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Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

If you Indians are going to call us into threads by flaming China then please don't complain when we start flaming back. :wave:

I was just curious no flaming at all. The fact that you replied instantly is also a proof that you read all the posts, just not wanting to post anything.

Actually, having read the thread, you Indians have been flaming us since the start.

But let's just assume for the sake of argument that you are well-meaning here, even though you are clearly not.

This is the post I agree with:

Double standard is with Indians, not just on this forum but the country as a whole.

India funded the terrorist LTTE to help fellow Hindu Tamils in Sri Lanka, but when Muslim Indians ask for help in Burma, the wider Indian community tells them to shut up.

Some, it seems, are more equal than others in secular India.

India has the 3rd largest population of Muslims in the world, and it is the Indian Muslims who are clamoring over this issue as we have seen in the Uttar Pradesh riots. Now do something about it shining India.
Nobody here even asked for Indian intervention all I see is peacekeeping force (considering India provides the UN with forces in this regard it would make sense why they would be Indian). Yet Indians here are having an ulcer for no reason, heck you guys want to be supaaaa powaaaa India so here is the chance at least make a statement to show some sort of leadership but you balk at the opportunity.

dear if you see hostory of the region wether it is bdesh, srilanka or nepal only india can make thing happen we must try to save those poor people even UN will not intervien till india ask for or accept bcoz india may not accept Foriegn force in it backyard.
You pretty much have, apart form the fact that Hindu population in Bangladesh has reduced from 33% to 7% today over 6 decades, you also used this famous law to drive all Hindus away to India

Vested Property Act (Bangladesh) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Vested Property Act is a controversial law in Bangladesh that allows the Government to confiscate property from individuals it deems as an enemy of the state. Before the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, it was known as the Enemy Property Act and is still referred to as such in common parlance. The act is criticised as a tool for appropriating the lands of the minority population . It is officially estimated that about 75% of all Hindu lands in Bangladesh have been seized by using this act. Considerations are going on now to stop and repeal this act.

Bangladesh has not even existed for 6 decades.
Actually, having read the thread, you Indians have been flaming us since the start.

But let's just assume for the sake of argument that you are well-meaning here, even though you are clearly not.

This is the post I agree with:

India has the 3rd largest population of Muslims in the world, and it is the Indian Muslims who are clamoring over this issue as we have seen in the Uttar Pradesh riots. Now do something about it shining India.

Stop the blame game please. Doesn't suit a superpower. Tell us about the Chinese position. Do you care about the concerns of your Pakistani and Bangladeshi brothers? If yes do something about it please.
dear if you see hostory of the region wether it is bdesh, srilanka or nepal only india can make thing happen we must try to save those poor people even UN will not intervien till india ask for or accept bcoz india may not accept Foriegn force in it backyard.

So where is the backbone of the super power to be??
Stop the blame game please. Doesn't suit a superpower. Tell us about the Chinese position. Do you care about the concerns of your Pakistani and Bangladeshi brothers? If yes do something about it please.

We are not a superpower, it's your country India that is a shining Superpower.

Hu Jintao: China is still a developing country - Xinhua

Regarding the Burma issue, it's their own internal affairs. But if Pakistan and Bangladesh officially ask us to put pressure on Burma then I am sure we will do so.
Bangladesh has not even existed for 6 decades.

Nice technicality to hide the shameful things you Muslims do when in majority. I am sure you knew I meant the geography of Bangladesh. East Pakistan + Bangladesh has completely either killed off, raped or driven away Bengali Hindus by taking their lands with the Enemy Property Act... Not to mention, the less said about the near extinct species of Pakistani Sikhs/Hindus (whose skeletons will soon be in museums along with dinosaurs in Lahore), the better...

It hurts when the tactics you have been using for centuries on Kafirs fight back in the same way on "your" people, dont it?
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Baluchistan is not viewed by the UN as one of the most extreme cases of persecution in the world, like the Rohingyas.

So, no comparison.

:) I thought you wanted us, not the U.N. to decide to intervene. If it's our principles that we must follow, how does a U.N. reference matter? Anyways, I'm sure you got my point. Will not labour on this anymore.
You pretty much have, apart form the fact that Hindu population in Bangladesh has reduced from 33% to 7% today over 6 decades, you also used this famous law to drive all Hindus away to India

Vested Property Act (Bangladesh) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Vested Property Act is a controversial law in Bangladesh that allows the Government to confiscate property from individuals it deems as an enemy of the state. Before the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, it was known as the Enemy Property Act and is still referred to as such in common parlance. The act is criticised as a tool for appropriating the lands of the minority population . It is officially estimated that about 75% of all Hindu lands in Bangladesh have been seized by using this act. Considerations are going on now to stop and repeal this act.

wikipedia :rolleyes:

I think I got you to tell us what you think about this matter
. And I won't fall for your regular trick of turning every freaking thread into an India bashing one, carry on :lol:

Didn't you see Indian Muslims rioting in UP and NE India, resulting in mass casualties in the past few months?

Why would you support the LTTE, but not support the shining democratic wishes of your 200 million Muslim citizens? Religion maybe?
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