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Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

Because the Rohingya are our brothers...in faith. Their genocide (yes, that word) is certainly troubling to us.
It's..."a crime to humanity". I'm sure you'd agree with me if the Rohingya were not Muslim.

No I won't because these guys are the ones who started the whole mess. Simple as that. While your media ie the islamic media tells that they're being killed they don't tell you why this all started in the first place.

It is just like this: if your real brother comes to my house, beats up my folks and goes back. Then when I come over to his place and beat him up for revenge, you claim that I am the aggressor. Wouldn't it have been your prerogative to teach your brother to not attack my people in first place?

The same case here.

Honestly speaking, I never expected that Muslims could ever be directly against our Buddhist community in my lifetime and thought of it as an event of past but it is very shocking that how come you managed to even turn the most non-violent community on the planet into your enemies.

If Rohingyas had not started their little so-called jehad, this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place.

See, this is the thing; some idiots mistake Buddhist communities as wusses and think that just because we're peaceful, we can be picked upon.

^^^ give weapons to rohingyas to defend themselves and their homes from Buddhist mobs...
that should be the stance...

Rohingyas started a separatist insurgency in 50s alienating themselves. An armed insurgency would means they are inviting more problems.
No I won't because these guys are the ones who started the whole mess. Simple as that. While your media ie the islamic media tells that they're being killed they don't tell you why this all started in the first place.

It is just like this: if your real brother comes to my house, beats up my folks and goes back. Then when I come over to his place and beat him up for revenge, you claim that I am the aggressor. Wouldn't it have been your prerogative to teach your brother to not attack my people in first place?

The same case here.

Honestly speaking, I never expected that Muslims could ever be directly against our Buddhist community in my lifetime and thought of it as an event of past but it is very shocking that how come you managed to even turn the most non-violent community on the planet into your enemies.

If Rohingyas had not started their little so-called jehad, this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place.

See, this is the thing; some idiots mistake Buddhist communities as wusses and think that just because we're peaceful, we can be picked upon.


Did you forget the ruthless clampdown of upraising by Thai muslims in southern thailand? Buddhism is a peaceful religion, but Buddhists are not pacifists and can be merciless. We have seen that from Japan and Korea to Sri Lanka and Cambodia.
If Rohingyas had not started their little so-called jehad, this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place.

Jihad my bum; the Buddhists attack the vulnerable Muslims, and when they retaliate it's dubbed as 'Jihad'. There's no real reason why the Muslim Rohingya would attack a much more powerful, both in numbers and support, community and risk extermination. It's not that hard to guess who the real perpetrators are in this case, and their reasons.
Rohingyas started a separatist insurgency in 50s alienating themselves. An armed insurgency would means they are inviting more problems.

and separatist insurgency starts by its self genius?
Because we were once one country.

then this analogy belongs to burma too


I have posted a link on page 1.

you are stupid please stop posting
No I won't because these guys are the ones who started the whole mess. Simple as that. While your media ie the islamic media tells that they're being killed they don't tell you why this all started in the first place.

Western media are controlled by Muslims? You just made my day mate :lol:

It is just like this: if your real brother comes to my house, beats up my folks and goes back. Then when I come over to his place and beat him up for revenge, you claim that I am the aggressor. Wouldn't it have been your prerogative to teach your brother to not attack my people in first place?

The same case here.

Honestly speaking, I never expected that Muslims could ever be directly against our Buddhist community in my lifetime and thought of it as an event of past but it is very shocking that how come you managed to even turn the most non-violent community on the planet into your enemies.

If Rohingyas had not started their little so-called jehad, this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place.

See, this is the thing; some idiots mistake Buddhist communities as wusses and think that just because we're peaceful, we can be picked upon.


And um...what about the Koreans? Imperial Japanese? The Cambodians?

Rest of your post were all brainfart. Since there were insurgencies in NE India, does that justify violently persecuting an entire ethnic group? Have you ever heard of a man named Abdur Razak? I suppose you never did.

As I said, complete and an irrational brainfart.

I have posted a link on page 1.

That's why they call it Wikipedia :lol:
Burma's leader admits deadly attacks on Muslims

Burma's president has admitted an unprecedented wave of ethnic violence has targeted his country's Rohingya Muslim population, destroying whole villages and large parts of towns.

Thein Sein's acknowledgement follows the release of satellite images showing the severe scale of the destruction in one coastal town, where most – if not all – of the Muslim population appears to have been displaced and their homes destroyed.

The pictures, acquired by Human Rights Watchshow destruction to the coastal town of Kyaukpyu in the country's west. They reveal an area of destruction 35 acres in size in which some 811 buildings and boats have been destroyed.

The images confirm reports of an orgy of destruction in the town which occurred in a 24-hour period in the middle of last week after violence in the province broke out again on 21 October.

The attacks in Arakan province in the country's west – also known as Rakhine – appears to have been part of a wave of communal violence pitting Arakan Buddhists against Muslims that has hit five separate towns and displaced thousands of people.

"There have been incidents of whole villages and parts of the towns being burned down in Arakan state," Thein Sein's spokesman said.

A government spokesman put the death toll up until Friday at 112. But within hours state media revised it to 67 killed from 21-25 October, with 95 wounded and nearly 3,000 houses destroyed.

The president's comments followed a warning from the office of the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, that ethnic violence was endangering political progress in Burma.

"The vigilante attacks, targeted threats and extremist rhetoric must be stopped. If this is not done … the reform and opening-up process being currently pursued by the government is likely to be jeopardised," the statement said.

The Burmese government is struggling to contain ethnic and religious tensions suppressed during nearly half a century of military rule that ended last year.

Inter-ethnic violence broke out earlier this year, triggered by the rape and murder of a Buddhist woman by three Muslim men.

Releasing the satellite images, Human Rights Watch said it had identified 633 buildings and 178 houseboats and floating barges which were destroyed in an area occupied predominantly by Rohingya.

A committee of MPs led by the Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi called on Friday for security reinforcements and swift legal action against those behind the killings and destruction.

According to Reuters, dozens of boats full of Rohingyas with no food or water fled Kyaukpyu, an industrial zone important to China, and other recent hotspots and were seeking access on Friday to overcrowded refugee camps around the state capital, Sittwe.

Some 3,000 Rohingya were reported to have been blocked from reaching Sittwe by government forces and landed on a nearby island.

"These latest incidents between Muslim Rohingyas and Buddhists demonstrate how urgent it is that the authorities intervene to protect everyone, and break the cycle of discrimination and violence," Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific deputy director, Isabelle Arradon, said.

The latest violence erupted as a Burmese website in Norway – the Democratic Voice of Burma – reported it had acquired a document by a group calling itself the All-Arakanese Monks' Solidarity Conference. calling for all Rohingya to be expelled from the country.

"Burma's government urgently needs to provide security for the Rohingya in Arakan state, who are under vicious attack," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "Unless the authorities also start addressing the root causes of the violence, it is only likely to get worse."

Human Rights Watch fears the death toll is far higher, based on allegations from witnesses fleeing scenes of carnage and the government's well-documented history of underestimating figures that might lead to criticism of the state.

The Rohingya are officially stateless. Buddhist-majority Burma's government regards the estimated 800,000 of them in the country as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, and not as one of the country's 135 official ethnic groups, and denies them citizenship.

But many of those expelled from Kyaukpyu are not Rohingya but Muslims from the officially recognised Kaman minority, said Chris Lewa, director of the Rohingya advocacy group, Arakan Project.

"It's not just anti-Rohingya violence anymore, it's anti-Muslim," she said.

It was unclear what set off the latest arson and killing on Sunday.

The guardian uk
I am seeing Bangladesh acting as if has nothing to do with Rohingas, watching them die like a bystander. No, Muslim country will come forward to help and Rohingas will keep dying. The days of Muslim military dominance are over ,,, bad luck for Rohingas as Pakistan is busy internally, otherwise we would have helped them in ways we could as we did for Bosnian and Kosovites.
i agree with u man

No brother, that is at all not a good idea at the moment. You see those people are quitter. They do not want to defend the land they are standing in. They are fleeing from their motherland like cowards. When they come to our country as refugee, they engage in various unsocial , criminal activities and despoil our images abroad.

Its their internal matter and bilateral issue with Bangladesh.

If we engage with Burma I hope India will retain this stance and not intervene.:coffee::coffee:
Jihad my bum; the Buddhists attack the vulnerable Muslims, and when they retaliate it's dubbed as 'Jihad'. There's no real reason why the Muslim Rohingya would attack a much more powerful, both in numbers and support, community and risk extermination. It's not that hard to guess who the real perpetrators are in this case, and their reasons.

Muslims in minorities attacked pilgrim in gujarat trains. also they cause trouble in thailand, philippines, burma etc.

I am seeing Bangladesh acting as if has nothing to do with Rohingas, watching them die like a bystander. No, Muslim country will come forward to help and Rohingas will keep dying. The days of Muslim military dominance are over ,,, bad luck for Rohingas as Pakistan is busy internally, otherwise we would have helped them in ways we could as we did for Bosnian and Kosovites.

what language is spoken by this rohingya
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