Even though it's a subset analysis, this table talks.
Check out mainstream WestCiv first : Can/Fr/De/etc.
Compared to average at bottom, they add World citizenship for a few percent ( 65%+- ).
France, Spain and Oz stand out with about 85% in that combo!
Spain's majority of world citizenship is exceptional; no wonder their parties are so cool.
It seems true that national identity and religious one oppose :
check the Kenya/Ghana/Nigeria trio doing the sliding rule thing.
Check South Korea's record in race segment : which won't surprise anyone that visited
considering their obsession with physical stereotyped beauty.
Check Indonesia's record in local communities and link it to their internal security problem.
Double check Pakistan record in the religious sphere, remembering that if all the world was
included, others probably go higher than that.
Last, verify the countries below it in that ranking ( India comes next? USA in 3rd! ) to see if
you can find out anything about how it influences their fate or attitude
Great find and well sourced post
@RiazHaq !
Great day all, Tay.
* For example, at least a couple American Congressmen probably vote against arming Pakistan
every chance they get because their "Christianity" calls them to it ... which would not happen if
they considered national interest first! Although this probably goes vice-versa in others situations, granted!
And/or countercheck to that African trio, religious sentiment vs prosperity / safety.