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One in every five tourists in India is a Bangladeshi


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One in every five tourists in India is a Bangladeshi
Syed Samiul Basher Anik
  • Published at 12:56 am April 21st, 2019

Bangladeshi tourists outnumbered tourists from European countries

One in every five tourists to India is from Bangladesh, with most tourists traveling to the country because of holiday and recreation purposes.

In the year 2017, India received 10.04 million foreign tourists for the first time, where Bangladesh accounted for 21% arrivals with 2.16 million tourists, according to India Tourism Statistics 2018 published by the Ministry of Tourism of the Indian government.

The amount of tourists flocked to India from Bangladesh is even higher than the number of total tourists who arrived in India from all Western European countries.

The other top sourcing countries in India in 2017 include United States of America (13.72%), United Kingdom (9.83%), Canada (3.34%), Australia (3.23%), Malaysia (3.21%), Sri Lanka (3.03%), Russian Federation (2.78%), Germany (2.68%) and France (2.49%).

An insights into Bangladeshi tourists to India

A decade after independence, Bangladeshi tourists numbered merely 192,509 in 1981. Although the number of visitors was around 500,000 each year from 2001 to 2012, it showed an upward trend from 2013.

Most Bangladeshis flock to India mainly because of holiday and recreation purposes, accounting for 83.7% visitors in 2017, followed by 10.28% for medical purposes, 4.66% for business and professional purposes, 0.67% for Indian diaspora and the rest 0.66% for other reasons.

On average, Bangladeshi tourists stay for 14.5 days in India. Among Bangladeshi tourists, 70.5% are male and 29.5% are female. A majority of visitors - 25.6% - are in the 35-44 year age group.

An astounding 85.6% of visitors take land routes, with over half of all Bangladeshi tourists - 54.3% - disembark at Haridaspur. Air travel remains the preferred mode of transport among only 14.4% of all visitors.

The Indian High Commission in Dhaka says the travellers from Bangladesh previously confined their visit to West Bengal, the golden triangle i.e. Delhi-Agra-Jaipur and pilgrimage to Ajmer Sharif, however now there has been a perceptible change and people of Bangladesh are venturing to various parts of India.

Travellers from Bangladesh are now also going to the Indian northeast, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Jammu and Kashmir, and to South India where Bangalore and Mysore are rapidly becoming favourite destinations, it adds.

The Indian government last year lifted restrictions for Bangladeshis from visiting Sikkim and Ladakh. Both countries are also planning to launch cruise ships for tourists soon.

Currently, the largest ever Indian visa centre in the world is in Bangladesh, and equipped to issue an average of 5,000 visas every day.

Two passenger trains - Maitree Express and Bandhan Express - run between the two countries. Maitree Express runs four days a week between Kolkata and Dhaka. Bandhan Express runs once a week between Khulna and Kolkata.

There are direct bus services on the Dhaka-Kolkata, Dhaka-Agartala, Kolkata-Dhaka-Agartala, and Dhaka-Shillong-Guwahati routes.

Major cities in India and Bangladesh are connected by air through several non-stop flights operated by both state-owned carriers and private carriers.

Draining huge amount of money out of Bangladesh.:(

Bangladeshi social and mainstream media need to highlights the health and sanitation risks in India. Possibility of Communal attack, rape, Islamophobic, anti-Muslim and anti-Bangladesh attitude prevalent in many parts of India to discourage the people to go there.

One of my aunt recently visited Delhi, Agra and Ajmer. They said it’s dirty, cow is everywhere, they are shitting here and there and smelly. However other uncle, aunt cousins they visited Kashmir and enjoyed it.

Most people go to India because of shopping and treatment which are cheaper compared to Bangladesh. For decades Bangladeshi mall owners has created a business model of bringing Indian product and sell it at couple of times higher prices. This practice is primarily responsible for this. Government should look into the matter and needs to upgrade health care system and restore trust so that people stop going to India and wasting money.
Draining huge amount of money out of Bangladesh.:(

Bangladeshi social and mainstream media need to highlights the health and sanitation risks in India. Should inform about the possibility of Communal attack and mob lynching, rape, Islamophobic, anti-Muslim and anti-Bangladesh attitude prevalent in many parts of India to discourage the people to go there.

You will still flock to India any way possible. Legally or illegally. You're overpopulated for your land, you'll work hard in India, or spend the hard earned money back in BD to buy bangles from Kolkata. Life story of BDeshis.

Tourist arrival in India has been growing since Modi took over.

But contribution of BD has been higher than average growth.

This shows the marked improvement in relationships between the two governments.
One of my aunt recently visited Delhi, Agra and Ajmer. They said it’s dirty, cow is everywhere, they are shitting here and there and smelly. However other uncle, aunt cousins they visited Kashmir and enjoyed it.
Most of the Bangladeshi people are unaware about the reality of India. They think, india is like Bollywood films.
,Most people go to India because of shopping and treatment which are cheaper compared to Bangladesh. For decades Bangladeshi mall owners has created a business model of bringing Indian product and sell it at couple of times higher prices. This practice is primarily responsible for this. Government should look into the matter and needs to upgrade health care system and restore trust so that people stop going to India and wasting money.
We have unilaterally opened our market for Indian goods and opened our sky for Indian entertainment industry. This twin nexus has created a 'Demand' for Indian goods and 'urge' to visit India among some section of the populace. I do not see any remedy in short term other than massive media campaign particularly in social media. People need to awake.
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True. Most of the Bangladeshi people are unaware about the reality of India. They think, india is like Bollywood films.

We have unilaterally opened our market for Indian cheap, sub standard goods and opened our sky for Indian tasteless shitty entertainment industry. This twin nexus has created a 'Demand' for Indian goods and 'urge' to visit India among some section of the populace. I do not see any remedy in short term other than massive media campaign particularly in social media. People need to awake.

Government needs to formulate custom duty as well so that product remain competitive against Indian product. If I am not mistaken a custom duty of cloths and raw materials is 150% unless you bring them for reexporting. How can any Bangladeshi producer compete with cheap places of India like Rajasthan where bulk of the Saree, Salwar, Chappell etc. is produced at a dirt cheap price.

Same goes with health care system as well. Government needs to make sure people are getting good and reliable health care so that they do not need to go to India for treatment.

Lastly Bangladeshi government needs to create lots of recreational places where people can travel and enjoy their time.

Other than that the trend will continue unfortunately and draining couple of billions USD every year.
One in every five tourists in India is a Bangladeshi
Syed Samiul Basher Anik
  • Published at 12:56 am April 21st, 2019

Bangladeshi tourists outnumbered tourists from European countries

One in every five tourists to India is from Bangladesh, with most tourists traveling to the country because of holiday and recreation purposes.

In the year 2017, India received 10.04 million foreign tourists for the first time, where Bangladesh accounted for 21% arrivals with 2.16 million tourists, according to India Tourism Statistics 2018 published by the Ministry of Tourism of the Indian government.

The amount of tourists flocked to India from Bangladesh is even higher than the number of total tourists who arrived in India from all Western European countries.

The other top sourcing countries in India in 2017 include United States of America (13.72%), United Kingdom (9.83%), Canada (3.34%), Australia (3.23%), Malaysia (3.21%), Sri Lanka (3.03%), Russian Federation (2.78%), Germany (2.68%) and France (2.49%).

An insights into Bangladeshi tourists to India

A decade after independence, Bangladeshi tourists numbered merely 192,509 in 1981. Although the number of visitors was around 500,000 each year from 2001 to 2012, it showed an upward trend from 2013.

Most Bangladeshis flock to India mainly because of holiday and recreation purposes, accounting for 83.7% visitors in 2017, followed by 10.28% for medical purposes, 4.66% for business and professional purposes, 0.67% for Indian diaspora and the rest 0.66% for other reasons.

On average, Bangladeshi tourists stay for 14.5 days in India. Among Bangladeshi tourists, 70.5% are male and 29.5% are female. A majority of visitors - 25.6% - are in the 35-44 year age group.

An astounding 85.6% of visitors take land routes, with over half of all Bangladeshi tourists - 54.3% - disembark at Haridaspur. Air travel remains the preferred mode of transport among only 14.4% of all visitors.

The Indian High Commission in Dhaka says the travellers from Bangladesh previously confined their visit to West Bengal, the golden triangle i.e. Delhi-Agra-Jaipur and pilgrimage to Ajmer Sharif, however now there has been a perceptible change and people of Bangladesh are venturing to various parts of India.

Travellers from Bangladesh are now also going to the Indian northeast, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Jammu and Kashmir, and to South India where Bangalore and Mysore are rapidly becoming favourite destinations, it adds.

The Indian government last year lifted restrictions for Bangladeshis from visiting Sikkim and Ladakh. Both countries are also planning to launch cruise ships for tourists soon.

Currently, the largest ever Indian visa centre in the world is in Bangladesh, and equipped to issue an average of 5,000 visas every day.

Two passenger trains - Maitree Express and Bandhan Express - run between the two countries. Maitree Express runs four days a week between Kolkata and Dhaka. Bandhan Express runs once a week between Khulna and Kolkata.

There are direct bus services on the Dhaka-Kolkata, Dhaka-Agartala, Kolkata-Dhaka-Agartala, and Dhaka-Shillong-Guwahati routes.

Major cities in India and Bangladesh are connected by air through several non-stop flights operated by both state-owned carriers and private carriers.

And you have to pay for their return ticket, I think.
Bangladeshi are not the target market for emerging indian tourist industry ,they are coming because MEA wants the moolah of visa money
And you have to pay for their return ticket, I think.

No you or your pal Modi will have to pay!!

Bangladeshi are not the target market for emerging indian tourist industry ,they are coming because MEA wants the moolah of visa money

Yes that’s why from NE India to Kashmir are doing seminars and workshops to attract Bangladeshi tourists?

Even Kashmir is trying to attract Bangladeshi tourists

Bangladeshis to be wooed to revive tourism in Kashmir

Government needs to formulate custom duty as well so that product remain competitive against Indian product. If I am not mistaken a custom duty of cloths and raw materials is 150% unless you bring them for reexporting. How can any Bangladeshi producer compete with cheap places of India like Rajasthan where bulk of the Saree, Salwar, Chappell etc. is produced at a dirt cheap price.
Trade with India should be on barter basis. Take one, give one. They have created a lot of impediments so that our products can not reach their market. There was a huge uproar in west Bengal when Indian importers tried to import just a several million Taka worth of Zamdani Sari from BD few years ago. Sari makers there went into strike. Imagine that. But look at Bangladesh. everything is open for India. Legally and illegally India is exporting in Bangladesh at least 15 billion dollar worth of goods without importing even a billion dollar. This need to stop.
Same goes with health care system as well. Government needs to make sure people are getting good and reliable health care so that they do not need to go to India for treatment.

Lastly Bangladeshi government needs to create lots of recreational places where people can travel and enjoy their time.
Things are slowly turning good in this two sector.

Govt. is thinking about free health care of elderly people.Which will be gradually widen to general population. This will disincentivize a lot to go to abroad. A lot of state of the art Hospital are now coming. Plus govt. in the midst of building a number of Medical Colleges and Medical Universities. Tens of thousands of Doctors are now being appointed under BCS.

Similarly, now govt. has taken tourism seriously. Some recent development projects have integrated tourism aspects in their planning and implementation. Domestic tourism is booming. Tourism exclusive economic zone are being build in Cox's Bazar. Entire Patenga sea beach in Chattogram are now being developed as a world class tourist zone. Recent drive to eradicate the illegal structure along various river banks in Dhaka to make them recreational zone and canal, lake excavation and renovation will create space to travel for our urban populace.
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I think they are talking about Illegal bangaldeshi immigrants from Bangladesh .They want to throw them out of India because India is only For Hindus ,Sikhs ,Bhuddist and Parsi .No place for Muslims and Christians .
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