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Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

lets start killing our hindu minorities then see what our indian dadas has 2 say about it :rolleyes:
Unfortunately for you, the Indian Supreme Court does not agree having held that the basic tenets of the constitution cannot be altered even through amendments supported by2/3rds of the Indian parliament. Essentially that means that secularism is non-negotiable & regardless of who comes to power and with what strength, it will remain so.

Ha ha..all the best convincing him.

lets start killing our hindu minorities then see what our indian dadas has 2 say about it :rolleyes:

As if you are not doing that already. Chillax man. I've heard horrible stories of persecution of Hindus in BD from the barber I usually go for cutting. His family now lives in Kolkata leavin behind all their ancestral properties which are being used by the local BNP head.
Ha ha..all the best convincing him.

As if you are not doing that already. Chillax man. I've heard horrible stories of persecution of Hindus in BD from the barber I usually go for cutting. His family now lives in Kolkata leavin behind all their ancestral properties which are being used by the local BNP head.

apna bakwas apne pass rakh
why is this thread in Bangladesh section, it should be in World section.. MOD pl:pdf: plz move it.
Which is why India is wary of doing anything similar anywhere else.

Any body can sit in a corner and mind their own business. Part of being a leader is to take a stance based on principles you advocate. No one is asking India to intervene in Africa or South America, but when something happens right next door and you keep quiet because you are afraid of walking on eggshells, then that does not project the image of a principled leader.

This is not the India of the last century. This India wants to be viewed as a global player and a force for world peace. Those titles come with responsibilities.

About as much chance as all Muslims converting to Hinduism. After all, the same principles enunciated by you apply.

Probably true. My point was that India's secularism reflects the will of the majority and, if that will changes, then so will the official stance.
Any body can sit in a corner and mind their own business. Part of being a leader is to take a stance based on principles you advocate. No one is asking India to intervene in Africa or South America, but when something happens right next door and you keep quiet because you are afraid of walking on eggshells, then that does not project the image of a principled leader.

This is not the India of the last century. This India wants to be viewed as a global player and a force for world peace. Those titles come with responsibilities.

Tibet & Baluchistan aren't very far either. If we go by your logic on being principled, then we must at the very least, be consistent in applying those principles.
Nobody here even asked for Indian intervention all I see is peacekeeping force (considering India provides the UN with forces in this regard it would make sense why they would be Indian). Yet Indians here are having an ulcer for no reason, heck you guys want to be supaaaa powaaaa India so here is the chance at least make a statement to show some sort of leadership but you balk at the opportunity.
Is it just me or the Chinese folks on here don't care much about the Rohingya's, they are certainly conspicuous by their absence in these threads.
If you Indians are going to call us into threads by flaming China then please don't complain when we start flaming back. :wave:

I was just curious no flaming at all. The fact that you replied instantly is also a proof that you read all the posts, just not wanting to post anything.
its time to send UN peace keeping force there! Creating a neutral zone is must!! Send french, indian soldiers there, anything will do. Just protect them from Burmese snakes!

kobiraaz is right only india has the leverage to put pressure on burma, even if indian govt. just take a press conference burma will buckle under pressure thing will improve fast my personal veiw india must help those peoples
Is it just me or the Chinese folks on here don't care much about the Rohingya's, they are certainly conspicuous by their absence in these threads.

LOL and you Indians do? You guys only come on these threads either to bash the OIC (which every Muslim on the planet knows is a tea and cookies organization) or to bash China.
Over 88 have dead in latest unrest in myanmar by buddhists
Tibet & Baluchistan aren't very far either. If we go by your logic on being principled, then we must at the very least, be consistent in applying those principles.

Baluchistan is not viewed by the UN as one of the most extreme cases of persecution in the world, like the Rohingyas.

So, no comparison.
lets start killing our hindu minorities then see what our indian dadas has 2 say about it :rolleyes:

You pretty much have, apart form the fact that Hindu population in Bangladesh has reduced from 33% to 7% today over 6 decades, you also used this famous law to drive all Hindus away to India

Vested Property Act (Bangladesh) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Vested Property Act is a controversial law in Bangladesh that allows the Government to confiscate property from individuals it deems as an enemy of the state. Before the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, it was known as the Enemy Property Act and is still referred to as such in common parlance. The act is criticised as a tool for appropriating the lands of the minority population . It is officially estimated that about 75% of all Hindu lands in Bangladesh have been seized by using this act. Considerations are going on now to stop and repeal this act.
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