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Once again, MQM shows Courage

PML-N? bringing socio-economic progress?

Seriously, have you forgotten the frozen dollar accounts, qarz uttaro mulk bachao schemes initiated by NS or were they part of as you put it the "great" economic times of Pakistan.

Have you forgotten the Nuclear tests the joy it had bought in our nation on the streets unity beyond anything do you remeber the manufacturing plant for Indus motors providing a lot of jobs to out of town Karachiites or the deregulation of the markets the pushing of the GDP upto 8% not ever acheived by anyone again have you forgoten the record decrease in unemployment or the best days of the steel mill after 71' or the increased and expanded road network the creation of a highway the peace in Swat where tourism was giving us leaps and bounds the royalties that were earned after allowing K-2 to pass health and safety regulations the stopping of Indian media allowing us to have our own identity , or the expansion of the rail network or the year when PIA purchased 6 airbus A-310 all that still ethnic in your opinion, Punjab being the exporter of the best types of cotton or the export of our Mango raking in revenue for who else but out developement only during Nawaz's first reign did Pakistan stop taking aid remember the Financial crisis of 88' when our foreign reserves had dwindled, the only one government that had acheived its real five year plan that grew our electricity capacity by 11.2% the reduction of our trade deficit.

Do you know it is a known fact that during Nawaz's first term we didn't recieve any international aid after the sep 92' flood because they "failed to recieve certification that Pakistan was not developing a nuclear bomb"

The growth of our power generating capacity to 10696 MW was acheived by 98' a promise made to the nation of breaking the 10000 MW barrier was broken.

you still think that he was elected purely on ethnic basis.

I wonder what city you are living in then go have a look at Punjab today it looks beautifull almost every bit of it has reasonable medical coverage a passable educational setup more literacy and if Nawaz allowed the motorway to be made and bought the Idea of Gwadar port is he still only considered to be elected on ethnical basis.

And hear are the sources in case you were thinking I am repeating party lines.
Liberalization and Economic Crises in Pakistan- M. Zubair Khan
IMF economic report 2008
Privatization in Pakistan- Dr. A. R. Kemal
MONGABAY.com Country Studies: Pakistan- the Economy
Economy of Pakistan: an overview- Dr. Ishrat Husain
Lecture on Pakistan’s Economy- Kaiser Bengali
World Bank Group
Economy and Society in Pakistan
Trade Liberalization and Poverty in Pakistan- Akhtar Mehmood and Farkhanda Sohail
Remittances, Trade Liberalization, and Poverty in Pakistan: The Role of Excluded Variables in Poverty Change Analysis- Rizwana Siddiqui
Why u support NS??

Pak Economy in 1999 was: $ 75 billion (Source)
Pak Economy in 2007 is: $ 160 billion (Source) and (Source)
Pak Economy in 2008 is: $ 170 billion (Source)

GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 1999: $ 270 billion (Source)
GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 2007: $ 475.5 billion (Source)
GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 2008: $ 504.3 billion (Source)

GDP per Capita Income in 1999: $ 450 (Source)
GDP per Capita Income in 2007: $ 926 (Source)

GDP per Capita Income in 2008: $1085 (Source)

Pak revenue collection 1999: Rs. 305 billion (Source)
Pak revenue collection 2007: Rs. 708 billion (Source) and (Source)

Pak revenue collection 2008: Rs. 990 billion (Source)

Pak Foreign reserves in 1999: $ 1.96 billion (Source)
Pak Foreign reserves in 2007: $ 16.4 billion (Source) and (Source)

Pak Foreign reserves in 2008: $ 8.89 billion (Source)

Pak Exports in 1999: $ 8 billion (Source)
Pak Exports in 2007: $ 18.5 billion (Source)

Textile Exports in 1999: $ 5.5 billion
Textile Exports in 2007: $ 11.2 billion (Source)

KHI stock exchange 1999: $ 5 billion at 700 points
KHI stock exchange 2007: $ 75 billion at 14,000 points (Source)
KHI stock exchange 2008: $ 46 billion at 9,300 points (Source)

KHI stock exchange 2009: $ 20 billion at 4,972 points (Source)

Foreign Investment in 1999: $ 301 million (Source)
Foreign Investment in 2007: $ 8.4 billion (Source) and (Source)

Debt servicing 1999: 65% of GDP (Source) and (Source)
Debt servicing 2007: 28% of GDP (Source) and (Source)

Debt servicing 2008: 27% of GDP (Source)

Poverty level in 1999: 34% (Source) and (Source)
Poverty level in 2007: 24% (Source) and (Source)

Literacy rate in 1999: 45% (Source)
Literacy rate in 2007: 53% (Source)

Pak Development programs 1999: Rs. 80 billion (Source)
Pak Development programs 2007: Rs. 520 billion (Source)
Pak Development programs 2008: Rs. 549.7 billion (Source)

Economic Comparison 1999 - 2007 and beyond Our leader - Musharraf
Do u know in 2005 pak economy grew 8.4% and broke all records of past 38 years!!
And for Nuclear Weapons, credit goes to Bhutto!!
Do u know how many MQM jiyalas were killed on 12 MAY??
12 MQM people were killed!!
And my cousin is in MQM, terrorist also burnt his bike on 12 May!!
All parties were involved in 12 May!!
But only MQM was targeted!!
AS we are watching here!!
And i bet MQM have the strongest oppostions!!
All parties scored political points, and only MQM was targeted!!

And keep in mid, as MQM has majority in karachi, so the incidents in karachi will mostly create prob for MQM!!
If u burn 100 cars in karachi!!
Then i m sure 80 of then will be from MQM!!
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Who says they only support there own issues!!

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Since this thread is about MQM the brave I can't stick oon economics of our nation so on MQM I have always labelled them an oppurtunis party and I feel they are very oppurtunist they can befriend anyone to make government and it can be seen from their history they were in government with 3 different parties with very different motives they fought another party just to dominate Karachi again and every political party has condemened the attack on the Baloch leader fortunately everyone didn't close shops block roads and hold a rally. I say this because it is the third rally MQM has held within the past few days.

please tell me you are telling me this guy is SINCERE TO PAKISTAN....and Hasnaian in GERMANY NAZIs always had compelte support 100% turn out in every event....why because of fear MQM does the politics of fear....MQM started off as MAUHAJIR QAUMI MOVEMENT.....and it says get rid of FEUDAL system...but the leader makes all his workers sit on the floor eyes down head down and listen to him on the Phone....please let's not forget the Batha system.....let's also not forget that even TV shows are scared to make fun of Altaf "BHAI" because they know there body will be returned to their family in a "BURRI"(onion bag). let's not think nawaz zardari anyone is good if you talk about secular democratic and all that stuff then i guess you should go vote for IMRAN KHAN...but wait you never will because you hate him because he disrespected "ALTAF BHAI" and he is a ZANIYII.....i have many friends in nazmabad who work for MQM and i can assure you even i am traumatised by their behaviour.....

Nawaz sharif was a D*g but i believe he has improved now....and as for SWAT greement when the pathans in SWAT don't have a problem why should the NGOs i know one thing like the people in KARACHI like secularism the people in NWFP like conservative approach towards life....it is in there pathan culture....and let's not forget that during the time of TALIBAN crime rate drug rate was at its lowest....

when i said MQM should resgin i said it because ofcourse if you don't support your government allies policy then you should not sit with them resgin....that is the problem in our society the west is succesful because people use resignitation as a way of protest or saying sorry in pakistan no one has ever resigned until forced to do so. i swear IF MQM RESIGNS TODAY SITS IN OPPOSITION i will become a full time MQM supporter....because anyone staindoing by principals i will support be it even ZARDARI!!!! saabse PEHLE PAKISTAN....baad mein yeh saab parties..!!

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=Bane Blade;356414] PML(N) is a party that has represented the people of Pakistan quite a few times and had it had ISI funding or election rigging or whatever the PPP couldn't have won the elections succeding Zia

Dear bane blade,
This is open histor that PML-N was groomed for provincial level by Zia-ul-Haq and for national level after 1988. Nawaz Sharif who now talks a good democratic game, but he too began his career as a protégée of a military dictator. General Zia made him finance minister and then chief minister of Punjab province. General Jillani brought him back from Dubai. Hameed Gul helped him being the head ISI to form IJI.

Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (or IJI) was formed in September 1988 to oppose the Pakistan Peoples Party in elections that year. The alliance comprised nine parties, of which the major components were the PML and Jamaat-e-Islami. The IJI won only fifty-three seats in the National Assembly, compared with ninety-two won by the PPP. Most IJI seats were won in Punjab. Nawaz Sharif emerged from the 1988 elections as the most powerful politician outside the PPP. In December 1988, he succeeded in forming an IJI administration in Punjab and became the province's chief minister. It was from this power base that he waged the political battles that eventually led to his becoming prime minister in 1990. In the supercharged atmosphere of the 1990 elections, the electorate surprised observers. Neither the IJI nor the PPP was expected to come up with a firm mandate to rule. Yet the IJI received a strong mandate to govern, winning 105 seats versus forty-five seats for the Pakistan Democratic Alliance (PDA), of which the PPP was the main component in the National Assembly. Full ISI backing.

as for MQM's funding I would simply point to the days I wouldn't know if you were around or not but I have seen videos of 90's and MQM gunmen holding rifles battling the other MQM in a turf war it looked like san andreas and one can only wonder where this money came from,

I have equally seen the gunmen of ANP and PPP on 12th May and 27th Dec.

=Bane Blade;356494]This is what MQM really is
MLHmWD0oYec[/media] - MQM bogus voting/ Rigging NA-250

We also remember when fatima bhutto alleged in front of media in 2008 elections, with proves showing empty registers, fake votes being cast in favor of Nisar Khuro.

Pictures of Defense Minister (whatever that businessman) stuffing votes in his favor against Chaudhry Shujaat emerged.

Voting fraud takes place everywhere in Pakistan - nothing new - we need to have strong election commission to counter that.
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@ opinon 786 please these all parties might be cheaters but none of them are traitors to the country.....and like i said i live in Karachi and on the 14th august i see more MQM flags then flags of pakistan i also have to say that Lines area is more scary them surabh ghot.....
Personally I dislike Altaf Hussein, but I also appreciate their performance in the last 4 years they have supervised under Mustafa Kamal. I dislike it where there is pure bias. I am more than happy if Shahbaz Sharif delivers for Punjab. I am more than happy if ANP delivers for NWFP. I am happy if MQM delivers for KHI. These political parties should deliver - that's their job.

I dislike it if they do not deliver - anyone. I want Pakistan developing and progressing. I appreciate MQM's role in developing KHI, while I understand that MQM's past may not have been good - similarly PML-N and PPP are no exception. We must also understand that they have a huge vote bank following irrespective of their voting fraud tactics(which happens all over PAK), averaging one lakh in each constituency.
@Bane Blade: And when it came to power it bought progress to the country at that moment the days of MQM were tough and the violence in karachi was at an all time high yet we showed progress we had good industrial setups made and even our Airline did well the field os sports progresed.

— Well general Ayub Khan's period is known to be the most progressive economically, but do you know only 12 families were running the country? So the industrial set-ups that you talk about benefited a few. If one closely scrutinses the development" undertaken by the PMLN, it is quite obvious that it is in the Punjab. You had an extensive road network system laid there (bling bling...Motorway), as many villages in Sindh and Balochistan still await for a metalled road to be laid.

So you think the Pakistan cricket team won the World Cup due to the political stability in the country? Makes no sense!@#$%^& forgotten the match-fixing scandals that emerged thence?

and all that happened was that the Police and authourities stood and watched people were attacked killed businesses were broken under the eyes of an MQM governor.

— Yup the MQM was helpless in front of the PPP jiyalas!

Thank god atleast we come to the agreement that MQM used to be and may still be a terrorist organisation.

— Terrorist is too strong a word. I'd say the party has violent tendencies.

They have worked for the city of Karachi heck i live their in summers and I can say they have done a good job but please tell me that if a party is changing its stance then it needs a change in its leadership Altaf Hussains MQM needs to become just MQM because I see publicity stunts like the one when he was resigning from his position and how people were crying for him to stay they need to grow up if he resigns he should be removed and replaced not loved and cuddled and begged to.

— Well I live in this city every day. Do you know Benazir Bhutto refused to allow other senior party members to become chairman of the PPP or run for the premiership post (this was before the NRO was promulgated and the PPP was unsure if it should run in the elections and who to field as the PM). Everyone likes power. Altaf Hussain is no different. He has been able to avoid splits in his party since the mid 1990s, unlike the PPP and the PML. He is popular with the people and if they want him there, then one really can't say much. The party is doing a great job so why would one bother who is leading it.

Now look at the PPP — it only has the BB Income Support Programme to its credit. What has it achieved in the last one year? In this case the chairman of the party needs to be removed because he was not elected but selected, has little support and is too lost in political campaigns to secure his position that the party is little bothered about working for the people.
Atleast MQM is taking a stand against these cowards! i hope it works.

By definition what they did in the NA wasn't a stance at all, if they wanted to take a stance than they should have voted against the bill instead they boycotted which leaves us believing that they only did this for the sake of politics. MQM is a made of and are part of the business community of Karachi they did what they did just to make them happy.
bcoz of oppostion of shariah act, the MQM is not gaining popularity,
PDF is example for u, almost every one here is crictising MQM!!
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