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Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

Term ‘Rohingya’ struck from census

Schoolteachers who have volunteered as enumerators set off to conduct the census door to door on Sunday morning. (PHOTO: DVB)
  • 30 March 2014
  • Census-taking in Sittwe, Arakan State, will go ahead as of March 31, as a boycott organised by the All Rakhine Committee for the Census (ARCC) has been called off.

    The group met with Immigration Minister Khin Yi on Saturday in the wake of last week’s mob violence in Sittwe — where international aid offices were ransacked and looted as an anti-census protest turned ugly.

    As per ARCC demands, the Ministry of Information has now instructed census enumerators, who as of Sunday began their task in a selection of townships in Arakan State, not to enter the word “Rohingya” on any census form, regardless of what the subject might indicate.

    According to Presidential spokesperson Ye Htut, the term “Rohingya” will not be available to those surveyed.

    “It will be acceptable if they write ‘Bengali’,” Ye Htut is reported to have said. “We won’t accept them as ‘Rohingya’.”

    Aung Win is an activist and community leader in Aung Mingalar, a Rohingya enclave of 4,000 in Sittwe that exists under strict curfew and 24-hour police protection.

    Speaking to DVB on Sunday evening, Aung Win said that enumerators have not yet reached Aung Mingalar but have already interviewed Rohingya families in other areas of Arakan State. He said that in those cases, enumerators have either entered the code for Bengali — 1410 — or left the space blank.

    Asked for a reaction by DVB Aung Win said that “we are not boycotting, but we are not satisfied and we have no choice but to move forward with the international community”.

    Burma’s western Arakan State is home to the vast majority of the nation’s Rohingya Muslim population, estimated at around 800,000. In Arakan, protests calling for a boycott of the census have been ongoing for several weeks as the government previously rejected calls to forbid the term “Rohingya” from being entered on census questionnaires.

    Rakhine Buddhists prefer to use the term “Bengali”, as it reinforces the notion that the Rohingya are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Neither term features on the government’s list of 135 “official races” which provides the basis for citizenship, as per a 1982 ruling.

    “As soon as we received confirmation that our needs have been met we stopped our boycott,” ARCC representative Than Htun told DVB on Sunday.

    Yet while the shift by the government seems to have facilitated the count going ahead in Arakan state, the government’s new standpoint may now contradict commitments made to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and donor nations.

    “In accordance with international standards and human rights principles and as a part of its agreement with the UN and donors, the government has made a commitment that everyone who is in the country will be counted in the census and that all respondents will have the option to self-identify their ethnicity,” the UNFPA stated shortly before the government’s back-flip.

    “This commitment cannot be honoured selectively in the face of intimidation or threats of violence,” the UNFPA statement of 28 March read.

    Related Stories
  • The shift by the government has drawn the ire of the UK, who with a contribution of US$16 million is the principle donor to the $60 million census project.
  • The British Embassy in Rangoon responded to the government’s move by stating that: “The [Burmese] government has committed to run the census in line with international standards, including allowing all respondents the option to self-identify their ethnicity. We are concerned by recent reports that this may not be met.”

    Mark Farmaner, director of Burma Campaign UK, believes that the politicisation of ethnicity in Burma is a breach of human rights in itself.

    “The problem is not that Rohingya and others are not listed as recognised ethnic groups,” said Farmaner. “The problem is that there is a list at all. All ethnicities should be allowed to self-identify in the census, but this should not be connected with citizenship rights.”
Term ‘Rohingya’ struck from census | DVB Multimedia Group
so what is ur point here ?
Dont be worry , we wont accept any bangali as citizen ! the problem is not they are muslim but they are bangalis .
We are not killing bangalis , we are protecting our mother land from bangladesh human blasting !
Protecting our motherland is more important than the human rights ! So we would do , all we can do .
As i said before , they are just front line invaders of BD Gov . This is that all u can do ! u cant defeat Myanmar with ur little armed forces . BD gov is controlling behind the human blasting , it is the only way to extend ur land !

This why I support purging the retards(you). Do the Hindu in Bangladesh given Citizenship, do they have proper representation in their government, can they access education, healthcare & etc.

Please make comparison between the Rohingya (an actual persecuted people) & Bangladeshi Hindu. You don't have the right to make that comparison. Muslim in India suffers more than Hindu in Indonesia.
if u say so , Myanmar also given citizenship to Muslims and Hindu who come in Burma since British-Burma War , They live in downtown and they live peacefully ,
Now Bangalis so called rohingya are uncivilized ppl , They burn Local arkanese houses , they raped , they kill !
If u are Myanmar or Arkanese how will u react to them ?
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so what is ur point here ?
Dont be worry , we wont accept any bangali as citizen ! the problem is not they are muslim but they are bangalis .
We are not killing bangalis , we are protecting our mother land from bangladesh human blasting !
Protecting our motherland is more important than the human rights ! So we would do , all we can do .
As i said before , they are just front line invaders of BD Gov . This is that all u can do ! u cant defeat Myanmar with ur little armed forces . BD gov is controlling behind the human blasting , it is the only way to extend ur land !

Dead bodies on the street will disagree on you. I'm Indonesian if you been paying attention. Let me guess you actually believe a minority that barely make 1% of the population are an agents of evil Bangladeshi plan to rule Myanmar then you're a conspiracy nut & protecting the country from what exactly?

if u say so , Myanmar also given citizenship to Muslims and Hindu who come in Burma since British-Burma War , They live in downtown and they live peacefully ,
Now Bangalis so called rohingya are uncivilized ppl , They burn Local arkanese houses , they raped , they kill !
If u are Myanmar or Arkanese how will u react to them ?

Can I get a Bullshit on that:
BBC News - Scenes of devastation in Burmese town of Meiktila

2 wrong don't make a right kid & I'll just call the cop.
Dead bodies on the street will disagree on you. I'm Indonesian if you been paying attention. Let me guess you actually believe a minority that barely make 1% of the population are an agents of evil Bangladeshi plan to rule Myanmar then you're a conspiracy nut & protecting the country from what exactly?

Can I get a Bullshit on that:
BBC News - Scenes of devastation in Burmese town of Meiktila

2 wrong don't make a right kid & I'll just call the cop.
1% ?? have u ever been to arakan state ? Arakan state is too far from main land , there are only 500,000 Arakanese ! they live separately and there are around 50,000 ppl near BD - MM border . Do u know how much bagalis are there ? there are 10,000,00 , Myanmar is facing BD human blasting !
10,000,000 bagalis VS 50,000 Arakanese are fighting . Who is minority ?
BBC is stupid , they do all if u pay money ! they oppose Myanmar along the history ,we just dont care what they say !
About Meiktila town is simple
That fire start from Arakan state
3 Muslims guys kill an innocent buddhist monk in front of buddhist ppl with no reason ! Then Major Buddhist Respond what they deserve !
Lets say , if buddhist come ur country , kill ur monks without any reason , burn ur houses , how will u react them ?
They come ur home , they kill ur monks , they rape ur sis , What do they deserve ?
i dare to say , u will react like Myanmese !
If u dont know the roots of an issue , pls just shut up !
BBC , RFA , DVB ,VOA are the news that they never say the truth , dont waste ur time on it !
if u want to know , go and research ur slf
As you are indonesian , i wanna suggest to make a foundation and to call bangalis to ur country ! your country have big space right ? why dont u call them !
If u wish to call them u can contact any myanmar , they will help u !
Myanmar gov said " we are giving free shipping bagalis for those who willing to call "
But Indonesian , Malaysian , Brunei , BD , all gov deny to call them . if u really love them why dont give some accommodation in ur country ?
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1% ?? have u ever been to arakan state ? Arakan state is too far from main land , there are only 500,000 Arakanese ! they live separately and there are around 50,000 ppl near BD - MM border . Do u know how much bagalis are there ? there are 10,000,00 , Myanmar is facing BD human blasting !
10,000,000 bagalis VS 50,000 Arakanese are fighting . Who is minority ?
BBC is stupid , they do all if u pay money ! they oppose Myanmar along the history ,we just dont care what they say !
About Meiktila town is simple
That fire start from Arakan state
3 Muslims guys kill an innocent buddhist monk in front of buddhist ppl with no reason ! Then Major Buddhist Respond what they deserve !
Lets say , if buddhist come ur country , kill ur monks without any reason , burn ur houses , how will u react them ?
They come ur home , they kill ur monks , they rape ur sis , What do they deserve ?
i dare to say , u will react like Myanmese !
If u dont know the roots of an issue , pls just shut up !
BBC , RFA , DVB ,VOA are the news that they never say the truth , dont waste ur time on it !
if u want to know , go and research ur slf
As you are indonesian , i wanna suggest to make a foundation and to call bangalis to ur country ! your country have big space right ? why dont u call them !
If u wish to call them u can contact any myanmar , they will help u !
Myanmar gov said " we are giving free shipping bagalis for those who willing to call "
But Indonesian , Malaysian , Brunei , BD , all gov deny to call them . if u really love them why dont give some accommodation in ur country ?

Rakhine people consist of 5.53% or more of Myanmar's total population

Total pops: 3,361,000 (2010 est.);
Rakhine people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Rohingya pops are waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy less than this & they're not even popping 1. mil in Burma, you're afraid of them for what exactly other than unfounded Paranoia?

3 people killed a dude & other dude community get attacked instead of the one actually doing it? Seems legit....

If people have live an area for quite some time they should at least be given a chance at citizenship. Cheapest & quickest solution to the problems.

Kid, if a third country takes in the Rohingya it will just make Myanmar GOV as you said "ship them for free." It will solve nothing. Instead it will just turn it into Ethnic Cleansing & stain Myanmar images.
Rakhine people consist of 5.53% or more of Myanmar's total population

Total pops: 3,361,000 (2010 est.);
Rakhine people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Rohingya pops are waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy less than this & they're not even popping 1. mil in Burma, you're afraid of them for what exactly other than unfounded Paranoia?

3 people killed a dude & other dude community get attacked instead of the one actually doing it? Seems legit....

If people have live an area for quite some time they should at least be given a chance at citizenship. Cheapest & quickest solution to the problems.

Kid, if a third country takes in the Rohingya it will just make Myanmar GOV as you said "ship them for free." It will solve nothing. Instead it will just turn it into Ethnic Cleansing & stain Myanmar images.
Most of Arakanse are live in Yangon city ! they dont live in arakan !
Looking wiki and barking to me will not get any benefits . Go ur self to arakan !
3 ppl they dare to kill a monk infront of buddhist ! can u say that all muzzy dont kill others ordinary citizen !
Buddhist dont believe on muzzy anymore bcos of arakan state fire ! The roots of all problems is that bangalis
For your easy and cheapest solution , we would say NO
If we give them citizen , they will ask to give them state , then 120 million bangalis will come in arakan.
I know that this is all you want !
it will never happen ! if you want to give them citizen , kill 60 million Myanmar first .
if you cant kill us , dont think it even in ur dream .,
Btw , dont use ethnic , they are not our ethnic .
Dont use human right , we dont count bangalis as human
They are devils , they kill , they rape , they set fire , they take down our country image !
They even kill a police man .
ha ha , we will not accept anybangalis !
For My own view , Myanmar gov should kill all bagalis who pass to Myanmar site , like India gov do !
it is the best solution for human blasting!
We dont care anybody !
Afraid of no one !!!
Just give me answer if u want them or not .
you may say we are cleansing ethnic !
We will say yes we are , We are just cleaning the shits for our new generations !
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Rohingyas had been armed and there is an insurgency that is going on even today.

So why did the insurgency start?
Simply put - after the partition of India, Independent Burma was formed. Tucked in the west was this small Muslim minority who sat up and wanted to carve a(nother) Muslim state out of a moth eaten South Asia. They even formed a North Arakan Muslim League and called for the annexation of the state to East Pakistan!

This was in 1947!

In June 1949, the Burmese government's control was reduced to Akyab city only, while the Mujahids were in possession of all of northern Arakan. The Burmese government accused the Mujahids of encouraging illegal immigration into Arakan of thousands of Bengali people from East Pakistan - Yegar, Moshe (1972). Muslims of Burma. pp. 98–101

It was later in 1950 that Burma started taking action against them. Long story short - the 'jihad' continued but the Armed forces of Myanmar regained total control. And now the remnants of the militant groups are left to crying.
Most of Arakanse are live in Yangon city ! they dont live in arakan !
Looking wiki and barking to me will not get any benefits . Go ur self to arakan !
3 ppl they dare to kill a monk infront of buddhist ! can u say that all muzzy dont kill others ordinary citizen !
Buddhist dont believe on muzzy anymore bcos of arakan state fire ! The roots of all problems is that bangalis
For your easy and cheapest solution , we would say NO
If we give them citizen , they will ask to give them state , then 120 million bangalis will come in arakan.
I know that this is all you want !
it will never happen ! if you want to give them citizen , kill 60 million Myanmar first .
if you cant kill us , dont think it even in ur dream .,
Btw , dont use ethnic , they are not our ethnic .
Dont use human right , we dont count bangalis as human
They are devils , they kill , they rape , they set fire , they take down our country image !
They even kill a police man .
ha ha , we will not accept anybangalis !
For My own view , Myanmar gov should kill all bagalis who pass to Myanmar site , like India gov do !
it is the best solution for human blasting!
We dont care anybody !
Afraid of no one !!!

LOL Indonesia gave you your freedom & this is your way of repaying us? Ungrateful bastard you turn out to be. Giving them citizenship does not automatically mean they want to announce a statehood in a state they're already a minority. Use your brain. It is the most simplest solution there is.

They are devils , they kill , they rape , they set fire , they take down our country image !
I don't think you need their help on that department. You all seems to get that covered

I though being a British Colony for so many years will give you great command over English turns out I was wrong.

On the contrary this stain ASEAN reputation even more especially Indonesia. So you can guess my hatred toward your government.

US urges return of aid workers to Myanmar state

Related Stories
YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — The United States is calling on Myanmar to lift travel restrictions on humanitarian workers trying to get to Rakhine state, where tens of thousands of Muslims are living in displacement camps.

Hundreds of aid workers fled the state last week after extremist Buddhist mobs attacked their residences and offices, accusing them of favoring Muslims. Several aid agencies sought to return but were denied permission.

The U.S. called on the government to facilitate the appropriate travel authorizations to the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations so they could get back to work.

Aid groups say clean water and food stocks are starting to run out. Emergency medical referrals are at a near standstill.

In the past two years, up to 280 people have been killed, most of them Rohingya Muslims.

US urges return of aid workers to Myanmar state - Yahoo News

Rohingyas had been armed and there is an insurgency that is going on even today.

So why did the insurgency start?
Simply put - after the partition of India, Independent Burma was formed. Tucked in the west was this small Muslim minority who sat up and wanted to carve a(nother) Muslim state out of a moth eaten South Asia. They even formed a North Arakan Muslim League and called for the annexation of the state to East Pakistan!

This was in 1947!

In June 1949, the Burmese government's control was reduced to Akyab city only, while the Mujahids were in possession of all of northern Arakan. The Burmese government accused the Mujahids of encouraging illegal immigration into Arakan of thousands of Bengali people from East Pakistan - Yegar, Moshe (1972). Muslims of Burma. pp. 98–101

It was later in 1950 that Burma started taking action against them. Long story short - the 'jihad' continued but the Armed forces of Myanmar regained total control. And now the remnants of the militant groups are left to crying.

& this somehow give the Burmese a Carte Blanche to continue treating the Rohingya like literal human shit why?
so what is indian stance on it, i mean indians on one hand are being too much vocal about chinese muslims in xinjiang and tibetans violation of human rights and one in balochistan as well as minorities in pakistan which includes sikhs, christians, hindus and shias, but lets hear indian stance on human rights violation in mayanmar too:smokin:

None. Myamnar government has no problems with us and neither has it claimed our territory aggressively. This means we reciprocate and don't participate in their internal matters.

Like we said; your meddling in our internal matters is what we respond back to. If you behaved like Myanmar and kept away, we won't have to do what we do.

The deal is simple: Keep off our territory and internal matters and we all respect each other. Try meddling or messing and you get the same response.

Rohingyas had been armed and there is an insurgency that is going on even today.

So why did the insurgency start?
Simply put - after the partition of India, Independent Burma was formed. Tucked in the west was this small Muslim minority who sat up and wanted to carve a(nother) Muslim state out of a moth eaten South Asia. They even formed a North Arakan Muslim League and called for the annexation of the state to East Pakistan!

This was in 1947!

In June 1949, the Burmese government's control was reduced to Akyab city only, while the Mujahids were in possession of all of northern Arakan. The Burmese government accused the Mujahids of encouraging illegal immigration into Arakan of thousands of Bengali people from East Pakistan - Yegar, Moshe (1972). Muslims of Burma. pp. 98–101

It was later in 1950 that Burma started taking action against them. Long story short - the 'jihad' continued but the Armed forces of Myanmar regained total control. And now the remnants of the militant groups are left to crying.

So much for the 'peaceful Arakanese'. :lol:

Wherever you turn your head around and rub off the upper layer of dust, you see jihad.

And when exposed, those denying it earlier simply justify it.
None. Myamnar government has no problems with us and neither has it claimed our territory aggressively. This means we reciprocate and don't participate in their internal matters.

Like we said; your meddling in our internal matters is what we respond back to. If you behaved like Myanmar and kept away, we won't have to do what we do.

The deal is simple: Keep off our territory and internal matters and we all respect each other. Try meddling or messing and you get the same response.

Bhai we have to care about those innocent people dying. We can't just ignore them because they are muslims. Humanity trumps religion bro.
Bhai we have to care about those innocent people dying. We can't just ignore them because they are muslims. Humanity trumps religion bro.

Where were your tears when people in our own country are getting killed? non-muslims of Kashmir? Assam? Kerala? and now Ladakh?

As if that wasn't enough even my community has become a target now.

Screw this Gandhian thought process and open your eyes. This is not some utopia where everything is hunky dory. Survive or perish. Interests trump emotions.
Bhai we have to care about those innocent people dying. We can't just ignore them because they are muslims. Humanity trumps religion bro.
True. After the Rohingyas were beaten up, Muslims in Mumbai (for example) went on a riot to demonstrate their solidarity with their brothers. So much so that they chased the people of North East out of the city. :taz: We can't ignore them just because they are Muslims. I suggest packing these rioters in a transport ship and dump them en masse in Myanmar. Let them fight it out. :coffee:

I wonder how these folks could make out an enemy out of the Buddhist Burmese! All throughout history the Burmese had remained peaceful. :omghaha: I guess everyone has limits.
Where were your tears when people in our own country are getting killed? non-muslims of Kashmir? Assam? Kerala? and now Ladakh?

As if that wasn't enough even my community has become a target now.

Screw this Gandhian thought process and open your eyes. This is not some utopia where everything is hunky dory. Survive or perish. Interests trump emotions.

Bro, I'm from J&K. I'm a dogra from Jammu. I know about KP's but still I don't see the "survive or perish" dichotomy here. Rohingyas have nothing to do with muslims in India.

True. After the Rohingyas were beaten up, Muslims in Mumbai (for example) went on a riot to demonstrate their solidarity with their brothers. So much so that they chased the people of North East out of the city. :taz: We can't ignore them just because they are Muslims. I suggest packing these rioters in a transport ship and dump them en masse in Myanmar. Let them fight it out. :coffee:

Muslims in India can be troublesome but they are that way not because of Rohingyas. They just have a destructive mindset. But the innocent people getting killed in Myanmar don't deserve it.
Bro, I'm from J&K. I'm a dogra from Jammu. I know about KP's but still I don't see the "survive or perish" dichotomy here. Rohingyas have nothing to do with muslims in India.

Myanmar is the only other country other than Nepal and Bhutan that is friendly to India in true sense. You want to pick enemies with those who share a culture with us for someone who has systematically attacked your and my people all the time?

As for your disconnect; who do you think got the Bodh Gaya bombing of our holiest shrine?

It happened immediately after the ongoing riots in Myanmar.

Still think there is no link between the two sides?

Don't see from the view of a common man. See from the perspective of a nation, a civilization a set of people.
Muslims in India can be troublesome but they are that way not because of Rohingyas. They just have a destructive mindset. But the innocent people getting killed in Myanmar don't deserve it.
May be. But I won't lose my sleep over it. When Bodh Gaya was bombed, Myanmar did not ask for retribution. It's a different country. And it ain't a slave.
Myanmar is the only other country other than Nepal and Bhutan that is friendly to India in true sense. You want to pick enemies with those who share a culture with us for someone who has systematically attacked your and my people all the time?

As for your disconnect; who do you think got the Bodh Gaya bombing of our holiest shrine?

It happened immediately after the ongoing riots in Myanmar.

Still think there is no link between the two sides?

Don't see from the view of a common man. See from the perspective of a nation, a civilization a set of people.

Well Bangladesh has the greatest moral obligation to take care of Rohingyas in any case. I'm just expressing my sympathies for them.
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