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Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

That is the last millenium news and moreover SL tamilians are both Hindus and Christians.

Majority are Hindus. It was a double whammy, ethnic (Tamil) and religious (Hindu) solidarity.

This millenium news - India sat idle while 30,000 SL tamilians were slaughtered in the last stages of the war.

Only after the LTTE started supporting separatists within Tamil Nadu itself.
Double standard is in not wanting a international intervention in Balochistan, in North Waziristan, decrying Indian intervention in East Pakistan and then supporting the exact same in case of Myanmar. Sorry Mrs.hypocrisy. You cant have the cake and eat it too.

Double standard is with Indians, not just on this forum but the country as a whole.

India funded the terrorist LTTE to help fellow Hindu Tamils in Sri Lanka, but when Muslim Indians ask for help in Burma, the wider Indian community tells them to shut up.

Some, it seems, are more equal than others in secular India.

ha ha ha there are so many holes in two lines of your post.

First of all the LTTE was not fighting on a religious platform and the upper echelon of the LTTE was 90% Christian. Google up if you want. So wrong analogy

Secondly India supported LTTE because the Tamilians living there originally went from Tamil Nadu. Same cant be said of the Rohingyas. By that ananlogy it must be Bangladesh that must support the Rohingyas.

Thirdly there was a wider geo-strategic sense in supporting LTTE - the Lankans had to be cut down to size after they supported PAk in the 71 war and they were inviting the US to establish a naval base. We did what you did to the Afghans. Ensuring a "friendly" neighborhood.

Lastly the Rohingyas are not "Indian Muslims". They did not migrate from any part of India to Arakan. If at all it is Bangladesh that must do something. But guess what, they just shut their borders to the Rohingyas.

So before you know the nitty gritties of the things you refer to, dont refer them.

Fellow Hindus in Pakistan are being brutalized as much as the Rohingyas..is India interfering ? Moreover why not ask your taller than mountains friend CHina to pressure the junta to go easy..they have many more times influence on the junta than India ? Oh waiit, China gives exactly a rats posterior to the plight of Muslims and you would conveniently ignore that.
Majority are Hindus. It was a double whammy, ethnic (Tamil) and religious (Hindu) solidarity.

Only after the LTTE started supporting separatists within Tamil Nadu itself.

Look above for the remainder of my post. i used to live in TN and I was not aware of any separatists. Are you thinking of Assam where there were rumors that LTTE was trying to support ULFA?
Majority are Hindus. It was a double whammy, ethnic (Tamil) and religious (Hindu) solidarity.

I repeat the top leadership of the LTTE were entirely Christian. Prabha himself was a lapsed Methodist.

Only after the LTTE started supporting separatists within Tamil Nadu itself.

LTTE did not support any separatism in my state.

And Developero so do you support the Indian intervention in East Pakistan ?
Double standard is with Indians, not just on this forum but the country as a whole.

India funded the terrorist LTTE to help fellow Hindu Tamils in Sri Lanka, but when Muslim Indians ask for help in Burma, the wider Indian community tells them to shut up.

Some, it seems, are more equal than others in secular India.

The hypocrisy here is calling us Hindu Tamils in spite of knowing that Prabhakaran himself was a Christian and so was Anton Balashigham.

Other fallacies in your comparison:

India and Sri Lanka had issues while thats not the case with Burma.

India shares a border with Tamil areas of Sri Lanka and hence it was affecting us. We don't share a border with Arakan state.

Ethnic Indian Tamil plantation workers who were naturalized Sri Lankan citizens were involved in the conflict and hence they were directly supported by Tamils of India. In this case Bangladesh is in that position.

Only after the LTTE started supporting separatists within Tamil Nadu itself.
where did you get that info from?
First of all the LTTE was not fighting on a religious platform and the upper echelon of the LTTE was 90% Christian. Google up if you want. So wrong analogy

Prabhakaran was Hindu before he converted, and majority Lankan Tamils are Hindu.

Anyway, as I said, the support base in India was both ethnic and religious. Add the geopolitical reasons you mentioned.

Lastly the Rohingyas are not "Indian Muslims".

I didn't say they are. I said the Indian Muslims are asking for India's support in Burma, the same way Indian Tamils were asking for India's support in Sri Lanka.

Fellow Hindus in Pakistan are being brutalized as much as the Rohingyas..is India interfering ?

India is loosening the visa regime and facilitating migration of Pak Hindus into India. No such scheme exists for other religions.

Moreover why not ask your taller than mountains friend CHina to pressure the junta to go easy.

Once again, it is the Indian Muslims asking their own government. Why would Indian Muslims ask China?
Developero, stop going about arguing irrelevant things. The initial post was not even meant to you. It was meant to the Jamatis and pro-pakistanis in BD - who regret Indian intervention in 71 saying it was an internal affair of Pakistan - and who now want the exact opposite in case of Myanmar.

Prabhakaran was Hindu before he converted, and majority Lankan Tamils are Hindu.

Anyway, as I said, the support base in India was both ethnic and religious. Add the geopolitical reasons you mentioned.

lol so you too were a Hindu or a Buddhist before some of ancestors converted. What a lame logic man. He was a Christian when he started the LTTE.

Stop digging yourself a larger pit after the initial falsehood.

I didn't say they are. I said the Indian Muslims are asking for India's support in Burma, the same way Indian Tamils were asking for India's support in Sri Lanka.

The difference is the Tamils were migrants from India over the centuries as late as early 20th century while the Rohingyas are not. Why dont you understand that simple fact ? It is Bangladesh that is in position similar to what India was in regard to the Lankan Tamils. So you are talking to the wrong nationality here.

Once again, it is the Indian Muslims asking their own government. Why would Indian Muslims ask China?

There is no merit in that demand even though they are free to make their demand. Just like I can make a demand for Indian intervention to end hostilities against Hindus in Pakistan. It is similar to asking India to intervene in Libya or Kosovo. Both will not be entertained. Myanmar is a sovereign country and until our people (our in the sense Indian origin) are threatened, we cant do anything. Actually even when the Indian origin people were expelled in the 60s we did pretty much nothing.
And Developero so do you support the Indian intervention in East Pakistan ?

Nobody here is advocating secession. If and when the Rohingyas decide to secede, the issue can be debated.

The only issue here is a peacekeeping force to stem the violence and to protect the persecuted Rohingya minority from the Burmese state apparatus.
Nobody here is advocating secession. If and when the Rohingyas decide to secede, the issue can be debated.

The only issue here is a peacekeeping force to stem the violence and to protect the persecuted Rohingya minority from the Burmese state apparatus.

why are you even talking to us? as if it is our responsibility? Go ask your islamic government to save them.
Nobody here is advocating secession. If and when the Rohingyas decide to secede, the issue can be debated.

The only issue here is a peacekeeping force to stem the violence and to protect the persecuted Rohingya minority from the Burmese state apparatus.

So would you have supported an Indian peacekeeping force in East Pakistan ? Moreover we did not cause the secession. the Bengalis themselves took it. We just came in as a peacekeeping force and that too only after the refugee problem was becoming too large to look the other way and our desire to pay you back for '65. No such things in case of Myanmar.

And what is the only nuclear armed Islamic country doing for Rohingyas..why is that for every crisis involving Muslims, non-Islamic nations should intervene ? You have the OIC, you have the Arab League, the GCC..why dont they intervene ?

why are you even talking to us? as if it is our responsibility? Go ask your islamic government to save them.

For every crisis involving Muslims, the Islamic nations wont do anything. But non-Islamic nations who have absolutely no stake in that must volunteer men and money for their sake. And all for the next round of abuse some time later.
lol so you too were a Hindu or a Buddhist before some of ancestors converted. What a lame logic man. He was a Christian when he started the LTTE.

He was born a Hindu. He started the LTTE in 1976, but his marriage in 1984 was performed as a Hindu ritual. He was cremated in the Hindu tradition, not buried in the Christian tradition. So he was a Christian convert in name only.

why are you even talking to us? as if it is our responsibility? Go ask your islamic government to save them.

I am saying India, along with other countries, should push for a multinational peacekeeping force to stop the violence and investigate the situation.

Once again, the secular Indians tend to see everything from a religious prism. The Rohingyas a minority that the UN has declared to be one of the most persecuted.

Try looking at people as human beings without seeing their religion everywhere.

So would you have supported an Indian peacekeeping force in East Pakistan

Only if the UN declared the situation to be grave enough to warrant a multinational peacekeeping force.

And what is the only nuclear armed Islamic country doing for Rohingyas..why is that for every crisis involving Muslims, non-Islamic nations should intervene ? You have the OIC, you have the Arab League, the GCC..why dont they intervene ?

Another secular Indian obsessed with religion...
He was born a Hindu. He started the LTTE in 1976, but his marriage in 1984 was performed as a Hindu ritual. He was cremated in the Hindu tradition, not buried in the Christian tradition. So he was a Christian convert in name only.

My friends dad who was a Hindu was buried and another Christian neighbour of us was cremated and his ashes sent to Velankanni shrine. Dude you know nilch about Hindu or Christian traditions down South and you keep blabbering as if you know everything. Give it a rest. Indian support to LTTE was based on geo-strategic reasons and the the Lankans Tamils were Indian descendents. I repeat no such imperative in case of this issue.

I am saying India, along with other countries, should push for a multinational peacekeeping force to stop the violence and investigate the situation.

Why dont Islamic countries ? Why India ? As I said we have no stake in what happens in Myanmar.

Only if the UN declared the situation to be grave enough to warrant a multinational peacekeeping force.

SO once again, ask the UN Sec council to mandate something. We are nobodys in the UN mate. I'll accept that. We are not in the P5. Ask your dearest buddy China to do something in the security council. Man, you sure are wasting time talking to the wrong people.

You want a UNPKF but wont talk to the ones in P5, you wont talk to the Bangladeshis whoa re the ones most equipped to teach these Burmans a lesson..but you will fault India for everything. Weird India obsession.

Another secular Indian obsessed with religion...

Nothing to reply and taking refuge by accusing others as if you are one holy cow. Remember it was not this 'secular' Indian who brought in religion. It was you who brought in religion by your reference to 'Hindu' LTTE and 'Muslim' Rohingyas. So nice try. But fail. Your hypocrisy is laid bare.

And for bejesus sake, individual people are never secular except perhaps atheists or agnostics. Governments/Constitutions are secular. I'm a devout Hindu by faith and it is this religion that plays an integral part in my daily life making me a non-secular person.
Why dont Islamic countries ? Why India ? As I said we have no stake in what happens in Myanmar.

You want to be a regional power? This is the region. Show leadership.

Nothing to reply and taking refuge by accusing others as if you are one holy cow. Remember it was not this 'secular' Indian who brought in religion. It was you who brought in religion by your reference to 'Hindu' LTTE and 'Muslim' Rohingyas. So nice try. But fail. Your hypocrisy is laid bare.

Uh, wrong again. Look at your post #6 to see the reference to Muslims.

And for bejesus sake, individual people are never secular except perhaps atheists or agnostics. Governments/Constitutions are secular. I'm a devout Hindu by faith and it is this religion that plays an integral part in my daily life making me a non-secular person.

A country's institutions reflect the collective mindset of the people in a democracy. If India is secular, it is because a majority of Indians believe in secularism. If a large enough majority wants it to become a Hindu nation, it will become one, including Constitutional amendments.
Let me make it clear. I dont support the persecution of the Rohingyas. As a Tamilian whose own community was in the exact same position as the Rohingyas 5 decades earlier there is no justification for what is being done to the Rohingyas at large (some of them are involved in counter-rioting etc). But that is the max we can do. Condemn. There is no talk about military intervention because we are not responsible for each and every human being on the planet.
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