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only MQM stood against peace talks in NA today, MQM is the only true representative of Pakistani ppl

looks like bilawal is just a kid pretending to be chairman, the real power still lies with zardari :lol:

reminds me of game of thrones, the elder lannister and the child king joffery
Is that the reason Imran Khan is always talking about peace talks with taliban because he is in Pakistan and scared that they might get him.

Yes, only a man scared of taliban attacks gives his election campaign freely and openly without being shielded by bulletproof glass (sarcasm intended), I have personally seen IK give a speech atop his land cruiser's roof in Dir, that too with minimal security, he is only talking about peace to avoid collateral damage.....your idea of bravery and cowardice is perverted, bravery is not bombing the **** out of your people but bravery is serving your people and country
Pakistanis are not terrorists, so back off terrorist party mqm, you dont represent anyone, you people are threat to Karachites and their lives !
pakistanis who are TTp & are politicly supporting TTp, like PTI & JI are cowards & are enemey of the state called pakistan?
all they want a blind & total surrender to the terrorists, who they think can bring them in power, cause they already hve known thier worth, which was massivly seen on 11 may 2013?
i mean, IMRAN COWARD KHAN, dreamland PM of pakistan?
TTp is worst of the danger, to pakistan , to afghanistan, to iran, to india, to russia, to china, to UK& the US?
i mean TTp is the clear & preasent danger to the world?
any political party, standing against TTp politicly is the patriotic party?
killers of 45,000 pakistanis shouldnt be allowed to talk, all they need a big explosion?
& the hell?

Yes, only a man scared of taliban attacks gives his election campaign freely and openly without being shielded by bulletproof glass (sarcasm intended), I have personally seen IK give a speech atop his land cruiser's roof in Dir, that too with minimal security, he is only talking about peace to avoid collateral damage.....your idea of bravery and cowardice is perverted, bravery is not bombing the **** out of your people but bravery is serving your people and country
sorry !
but wasnt that , time TTp openly announced that, PTI , JI, & JUI will not be targeted durring elections?
& thats why all of them are in KPK govt?
& thats why now all of these anti-pakistan political parties supporting TTp & thier terrorism?
even calling thier dead heads, shaheeds BAIT ULLHA & HAKEEM ULLHA mehsuds?
& pakarmy,s shaheeds not shaheeds?
What opposition?

Khwaja Saad Raffique Confesses that MQM behind the curtains is in the Federal Government


pakistanis who are TTp & are politicly supporting TTp, like PTI & JI are cowards & are enemey of the state called pakistan?
all they want a blind & total surrender to the terrorists, who they think can bring them in power, cause they already hve known thier worth, which was massivly seen on 11 may 2013?
i mean, IMRAN COWARD KHAN, dreamland PM of pakistan?
TTp is worst of the danger, to pakistan , to afghanistan, to iran, to india, to russia, to china, to UK& the US?
i mean TTp is the clear & preasent danger to the world?
any political party, standing against TTp politicly is the patriotic party?
killers of 45,000 pakistanis shouldnt be allowed to talk, all they need a big explosion?
& the hell?

sorry !
but wasnt that , time TTp openly announced that, PTI , JI, & JUI will not be targeted durring elections?
& thats why all of them are in KPK govt?
& thats why now all of these anti-pakistan political parties supporting TTp & thier terrorism?
even calling thier dead heads, shaheeds BAIT ULLHA & HAKEEM ULLHA mehsuds?
& pakarmy,s shaheeds not shaheeds?

Stop confusing JI and JUI with PTI mate, they are in a whole new league, as for protection we all know how much the talibgoons keep their word, they are the masters of deception, and the TTP is grossly over estimated, the TTP is nothing but a bunch of criminals trying to protect their interests (mostly financial), let rip the wrath of the state and they will inevitably fall
doesnt matters even if it is?
but thats why opreation in karachi is been conducted?
thats why MQM wasnt invited in fedrl?
it not the matter, who is with who in pakistani politics ?
but its the matter , who is aginst the killers of 45, 000 innocent pakistanis , yes TTp dogs ?
its only PTI, JI, & JUI? right?
the POLITICAL protectors of TTP?

Stop confusing JI and JUI with PTI mate, they are in a whole new league, as for protection we all know how much the talibgoons keep their word, they are the masters of deception, and the TTP is grossly over estimated, the TTP is nothing but a bunch of criminals trying to protect their interests (mostly financial), let rip the wrath of the state and they will inevitably fall
sorry to say?
its only PTI & JI doing the dam dharni,s against drones, which is the only accurate killing machine of TTp dogs?
why not they, did any dharni against TTp terrorism , till now?
ohh no, they think them gods warriors with a licence to butcher 45, 000 pakistanis?

Karachi bomb attacks kill four, including three Rangers

Rangers personnel patrol a street near the site of a bomb attack in Karachi January 29, 2014.—Reuters Photo
Updated 2014-01-29 20:24:39
0 Comment(s)
KARACHI: Three bomb blasts including a suicide attack targeting security personnel in Karachi killed at least four people on Wednesday, officials said.

The dead included three paramilitary Rangers and a private security guard, while four others were wounded.

In the first incident, two IEDs were placed close to a Rangers' checkpost in the busy North Nazimabad neighbourhood, killing one soldier and wounding three when they were detonated remotely.

“These were the IEDs which were installed in cement blocks targeting Rangers,” senior police officer Amir Farooqi said.

Later, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance of the Rangers' headquarters located in the same area of the city, killing two troops and a civilian security guard, and wounding another.

“The suicide attacker walked in and tried to enter into the gate when he was intercepted by the security officials and he blew himself up,” Farooqi said.

A spokesman for the Rangers confirmed the toll. “The Rangers personnel who spotted and intercepted the suicide bomber will be awarded highest Rangers gallantry award,” he added.

The injured were rushed to the nearby Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for treatment.

Speaking to Dawn.com from an undisclosed location via telephone, s spokesman for the banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attacks.

The blasts came hours before Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said his government was ready to give another chance to peace talks despite a recent spate of attacks and suicide bombings by the militants.

Sharif announced a four-member committee to facilitate the dialogue process.

TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said the Taliban have convened a meeting of the Shura (council) to “assess the committee formed by the federal government for peace talks.”

Earlier this month a Taliban suicide attacker killed one of Pakistan's best-known policemen, Chaudhry Aslam Khan, famed for his fearless work tackling militants in the city.

Karachi, a city of 18 million people which contributes 42 per cent of Pakistan's GDP, has been plagued by sectarian, ethnic and political violence for years.

Pakistan has endured a bloody start to the year with more than 100 people killed in attacks in January.
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doesnt matters even if it is?
but thats why opreation in karachi is been conducted?
thats why MQM wasnt invited in fedrl?
it not the matter, who is with who in pakistani politics ?
but its the matter , who is aginst the killers of 45, 000 innocent pakistanis , yes TTp dogs ?
its only PTI, JI, & JUI? right?
the POLITICAL protectors of TTP?

sorry to say?
its only PTI & JI doing the dam dharni,s against drones, which is the only accurate killing machine of TTp dogs?
why not they, did any dharni against TTp terrorism , till now?
ohh no, they think them gods warriors with a licence to butcher 45, 000 pakistanis?

Karachi bomb attacks kill four, including three Rangers

Rangers personnel patrol a street near the site of a bomb attack in Karachi January 29, 2014.—Reuters Photo
Updated 2014-01-29 20:24:39
0 Comment(s)
KARACHI: Three bomb blasts including a suicide attack targeting security personnel in Karachi killed at least four people on Wednesday, officials said.

The dead included three paramilitary Rangers and a private security guard, while four others were wounded.

In the first incident, two IEDs were placed close to a Rangers' checkpost in the busy North Nazimabad neighbourhood, killing one soldier and wounding three when they were detonated remotely.

“These were the IEDs which were installed in cement blocks targeting Rangers,” senior police officer Amir Farooqi said.

Later, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance of the Rangers' headquarters located in the same area of the city, killing two troops and a civilian security guard, and wounding another.

“The suicide attacker walked in and tried to enter into the gate when he was intercepted by the security officials and he blew himself up,” Farooqi said.

A spokesman for the Rangers confirmed the toll. “The Rangers personnel who spotted and intercepted the suicide bomber will be awarded highest Rangers gallantry award,” he added.

The injured were rushed to the nearby Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for treatment.

Speaking to Dawn.com from an undisclosed location via telephone, s spokesman for the banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attacks.

The blasts came hours before Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said his government was ready to give another chance to peace talks despite a recent spate of attacks and suicide bombings by the militants.

Sharif announced a four-member committee to facilitate the dialogue process.

TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said the Taliban have convened a meeting of the Shura (council) to “assess the committee formed by the federal government for peace talks.”

Earlier this month a Taliban suicide attacker killed one of Pakistan's best-known policemen, Chaudhry Aslam Khan, famed for his fearless work tackling militants in the city.

Karachi, a city of 18 million people which contributes 42 per cent of Pakistan's GDP, has been plagued by sectarian, ethnic and political violence for years.

Pakistan has endured a bloody start to the year with more than 100 people killed in attacks in January.

never was a dharna done by PTI for the loss caused to TTP by drone strikes, it has been done for the loss of civilian lives and breach of sovereignty and integrity of our country, as for their desire for an operation is concerned I think their is going to be a paradigm shift because they have to draw the line somewhere, personally I feel that if PTI doesnt draw the line and support a military in this atmosphere it will be side lined in Pakistani politics......
What opposition?

Khwaja Saad Raffique Confesses that MQM behind the curtains is in the Federal Government


MQM is the only party which opposed peace talks, seems like MQM is the only opposition
Who are these clowns going to negotiate with? TTP doesn't seem to be interested in any kind of talks with these jokers and planning further attacks in KP and other parts of the country.

Negotiation mantra fails to impress TTP

PESHAWAR: The peace negotiation mantra, repeated daily by both the federal and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa governments, has not charmed the unforgiving Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan.

TTP does not seem impressed with the peace talks offer as its campaign to kill and devastate civilian targets in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Karachi, and elsewhere intensified during the past two weeks.

After the Jan 6 Hangu school suicide bomb attack, the nation was rocked by a powerful car bomb blast in Karachi on Jan 10. Later, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa experienced two attacks on Jan 13, including one in Peshawar and the other in Shangla. The terrorists hit again Peshawar on Jan 16 and the same day Shangla, too, saw an attack. Sunday morning brought the news of an attack on a security forces in Bannu, killing over 20 soldiers and injuring 15 others.

Some might call the latest killing spree a resurgence of attacks after a short lull following the change of command the terrorist outfit experienced as a result of Hakimullah Mehsud’s killing in a US drone attack.

The resurgence argument, however, does not seem correct. There has never been a short lull. If TTP temporarily stops attacking civilian targets for awhile, it continues attacking police and army. While army reacts to TTP attacks in its own operational preferences, the police and civilians continue to wait for the peace mantra to deliver.

After every TTP attack, leaders of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf and their men in the federal and provincial governments, respectively, respond with oft-repeated political statements.

They condemn the killings without criticising the killers. They repeat the negotiation offer without putting a clear roadmap for the treacherous path that the negotiation happens to be.

The PML-N led federal government mixes its condemnation with rhetoric to take on the bad guys with full force. The PTI-led provincial government links the killing of innocent people in terrorist attacks to Pakistan’s role in the war on terrorism.

Whether it is the war on terrorism or Pakistan’s own war, the hard and blatant fact is: innocent Pakistanis, civilians, policemen and army personnel are dying. The other fact is: the government — federal and the province — has not even come up with a strategy to put this insane killing spree to an end. People are being reduced to corpses. Human flesh is scattered every other day as a result of mindless barbarity.

In response, the prime minister, one day, asks Maulana Samiul Haq to hold talks with Taliban. On another occasion, he asks Imran Khan, Samiul Haq, and Maulana Fazlur Rehman, rather whoever, to lead and talk with TTP.

As a rejoinder, Imran Khan shifts the responsibility of negotiating with Taliban to the federal government. On its part, the army leadership says the terrorists would be dealt with an iron hand. Simultaneously, it says to support the peace path.

Is there anybody to tell the PML-N and PTI: Guys listen, what do you want? If you want to talk, go ahead. What stops you? Your complaints about drones ruining peace prospects do not form people’s problem. It is your problem and you have to find a way out of it after having been elected to power. Stop this nonsensical human killing spree. Stop blaming each other. Implement your election manifestos. You want another all parties conference? Go and hold it? Do whatever you want to do, but do something, please! More than six months after the new government(s) came in the leadership has yet to resolve whether peace is the only option.

Washington is working on its troops’ drawdown from Afghanistan and fine tuning plans for its stay in the post-drawdown Afghanistan. Kabul is trying to extract favours from the US against lending support to its drawdown plans. Afghan Taliban are eying at making a comeback following the drawdown. TTP says it would continue its activities even if the US leaves the region.

Negotiations move forward by first developing trust among the parties to talks. And trust does not happen overnight. It might take years to make others to listen to you. But during this period the ‘others’ just can’t be let loose to continue their killing spree, get strengthened through fearsome activities.

The PML-N and PTI have to put their heads together or work independently to fulfill their election campaign promises: Peace in Pakistan, without which economic progress would be a far cry.
never was a dharna done by PTI for the loss caused to TTP by drone strikes, it has been done for the loss of civilian lives and breach of sovereignty and integrity of our country, as for their desire for an operation is concerned I think their is going to be a paradigm shift because they have to draw the line somewhere, personally I feel that if PTI doesnt draw the line and support a military in this atmosphere it will be side lined in Pakistani politics......
loss of lives in drone strikes is nearly 5 to 6,000 pro-militant terrorists or militants?
while 45, 000 innocent lives been lost directly by the terrorism , done by TTp or its like minded groups?
why still PTI OR JI & JUI are speachless against the terrorism caused by, TTp?
its a clear prove of thier traitrous politics?
they could hve done, some kind of protest, couldnt they?
why not against TTp, ohh affraid of direct confrontation & being called JEW agents?
sorry, its not about militry action or not against TTp, but taking stand against terrorism , which has caused 45,000 pakistani lives?
no no one has taken any stand against them? its only MQM, APML & TUQ thats it?
as MQM is the largest opposition party , taking stand against TTp talks ?
i like to congrates them for thier right full courge!
Check list for MQM

Enjoyed Power with Musharaf than PPP than N and now PPP again ....................
Check list for MQM

Enjoyed Power with Musharaf than PPP than N and now PPP again ....................
so was, imran with musharaf?
then by hospital muk muka with, ganja sharif?
playboy,s gameover ?
mullha sawaati,s turn? lolzz
if MQM is terrorist then why are they not supporting the peace talks with terrorists, where as PTI is supporting peace talks with the terrorists :lol:

i think the real terrorist party is PTI

By that logic, even Abdul Sattar Edhi is a terrorist as well. He recently advocated peace talks with the Taliban as well.will

MQM is the only party which opposed peace talks, seems like MQM is the only opposition

Because they will be least affected party by the fallout of an operation in Waziristan.
By that logic, even Abdul Sattar Edhi is a terrorist as well. He recently advocated peace talks with the Taliban as well.will

Because they will be least affected party by the fallout of an operation in Waziristan.
yes bombs never blasted by TTp in karachi, or those were patel bombs?
MQM was & is a clear TTp target?
abdus sattar edhi, & musaraat shaheen hve simmilr, thinking when it comes to politics, wasnt he ran Way, back in 90s, complaining about imran , & others?
yes bombs never blasted by TTp in karachi, or those were patel bombs?
MQM was & is a clear TTp target?
abdus sattar edhi, & musaraat shaheen hve simmilr, thinking when it comes to politics, wasnt he ran Way, back in 90s, complaining about imran , & others?

I think you're unwittingly agreeing to what I had said. Although I cannot say because you're typing by pissing on the keyboard hoping words happen.
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