hoping words happen.
try me, i can be pissing on you too?
ask some one about me, then come to round your well?
i think. i hve more then 3000 posts on the subject, so you maybe agreeing with me?
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Doesnt that mean that taliban are actually supporting him. He is a Pakistani elected member of Parliament and taliban dont recognise the govt. So they seem to have given him a free pass. Isnt that a little Dodgy? Surely he must have done something to pacify the taliban(sarcasm not intended). I have pesonally seen IK in Sharjah during his playing days and he always used to treat his fans with contempt. He was one of the rudest sports personalities around. He was not a humble cricketer. But suddenly he has become a man of the masses. Looking at him now, I can never imagine its the same guy. I dont understand how can one change one's nature so easily.
HMMM! Something is Dodgy.

But I was too fooled, I started believing in him when the elections came and I thought he might do something major. But he was a major let down. I am starting to think that it was all an act.

He has been threatened time and time again by the Taliban mate, if being threatened by the Taliban is your criteria to judge allegiance then our PM has also not been threatened or attacked by them, this man apparently is disliked by both the Taliban and the government (civil atleast), as far as willingness to support an operation is concerned he has agreed to an operation in the eventual failure of talks,
Imran Khan open to army operations if Taliban talks fail | World news | theguardian.com

Now, off topic,
I too was once a blind believer in the New Pakistan but it has disappointed me as well, but still it is my belief that this man is better than most, if not all, of our leaders.....Peace
Is that the reason Imran Khan is always talking about peace talks with taliban because he is in Pakistan and scared that they might get him.
He was taking this position from day one that our Army should not enter Tribal areas and that whole nation would face backlash and that time their were no Taliban
Fool me once , shame on you , fool me twice , shame on me . So , do not we know how the same psychopaths terrorists have broken agreements after agreement in the past either by advancing/regrouping/killing/sheltering foreign people ? Where is the darned indication that all that has changed ? What exactly are we going to negotiate for ? Pray tell me , are we not aware even now , deep inside ourselves , of the logical end of the " peace with psychopaths " projects ?
Fool me once , shame on you , fool me twice , shame on me . So , do not we know how the same psychopaths terrorists have broken agreements after agreement in the past either by advancing/regrouping/killing/sheltering foreign people ? Where is the darned indication that all that has changed ? What exactly are we going to negotiate for ? Pray tell me , are we not aware even now , deep inside ourselves , of the logical end of the " peace with psychopaths " projects ?

Its only warmongers like yourself who are to blame for the 'logical end of every peace talk' ! :mad:

So what if they brainwash little kids to strap bombs to their torsos as a one-way ticket to heaven ?

So what if they've played football with the severed heads of our martyrs ?

So what if they settle the score of victims of drone strikes from innocent women & children when they blow themselves up amidst them ?

So what if they target our mosques, our imam-barghas & our churches ?

So what if they target our schools, colleges & our universities ?

So what if they target those polio workers who's actions are going to ensure that their children & their children's children can grow up to walk with dignity ?

So what if they claim to fight for Islam in one sentence & then piss over everything that Islam teaches in the very next ?

We must talk with them even if kills us ! :coffee:

Ain't that right @Icarus @LoveIcon @HRK ?
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Its only warmongers like yourself who are to blame for the 'logical end of every peace talk' ! :mad:

So what if they brainwash little kids to strap bombs to their torsos as a one-way ticket to heaven ?

So what if they've played football with the severed heads of our martyrs ?

So what if they settle the score of victims of drone strikes from innocent women & children when they blow themselves up amidst them ?

So what if they target our mosques, our imam-barghas & our churches ?

So what if they target our schools, colleges & our universities ?

So what if they target those polio workers who's actions are going to ensure that their children & their children's children can grow up to walk with dignity ?

So what if they claim to fight for Islam in one sentence & then piss over everything that Islam teaches in the very next ?
We must talk with them even if we die trying ! :coffee:

Ain't that right @Icarus @LoveIcon @HRK ?

I only support the talks to negotiate the terms of their surrender.
noora league(khurrum dastagir in kamran khan show) said that the bed rock of negotiation will be on accpeting pakistani constitution/laws

on the other hand talibans declare that peace or war, they will enforce shariah, that too in the country, they didn't even talked about FATA or KPK etc(dunya news yesterday)

aren't these peace talks already over?
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I give one credit to MQM, other than the development they carried out under Mustafa Kamal. SInce its inception they have successfully blocked and discouraged sectarian violence that has flared in other parts of Balochistan and Punjab. MQM's leadership has maintained the unity between sunni and shia in KHI. The financial hub has remained vibrant. Our economy grew. Similarly, MQM has since five years been shouting that Talibanization is taking place in some areas of KHI, and help is required to root them out. MQM has stood with Army operations against TTP type organizations. MQM is one party upon whom corruption accussations are rare. Mistakes take place in every political party, but by large MQM has remained constant on major national issues.

Who Anti-Pakistani would not want MQM out of Karachi?

Peace talks .... drama! The army has already conducted airstrikes without informing the government. Rana Sanaullah has conceded, the army shall decid in favor of future air strikes, a phenomenon which was ignored during General Kayani's tenure. These are face saving tactics by PML-N.
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Fool me once , shame on you , fool me twice , shame on me . So , do not we know how the same psychopaths terrorists have broken agreements after agreement in the past either by advancing/regrouping/killing/sheltering foreign people ? Where is the darned indication that all that has changed ? What exactly are we going to negotiate for ? Pray tell me , are we not aware even now , deep inside ourselves , of the logical end of the " peace with psychopaths " projects ?
jis koo pakistan , sey inkar hey!
woo moot ka haqdar hai?
He has been threatened time and time again by the Taliban mate, if being threatened by the Taliban is your criteria to judge allegiance then our PM has also not been threatened or attacked by them, this man apparently is disliked by both the Taliban and the government (civil atleast), as far as willingness to support an operation is concerned he has agreed to an operation in the eventual failure of talks,
Imran Khan open to army operations if Taliban talks fail | World news | theguardian.com

Now, off topic,
I too was once a blind believer in the New Pakistan but it has disappointed me as well, but still it is my belief that this man is better than most, if not all, of our leaders.....Peace

Well I have some respect for Imran Khan. Thats why I was disappointed by him. Nawaz Sharif is a lost case. I dont know why he was even elected. God help us. I dont care what he does or not, because he never cared for Pakistan. Only his own interests.

I thought after building the hospital on his own, which in itself was a major achievement and should always give credit to Imran Khan for that. But lately he has only disappointed.
I know I should not accuse him of being a taliban, but he should call them terrorists. I never read anywhere that he has called them that. Although I could have missed out on some.
Its only warmongers like yourself who are to blame for the 'logical end of every peace talk' ! :mad:

So what if they brainwash little kids to strap bombs to their torsos as a one-way ticket to heaven ?

So what if they've played football with the severed heads of our martyrs ?

So what if they settle the score of victims of drone strikes from innocent women & children when they blow themselves up amidst them ?

So what if they target our mosques, our imam-barghas & our churches ?

So what if they target our schools, colleges & our universities ?

So what if they target those polio workers who's actions are going to ensure that their children & their children's children can grow up to walk with dignity ?

So what if they claim to fight for Islam in one sentence & then piss over everything that Islam teaches in the very next ?

We must talk with them even if kills us ! :coffee:

Ain't that right @Icarus @LoveIcon @HRK ?

You called on the wrong guy, I'm the pro-Op lobby. So I vehemently oppose peace talks. The atmosphere is not right for talks.
You do not hold talks with a party that attack you with impunity and challenge the writ of the state on a regular basis.
The talks will come to the same end as all other accords, Waziristan 2004, Nizam-e-Adal, Bajaur Accord and many other localized accords.
You called on the wrong guy, I'm the pro-Op lobby. So I vehemently oppose peace talks. The atmosphere is not right for talks.
You do not hold talks with a party that attack you with impunity and challenge the writ of the state on a regular basis.
The talks will come to the same end as all other accords, Waziristan 2004, Nizam-e-Adal, Bajaur Accord and many other localized accords.

I was being sarcastic ! :unsure:

I'm Pro-Operation too along with Talks with the Tribes to bring into the loop not these animals !
let me put it, tht way?
if there would be last bulit & last man , standing for pakistan?
& i hve to burn the whole world, down then i will chose pakistan , thts it?
holly shit, even if devil is, going to support me, im wellcome?
MQM is doing great work, all should raise?

I was being sarcastic ! :unsure:

I'm Pro-Operation too along with Talks with the Tribes to bring into the loop not these animals !
im sorry either you hve to be with them or with us, just chose your path?
you cant on the boat going 2 different ways?
are you with us, or against us?

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