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Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

well, i have never learnt from the government and have never go to school in Myanmar. Wiki is an unreliable source. anyway, i understand people change the history. So, it is hard to know the real truth is, sometime. But we can try to think a better solution of the current affair and create a better world. :)

Well said. Humanity is at stake there. You have to note that we Bangladeshi people also dont want them inside
our border. We have already a booming population. If we had a bigger place, we might have allowed them.
We are already hosting lot of them. And it has a negative impact on our society & culture.

We have got a strong concern & feeling for them. It would have same if they were Chakma or Rakhaine too.
Unlike the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, Hindus in Bangladesh didn't start any separatist movement.....

Yes brother.. Rohingya, they want to seprate and create their own state. The real problem in Myanmar is nothing to do with the religions. it was just the problem with two societies (Rakhine and Rohingya). Rohingya are the outsider and they tried to take lands and create problems with the origin Rakhine people while many other ethnic groups including Indian Hindu are staying in peace in Myanmar. It is just the truth.

Well said. Humanity is at stake there. You have to note that we Bangladeshi people also dont want them inside
our border. We have already a booming population. If we had a bigger place, we might have allowed them.
We are already hosting lot of them. And it has a negative impact on our society & culture.

We have got a strong concern & feeling for them. It would have same if they were Chakma or Rakhaine too.

I am sorry for them too when both countries denied them. I wish, whatever the history is.. Myanmar government will have flexible citizenship law and control the region in peace.
I see pakistani and bangladeshi members are suggesting an immature idea of giving them weopons.What good wll it do may i ask......it is abundantly clear that once they start a violent protest.....international sympathy with their cause will be lost, burma will anyway crush them with impunity.What needed at this hour is the recognition that they are a minority there and peace can only be achieved with a sustained diologue with burma over this issue.
Whenever Bengal rulers were weak the Burmans pounced on Arakan. That has been Arakan's history of centuries. BD now has a weak govt subservient to Delhi.The Burmese are not loosing this opportunity.
I see pakistani and bangladeshi members are suggesting an immature idea of giving them weopons.What good wll it do may i ask......it is abundantly clear that once they start a violent protest.....international sympathy with their cause will be lost, burma will anyway crush them with impunity.What needed at this hour is the recognition that they are a minority there and peace can only be achieved with a sustained diologue with burma over this issue.

Exactly. The Rohingya to this date has never been recognized as Citizen of Burma, instead the Central Government sees them as "squatter" even though the Rohingya has been living in Arakan for Generations. They don't have access to education, healthcare & etc. Then the Burmese wonders why 'dem guys are so 'uppity.'
Exactly. The Rohingya to this date has never been recognized as Citizen of Burma, instead the Central Government sees them as "squatter" even though the Rohingya has been living in Arakan for Generations. They don't have access to education, healthcare & etc. Then the Burmese wonders why 'dem guys are so 'uppity.'
Once there is a patriotic govt in BD the Arakan Mujahids will be unleashed.
Yeah, but unlike the Hindu in Bangladesh they don't get treated like the equivalent of 'Shit.'
You're wrong(probably spreading false info. intentionally).....
In reality, Hindus in Bangladesh are treated worse than the Rohingyas, still they didn't start any rebellion or separatist movement, they just want to live peacefully, but the Islamic extremists want them to be wiped out of BD.
Attacks on Hindus in Jessore, Dinajpur -

Rohingyas are in a much better condition in Myanmar, if they don't want partition, they won't be thrown out......
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You're wrong(probably spreading false info. intentionally).....
In reality, Hindus in Bangladesh are treated worse than the Rohingyas still they didn't start any rebellion or separatist movement, they just want to live peacefully but the Islamic extremists want them to be wiped out of BD.
Attacks on Hindus in Jessore, Dinajpur -

Rohingyas are in a much better condition in Myanmar, if they don't want Partition, they won't be thrown out......

This why I support purging the retards(you). Do the Hindu in Bangladesh given Citizenship, do they have proper representation in their government, can they access education, healthcare & etc.

Please make comparison between the Rohingya (an actual persecuted people) & Bangladeshi Hindu. You don't have the right to make that comparison. Muslim in India suffers more than Hindu in Indonesia.

India’s diversity is commonly linked to the “unique” characteristics of Hinduism: its ability to accommodate, reinterpret and absorb the other. But Muslim-majority Indonesia has similar claims to openness. In fact, for all of “Hinduism’s” vaunted tolerance, it is arguably better to be Hindu in Indonesia, than Muslim in India.

Lessons from Indonesia’s Hindu legacy - The Hindu
Burmese Govt & u ppl r ethically same.U ppl r living on a occupied land made the ppl homeless to those the land belong to.& the Burmese Govt also trying kick out the ppl whom r living there from ancient ages.
Back thousand years they were the ruler of Arakan.

So buy a time machine n go back to 1014.
@Mockingjay welcome to pdf, where is your intro thread? I like your id. hunger games fan?:)

Hey.. Thanks for your welcome. arr. yeah, I love hunger game especially, the books and part 2 for film. Sorry for my late response. :) How are you?
Term ‘Rohingya’ struck from census

Schoolteachers who have volunteered as enumerators set off to conduct the census door to door on Sunday morning. (PHOTO: DVB)

  • 30 March 2014
  • Census-taking in Sittwe, Arakan State, will go ahead as of March 31, as a boycott organised by the All Rakhine Committee for the Census (ARCC) has been called off.

    The group met with Immigration Minister Khin Yi on Saturday in the wake of last week’s mob violence in Sittwe — where international aid offices were ransacked and looted as an anti-census protest turned ugly.

    As per ARCC demands, the Ministry of Information has now instructed census enumerators, who as of Sunday began their task in a selection of townships in Arakan State, not to enter the word “Rohingya” on any census form, regardless of what the subject might indicate.

    According to Presidential spokesperson Ye Htut, the term “Rohingya” will not be available to those surveyed.

    “It will be acceptable if they write ‘Bengali’,” Ye Htut is reported to have said. “We won’t accept them as ‘Rohingya’.”

    Aung Win is an activist and community leader in Aung Mingalar, a Rohingya enclave of 4,000 in Sittwe that exists under strict curfew and 24-hour police protection.

    Speaking to DVB on Sunday evening, Aung Win said that enumerators have not yet reached Aung Mingalar but have already interviewed Rohingya families in other areas of Arakan State. He said that in those cases, enumerators have either entered the code for Bengali — 1410 — or left the space blank.

    Asked for a reaction by DVB Aung Win said that “we are not boycotting, but we are not satisfied and we have no choice but to move forward with the international community”.

    Burma’s western Arakan State is home to the vast majority of the nation’s Rohingya Muslim population, estimated at around 800,000. In Arakan, protests calling for a boycott of the census have been ongoing for several weeks as the government previously rejected calls to forbid the term “Rohingya” from being entered on census questionnaires.

    Rakhine Buddhists prefer to use the term “Bengali”, as it reinforces the notion that the Rohingya are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Neither term features on the government’s list of 135 “official races” which provides the basis for citizenship, as per a 1982 ruling.

    “As soon as we received confirmation that our needs have been met we stopped our boycott,” ARCC representative Than Htun told DVB on Sunday.

    Yet while the shift by the government seems to have facilitated the count going ahead in Arakan state, the government’s new standpoint may now contradict commitments made to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and donor nations.

    “In accordance with international standards and human rights principles and as a part of its agreement with the UN and donors, the government has made a commitment that everyone who is in the country will be counted in the census and that all respondents will have the option to self-identify their ethnicity,” the UNFPA stated shortly before the government’s back-flip.

    “This commitment cannot be honoured selectively in the face of intimidation or threats of violence,” the UNFPA statement of 28 March read.

    Related Stories
  • The shift by the government has drawn the ire of the UK, who with a contribution of US$16 million is the principle donor to the $60 million census project.
  • The British Embassy in Rangoon responded to the government’s move by stating that: “The [Burmese] government has committed to run the census in line with international standards, including allowing all respondents the option to self-identify their ethnicity. We are concerned by recent reports that this may not be met.”

    Mark Farmaner, director of Burma Campaign UK, believes that the politicisation of ethnicity in Burma is a breach of human rights in itself.

    “The problem is not that Rohingya and others are not listed as recognised ethnic groups,” said Farmaner. “The problem is that there is a list at all. All ethnicities should be allowed to self-identify in the census, but this should not be connected with citizenship rights.”
Term ‘Rohingya’ struck from census | DVB Multimedia Group
Yes brother.. Rohingya, they want to seprate and create their own state. The real problem in Myanmar is nothing to do with the religions. it was just the problem with two societies (Rakhine and Rohingya). Rohingya are the outsider and they tried to take lands and create problems with the origin Rakhine people while many other ethnic groups including Indian Hindu are staying in peace in Myanmar. It is just the truth.

I am sorry for them too when both countries denied them. I wish, whatever the history is.. Myanmar government will have flexible citizenship law and control the region in peace.

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