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One country, three Eids

FWIW, we use the lunar calendar. We know exactly when our Eid is going to be 150 years from now.

We all know about the Lunar Calendar, its used by many Asian communities. But that does not explain why there are three Eids. Will there again be 3 Eids observed 150 years from now? :what:
We all know about the Lunar Calendar, its used by many Asian communities. But that does not explain why there are three Eids. Will there again be 3 Eids observed 150 years from now? :what:

Islam doesn't have a central authority like a Pope. Each community follows their own leader.

However, since moonrise can be calculated precisely for any given year, the whole concept of 'sighting the moon' seems a little quaint. There are so many extraneous factors (cloud cover, weather, eyesight, etc.) which can be avoided, and the whole process futureproofed, by using a precalculated moonrise. It's not as if the moon is going to defy physics and not show up on time.
In the past, the moon used to be sighted individually on a per city basis. The residents of that city would then inform the surrounding population to the extent of their ability to travel within a prescribed period of time. In those days, due to the absence of modern methods of communication, it was only logical for each region to sight the moon for itself. In modern times, that is no longer a necessity, especially for a country like Pakistan. Pakistan isn't an extremely large country geographically speaking, neither does it consist of multiple time zones. It makes no sense for them to celebrate Eid on different days.

Theoretically, the residents of a region are supposed to start Ramadan & observe Eid together as a community. This is applicable to nations as well. As I stated earlier, take the country's geographical size in to account. In Saudi Arabia for instance, a single committee is responsible for sighting the moon. Once it has been sighted, the entire nation must abide by their stance. What happens if that committee manages to make a mistake? Well, the populace is free of any blame on its part because another group has been delegated with the responsibility to look for the moon.

It's the same here when searching for "halal" food. The King has provided an assurance to the citizens that all the food to be legally made available in the Kingdom shall be "halal". If I was to eat something "haram" here unknowingly or if a restaurant had been secretly serving "haram" food, I would be exempt from all liabilities since the blame would reside on the head of the state alone. Why can't a similar solution for moon sighting be implemented in Pakistan? It's best to enforce the decision of the committee.
In the past, the moon used to be sighted individually on a per city basis. The residents of that city would then inform the surrounding population to the extent of their ability to travel within a prescribed period of time. In those days, due to the absence of modern methods of communication, it was only logical for each region to sight the moon for itself. In modern times, that is no longer a necessity, especially for a country like Pakistan. Pakistan isn't an extremely large country geographically speaking, neither does it consist of multiple time zones. It makes no sense for them to celebrate Eid on different days.

Theoretically, the residents of a region are supposed to start Ramadan & observe Eid together as a community. This is applicable to nations as well. As I stated earlier, take the country's geographical size in to account. In Saudi Arabia for instance, a single committee is responsible for sighting the moon. Once it has been sighted, the entire nation must abide by their stance. What happens if that committee manages to make a mistake? Well, the populace is free of any blame on its part because another group has been delegated with the responsibility to look for the moon.

It's the same here when searching for "halal" food. The King has provided an assurance to the citizens that all the food to be legally made available in the Kingdom shall be "halal". If I was to eat something "haram" here unknowingly or if a restaurant had been secretly serving "haram" food, I would be exempt from all liabilities since the blame would reside on the head of the state alone. Why can't a similar solution for moon sighting be implemented in Pakistan? It's best to enforce the decision of the committee.

Because the people running the country are all thugs and the so called mufti just waits for the salary to show up in his account.

Someone ask the mufti what does Islam say about a ruler who is not able to provide the basic rights of a citizen; food, cloth shelter, education, safety, security and justice to the people.

Will he reply from an Islamic point of view or will he beat around the bush and twist and turn the issue to make sure he receives his salary at the end of the month along with all the allowances.
I dont know what the fuss is about if people want to have 3 days of festivities then let them have it.At least 3 days of EID will keep people away from guns.
did you celebrate id?
Now Indians are going to criticize how Pakistani Muslims celebrate Eid? What it has to do with India and Indians? Let them celebrate their Eid on 5 different days.. why it concern u Indians so much ?
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