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Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

Btw we are not denying all muslim ! We have one ethnic , Kaman , They are Myamar ethnic and they are muslim . When british come in Myanmar they bring bangalis and indan workers , but they are now Myanmar citizen . They describe themselves as idian or bangalis . That is not problem ! But Rohingya bangalis , they proclaim themselves as Myanmar ethnic . All 60 million Myanmar deny it including Aung San Suu Kyi Party .
Now UN is planning to ship them to middle east , ASEAN muslim county dont want them , they are not civilized and difficult to control

Bro side effect! don't waste ur time repl ying these bengladeshi, they just trying to destabilize border and region by fueling rohingya issue just be coz they kno they can't stand off military to military, our gov already start launching investigation on BD agents involvement of this crisis so just don't bother them bro, they r bunch of loser
okay bro , I am done here , lets move on to military affairs ;)
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British rulers imported Bangalis to Myanmar as cheap larbours since 1800s.

Btw we are not denying all muslim ! We have one ethnic , Kaman , They are Myamar ethnic and they are muslim . When british come in Myanmar they bring bangalis and indan workers , but they are now Myanmar citizen . They describe themselves as idian or bangalis . That is not problem ! But Rohingya bangalis , they proclaim themselves as Myanmar ethnic . All 60 million Myanmar deny it including Aung San Suu Kyi Party .
Now UN is planning to ship them to middle east , ASEAN muslim county dont want them , they are not uncivialized and difficult to control

okay bro , I am done here , lets move on to military affairs ;)
ok fri. just focus on military.
What do u want me to read ? it was written by who ?
The book title is start with Muslim in arakan , i think u are still complicating btw religion and race . anyway Chittagoung was Myanmar territory b4 brithish colonized Myanmar , Bangalis being there is no wonder
then why are you complaining ? LOL

British rulers imported Bangalis to Myanmar as cheap larbours since 1800s.
bengalis are there before british

Bro side effect! don't waste ur time repl ying these bengladeshi, they just trying to destabilize border and region by fueling rohingya issue just be coz they kno they can't stand off military to military, our gov already start launching investigation on BD agents involvement of this crisis so just don't bother them bro, they r bunch of loser
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: grow up kido
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LOL Indonesia gave you your freedom & this is your way of repaying us? Ungrateful bastard you turn out to be. Giving them citizenship does not automatically mean they want to announce a statehood in a state they're already a minority. Use your brain. It is the most simplest solution there is.

You ignorant little bastard. Indonesia was a Dutch colony when Burma was a U.N. member. During the Indonesian independence movement, the Burma Airforce flew arms in to support Sukarno as the Dutch would not engage us. We even supported your independence cause in the U.N. It is us who gave you your freedom. Ungrateful, ignorant fool.
You ignorant little bastard. Indonesia was a Dutch colony when Burma was a U.N. member. During the Indonesian independence movement, the Burma Airforce flew arms in to support Sukarno as the Dutch would not engage us. We even supported your independence cause in the U.N. It is us who gave you your freedom. Ungrateful, ignorant fool.

If you bother to check the Soviet & the US was our greatest supporter. The Arms you gave us is paltry to negligible amount. Not really that helpful to our independence cause. Bulgaria also supported our bid so what's your point? Does it excuse them/you from ethnic cleansing? Who gave you your liberty back who help put the civil government back in Myanmar after years of negotiating with your Military Junta. Myanmar is our "Pet project" & when a pet start getting freaky (Rohingya especially) you put it in its place.
If you bother to check the Soviet & the US was our greatest supporter. The Arms you gave us is paltry to negligible amount. Not really that helpful to our independence cause. Bulgaria also supported our bid so what's your point? Does it excuse them/you from ethnic cleansing? Who gave you your liberty back who help put the civil government back in Myanmar after years of negotiating with your Military Junta. Myanmar is our "Pet project" & when a pet start getting freaky (Rohingya especially) you put it in its place.

If you think that Indonesia was somehow the biggest influence in restoring democracy in Myanmar, you would be laughed out of any serious debate for being a cheap, little bigot. Thankfully, you're on an internet message forum and people like your thrive here.

As for your independence, you would be interested to know that no other than Comrade Krushchev remarked in the U.N. about how the world should look to the guidance of countries like Burma when dealing with the Indonesian question. Sukarno and Suharto began by aping the Burma Socialist Party and later the Burma Socialist Programme Party (along with Lee Kwan Yew, you might be surprised to know). But I doubt you would know that because ignorance seems to be your specialty in trade.

BTW this thread has been running for over 2 years now yet there has not been one single credible piece of evidence on this supposed 'ethnic cleansing'. That should tell the whole story.
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If you think that Indonesia was somehow the biggest influence in restoring democracy in Myanmar, you would be laughed out of any serious debate for being a cheap, little bigot. Thankfully, you're on an internet message forum and people like your thrive here.

As for your independence, you would be interested to know that no other than Comrade Krushchev remarked in the U.N. about how the world should look to the guidance of countries like Burma when dealing with the Indonesian question. Sukarno and Suharto began by aping the Burma Socialist Party and later the Burma Socialist Programme Party (along with Lee Kwan Yew, you might be surprised to know). But I doubt you would know that because ignorance seems to be your specialty in trade.

BTW this thread has been running for over 2 years now yet there has not been one single credible piece of evidence on this supposed 'ethnic cleansing'. That should tell the whole story.

This is coming from an actual bigot. Ain't that the pot calling the silverware black? Of course not its a product of multiple countries, but your democratization process parallel to that of us & Indonesia is accredited for teaching Myanmar about democratic transition from a military government to a civil one.

Everybody know what happens in Rakhine is Ethnic Cleansing, nobody is that stupid. An ordinary layman will agree on it being an ethnic cleansing.
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of creating a territory inhabited by people of a homogeneous or pure ethnicity, religion, culture, and history. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

Ethnic cleansing is usually accompanied with the efforts to remove physical and cultural evidence of the targeted group in the territory through the destruction of homes, social centers, farms, and infrastructure, and by the desecration of monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship.

Initially used by the perpetrators during the Yugoslav Wars and cited in this context as a euphemism akin to that of the "final solution", by the 1990s the term gained widespread acceptance in academic discourse in its generic meaning.

Is it not what currently happens in Burma. Or was I misinformed?
This is coming from an actual bigot. Ain't that the pot calling the silverware black? Of course not its a product of multiple countries, but your democratization process parallel to that of us & Indonesia is accredited for teaching Myanmar about democratic transition from a military government to a civil one.

Everybody know what happens in Rakhine is Ethnic Cleansing, nobody is that stupid. An ordinary layman will agree on it being an ethnic cleansing.

Is it not what currently happens in Burma. Or was I misinformed?

Finally, you come to your great realisation. You have been grossly misinformed. Find me actual evidence of it and I'll gladly retract it. That is, ofcourse, a fool's errand as I know very well what is going on and there is no evidence of this 'ethnic cleansing' because there is no 'ethnic cleansing'. But who better to send on a fool's errand than an actual fool.

Congratulations on backtracking on your "Indonesia was responsible for Myanmar democracy" line, though. I hope you see that that is as stupid as me saying Burma gave birth to post-Dutch Indonesia. But hey, I'll be happy to clear up any further misconceptions you may have about the world.
Finally, you come to your great realisation. You have been grossly misinformed. Find me actual evidence of it and I'll gladly retract it. That is, ofcourse, a fool's errand as I know very well what is going on and there is no evidence of this 'ethnic cleansing' because there is no 'ethnic cleansing'. But who better to send on a fool's errand than an actual fool.

Congratulations on backtracking on your "Indonesia was responsible for Myanmar democracy" line, though. I hope you see that that is as stupid as me saying Burma gave birth to post-Dutch Indonesia. But hey, I'll be happy to clear up any further misconceptions you may have about the world.

So you're saying that there's no forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.
Happening to the Rohingya on Rakhine?

forced migration (deportation, population transfer)

Myanmar Rohingya refugees rescued in Thailand - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

mass murder

Atrocities in Myanmar | April 18, 2014 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS


Myanmar’s '969' crusade breeds anti-Muslim malice | GlobalPost

Tell me how am I misinformed or that you really trust your government that lied to you for over 60 years.

Myanmar's Rohingya face a humanitarian crisis - Features - Al Jazeera English

What happened in & is currently happening in Rakhine is EVIL. What happens in there is Ethnic cleansing pure & simple. Or are your brain run on a different set of moral?
So you're saying that there's no forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.
Happening to the Rohingya on Rakhine?

forced migration (deportation, population transfer)

Myanmar Rohingya refugees rescued in Thailand - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

mass murder

Atrocities in Myanmar | April 18, 2014 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS


Myanmar’s '969' crusade breeds anti-Muslim malice | GlobalPost

Tell me how am I misinformed or that you really trust your government that lied to you for over 60 years.

Myanmar's Rohingya face a humanitarian crisis - Features - Al Jazeera English

What happened in & is currently happening in Rakhine is EVIL. What happens in there is Ethnic cleansing pure & simple. Or are your brain run on a different set of moral?

No. I don't listen to government propaganda at all. Mainly because the government don't distribute propaganda about the Rohingya issue. I don't get my views from the global press, either, as you do. I form my views from contacts within government, within Arakan State and those who work in the UNHCR. What is happening is communal violence between two competing groups of people; one of whom doesn't belong there. Will this lead to displacement? Sure. Is the government systematically sponsoring it? No. Is it ethnic cleansing? Ofcourse not. But Myanmar is an easy target. Sure, it's easy to pick on the Myanmar boogie man. Any halfwit, probably young with a liberal Western education, and no real in-depth grasp of the situation will cry foul and rail against this situation without any notion of the complexity of the situation. Hence why you reduce it to simple absolutes.

My brain sees beyond the superficial and beyond the veneer of absolutes. It certainly sees international situations beyond facile generalisations such as 'good' and 'evil'. You should try to, too, my ignorant friend.

By the way, 'Or are your brain run on an different set of moral' is a terrible sentence grammar wise. Either your parents skimped on your tuition or you went to a third rate Australian university. I would say both. Go and learn to write English properly before you start criticizing the language skills of my fellow Myanmar posters.
No. I don't listen to government propaganda at all. Mainly because the government don't distribute propaganda about the Rohingya issue. I don't get my views from the global press, either, as you do. I form my views from contacts within government, within Arakan State and those who work in the UNHCR. What is happening is communal violence between two competing groups of people; one of whom doesn't belong there. Will this lead to displacement? Sure. Is the government systematically sponsoring it? No. Is it ethnic cleansing? Ofcourse not. But Myanmar is an easy target. Sure, it's easy to pick on the Myanmar boogie man. Any halfwit, probably young with a liberal Western education, and no real in-depth grasp of the situation will cry foul and rail against this situation without any notion of the complexity of the situation. Hence why you reduce it to simple absolutes.

My brain sees beyond the superficial and beyond the veneer of absolutes. It certainly sees international situations beyond facile generalisations such as 'good' and 'evil'. You should try to, too, my ignorant friend.

By the way, 'Or are your brain run on an different set of moral' is a terrible sentence grammar wise. Either your parents skimped on your tuition or you went to a third rate Australian university. I would say both. Go and learn to write English properly before you start criticizing the language skills of my fellow Myanmar posters.

You hide behind semantics not facts. A sign of a man not even sure what he's talking about. If you trying to convince anyone don't hide behind sophistry just use facts. Ask any layman will tell you that this is ethnic cleansing pure & true. Maybe you have a different definition on what ethnic cleansing is?

The government doesn't support it LOL:
This is based on 12 leaked government documents. As such the Government is complicit for the persecution & ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people. Please continue with your government apologist stance.

Seems simple enough to me. The only one who said that this is complex are usually the one who support the side of the oppressor. Like saying "Apartheid are Complex" because of whatever or other kind of oppression. Rohingya are not called the most persecuted minorities on the planet for nothing. Even if they are like some people said "don't belong there" they still did not deserve these kinds of fate. There is simply no grey area to support your sophistry.

A guy like me doesn't need to use sophistry to tell you that in Rakhine there is an Ethnic cleansing going on. There's mass grave & burnt houses (most of them Rohingya) to support this.
You hide behind semantics not facts. A sign of a man not even sure what he's talking about. If you trying to convince anyone don't hide behind sophistry just use facts. Ask any layman will tell you that this is ethnic cleansing pure & true. Maybe you have a different definition on what ethnic cleansing is?

The government doesn't support it LOL:
This is based on 12 leaked government documents. As such the Government is complicit for the persecution & ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people. Please continue with your government apologist stance.

Seems simple enough to me. The only one who said that this is complex are usually the one who support the side of the oppressor. Like saying "Apartheid are Complex" because of whatever or other kind of oppression. Rohingya are not called the most persecuted minorities on the planet for nothing. Even if they are like some people said "don't belong there" they still did not deserve these kinds of fate. There is simply no grey area to support your sophistry.

A guy like me doesn't need to use sophistry to tell you that in Rakhine there is an Ethnic cleansing going on. There's mass grave & burnt houses (most of them Rohingya) to support this.

Now even buddhists are after muslims?

Wonder why its so?
Now even buddhists are after muslims?

Wonder why its so?

Even the Buddhist in Sri Lanka are still after Tamil Hindu. Multiple report said that the Buddhist must "defend" their faith, but like my former president habibie said "God doesn't need protection." So I'll probably never understand their view.

If you ask me its "resentment caused by paranoid schizophrenia," but that's just my analysis.

To make things clear I don't have anything Buddhism or any kind of faiths in generals. My hate are reserved for the one personal to me.
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