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Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

Didn't you see Indian Muslims rioting in UP and NE India, resulting in mass casualties in the past few months?

Why would you support the LTTE, but not support the shining democratic wishes of your 200 million Muslim citizens? Religion maybe?

Even if you exaggerated, there were maybe 1000 people that took part in the riots, less than 0.001 % of the Indian Muslim population.

And most of those rioters are probably Jamaati Ummah uneducated ret*rds, their IQ is probably comparable to the Bangladesh PDF crowd you see here and wouldnt be able to find Myanmar on a map, much less have a civilized rational look into the issue. They just need an excuse to show their uncivilized rioting side and give a bad name to their religion...

Please don't feed the troll. It's his usual trick. I wanted everyone to know his position, he revealed it. Let's leave it at that.
Didn't you see Indian Muslims rioting in UP and NE India, resulting in mass casualties in the past few months?

Why would you support the LTTE, but not support the shining democratic wishes of your 200 million Muslim citizens? Religion maybe?

Vidiya vidiya ramayanam kettutu vidinchu ketta seedhaikku raaman sithappanu sonnanaam...

Mate why dont you read through the thread to understand why this comparison is totally absurd. Indian Hindus also want India to attack Pakistan to save the Hindus there. But that is not how governments functions. coming from China you should be knowing that. :cheesy:

Please don't feed the troll. It's his usual trick. I wanted everyone to know his position, he revealed it. Let's leave it at that.

So you wanted to trick me onto this thread?

You got your wish. :wave: Just don't complain later.
Baluchistan is not viewed by the UN as one of the most extreme cases of persecution in the world, like the Rohingyas.

So, no comparison.

Even one life killed is a human rights violation. You are cant differentiate between human rights violations based on random criteria.
Any body can sit in a corner and mind their own business. Part of being a leader is to take a stance based on principles you advocate. No one is asking India to intervene in Africa or South America, but when something happens right next door and you keep quiet because you are afraid of walking on eggshells, then that does not project the image of a principled leader.

By your logic how does "principles" vary depending on the location ? Are principles different for South East Asia and Africa. Why do you think that we should intervene in this case but need not in Africa as the principles and the value of human life is the same everywhere. Hey, stop hiding behind all this facade of humanitarian bullshit. Your reason for interest in this issue and the reason for that is pretty much explicit, though you dont want to accept that.

There is no "principles" or "morals" in geopolitics. Else you guys wont be sponsoring a brutal, repressive, 7th century group of people in neighboring Afghanistan. Its interests that matter and we are looking after it.

BTW your attempt at sarcasm was duly noted and rejected.
Didn't you see Indian Muslims rioting in UP and NE India, resulting in mass casualties in the past few months?

Why would you support the LTTE, but not support the shining democratic wishes of your 200 million Muslim citizens? Religion maybe?

I am sure you know, that LTTE was not supported because of religion, but ethnicity.
We cannot give support on the basis of religion, otherwise there are more instances needing over support elsewhere, in neighborhood.

Be it ethnicity or religion, it is the issue of Bangladesh. As far as human rights are concerned, Chinese govt has equal responsibility as that of Indian, being neighbors. So why the double standard. Why cry fowl when Indians dont intervene, but no blame to Chinese?
Chinese don't care they too busy making money from Burma and letting Tibetians burn themselves alive while Pakistan let's shias and ahmediyas get slaughtered :) Bangladesh i understand why they dont take them because their country will be underwater in next 30 years so there is no room.
Another horse shoe thread with Indiand doing their best to justify killing of minority by a majority,and asking muslims to shut up because their countries have certain social evils..
Internet hindus their best...or worst...
Pakistani would be better looking into their own domestic problems then interfering in sovereign country, even China is not doing so and they best friends with Pakistan why don't Pakistan make call to China tell them to put pressure on Burma?
Another horse shoe thread with Indiand doing their best to justify killing of minority by a majority,and asking muslims to shut up because their countries have certain social evils..
Internet hindus their best...or worst...

Not true mate. None of the Indians have justified the killings. I think you are mistaken, let me reiterate--

"We neither justify these riots nor the killings!!"
Regarding the Burma issue, it's their own internal affairs. But if Pakistan and Bangladesh officially ask us to put pressure on Burma then I am sure we will do so.

Pakistan and BD, please listen to Chinese Dragon and appeal to the Chinese. I'm sure they will do your bidding. Please leave us out of the circus.

Another horse shoe thread with Indiand doing their best to justify killing of minority by a majority,and asking muslims to shut up because their countries have certain social evils..
Internet hindus their best...or worst...

Looks like another hindu phobe. Keep generalizing all religions. but get twisted up when some one returns the favor.

thread full of shiv sena members

All of us are duplicate accounts of Bombay-Dude. :)
Not true mate. None of the Indians have justified the killings. I think you are mistaken, let me reiterate--

"We neither justify these riots nor the killings!!"

Like they truly care about our actual stand. Not once did they asked for the stand of Chinese. If they were honestly concerned about the situation and not just trying to blame India, they would have asked about China and BD.

Chinese have obviously more influence over Myanmar, and BD shares the border/religion/ethnicity. Where does India steps in?!!
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