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On Pokhran nuke test anniversary, PM Narendra Modi hails Atal Bihari Vajpayee's courage

Best to ignore the false flaggers totally buddy.

India didn't "steal" nuclear material.

The material (produced Pu-239) always belonged to India....India just reneged on its promise not to use it for WMD purposes.
come 'on.....
it was a civilian plant under civilian guidelines, india lied, fabricated data and stole and reprocessed the waste material to make the bomb...
nobody has done this before..
people bulid their own plants, and process material rather than taking ready made material/waste

Also give me a clear source that says KANUPP is not a typical CANDU reactor for this to happen.
pakistan had its own heavy water reactors at chashma and KANUPP was under IEA safeguards
What Atal Bihari did instead of hailing his foolishness he should be condemned, Since because of this foolishness Pakistan is now nuclear power with more warheads as compares to India,

Pakistan should say thanks to Atal Bihari.

Pakistan already had nukes by then. It is not possible for anyone to build and explode nukes in just 15 days. Good that the uncertainty of Pakistan possessing nukes came out in open.

Anyway, nukes are not against Pakistan, India had to have nukes because China has them already.
What Atal Bihari did instead of hailing his foolishness he should be condemned, Since because of this foolishness Pakistan is now nuclear power with more warheads as compares to India,

Pakistan should say thanks to Atal Bihari.

That's one way to look at it..

Another perspective is that india became a declared nuclear power, secured an NSG waiver without signing the NPT and forced Pak to show their cards...as a result Pak became a nuclear pariah as its program came under the scanner ( read AQ khan network) and got hit with sanctions it could not handle. Also ended up losing face in west as a nuke proliferator.

From where I'm sitting, india got what it wanted.
What Atal Bihari did instead of hailing his foolishness he should be condemned, Since because of this foolishness Pakistan is now nuclear power with more warheads as compares to India,

Pakistan should say thanks to Atal Bihari.
If you really were in the Indian army, then you must know how powerful Indian armed forces really are....pakistan was already having nukes, it was just a trigger that started a chain reaction, every country can protect itself.....and also i dont know about U, but punjab taan kitho bhi ni jada prahji, khalistan is over and even if you think pakistan will help you, then you must remember they were the same people who played against you, ek kaam karo saala Canada nu hi bana lo khalistan, te lende raho USA naal pangaa....Canada banega khalistan!!!!:oops:
how powerful Indian armed forces really is
Yes I know Since its creation more than 10 independence armed struggles going on which I.A failed to curb till date, I know I.A how much strong, leave it. Kid.

and also i dont know about U, but punjab taan kitho bhi ni jada prahji,
Punjab taan hathoun nikal gaya si agar Mrs. Benazir listaan na diti hondiyaan, wait until for version two which is brewing in our hearts.

That's one way to look at it..

Another perspective is that india became a declared nuclear power, secured an NSG waiver without signing the NPT and forced Pak to show their cards...as a result Pak became a nuclear pariah as its program came under the scanner ( read AQ khan network) and got hit with sanctions it could not handle. Also ended up losing face in west as a nuke proliferator.

From where I'm sitting, india got what it wanted.
Make up can't hide red face after Chagi tests, Indian were thinking or at least believeing Pakistan would not go for that or they don't have the capability but they tested successfully 6 nuclear weapons.

Indian tests were dud check the google Indian scientist failed to achieve desired yield.
A.Q Khan or his network still free roaming around they just did the eye wash.
India was getting blue prints of Pakistan's nuclear technology throughout 90's so they managed to build some primitive centrifuge, which they so keenly wanted to show to the world.
Where as regarding Pakistan, they thought US would not let test.

India nuclear program was never centrifuge based.
Make up can't hide red face after Chagi tests, Indian were thinking or at least believeing Pakistan would not go for that or they don't have the capability but they tested successfully 6 nuclear weapons.

What nonsense!
India had known about the Pak nuclear program since the 80s. It was in fact a pre calculated move to have Pakistan show their cards.

Please give the below a read should clear up a lot of the misinformation you've been fed.


Indian tests were dud check the google Indian scientist failed to achieve desired yield.
A.Q Khan or his network still free roaming around they just did the eye wash.

Sure, the Indian tests are dud. Whatever floats your boat.

But the point is, it is not india that is the nuclear pariah, it is pakistan.
And that happened because Pakistan with its fragile ego and little brother complex decided to copy Indian moves of testing the bomb and ended up exposing its shady deals to acquire the bomb. Pakistan ended up with embargoes while India got waivers.

Either way, we Indians are happy positioned where we are, whether you think ABV made a blunder or otherwise!
India nuclear program was never centrifuge based.
i am not an expert but what do you mean by this.?
how will you get any fissionable material if you have no centrifuges?
is there a way to direct get plotonium?
you have to "burn" "enriched" uranium in reactor to get it

PS: my knowledge is based upon 10th grade physici
i will be glade if you correct me

India was getting blue prints of Pakistan's nuclear technology throughout 90's so they managed to build some primitive centrifuge, which they so keenly wanted to show to the world.
Where as regarding Pakistan, they thought US would not let test.

do yo know what he mean by it was never centrifuge base?
it was a civilian plant under civilian guidelines,

And under no agreed safeguards.

india lied, fabricated data and stole and reprocessed the waste material to make the bomb...

Stealing implies someone else owned the Plutonium produced in CIRUS. It was never the case. An agreement was broken, that does not equal stealing. Its a wrong choice of words.

What is stealing is xeroxing centrifuge blueprints at URENCO....given those blueprints are the property of someone else.

nobody has done this before..
people bulid their own plants, and process material rather than taking ready made material/waste

You obviously dont understand how CIRUS (based on NRX) works. Do you know what the feedstock material is? Hint: its not plutonium.

pakistan had its own heavy water reactors at chashma and KANUPP was under IEA safeguards

CHASHMA only started operation after chagai tests...so I am not talking about that.

Only Kanupp is relevant to Pak chagai designs, and kanupp AFAIK is a CANDU reactor. If its a pure CANDU reactor design, it cannot be used for nuclear WMD material (forget about safeguards or not) without a massve reprocessing and established testing apparatus. If you know what the CANDU design is essentially (whatever level of enrichment), you would know why and that CANDU is incapable of efficiently producing weapons grade Pu-239.

This is the major reason why Pakistan did not go plutonium route (and did not have any plutonium design at chagai), but went Uranium (stolen URENCO centrifuge design) route instead...along with other secondary reasons.
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And under no agreed safeguards.

Stealing implies someone else owned the Plutonium produced in CIRUS. It was never the case. An agreement was broken, that does not equal stealing. Its a wrong choice of words.

What is stealing is xeroxing centrifuge blueprints at URENCO....given those blueprints are the property of someone else.

You obviously dont understand how CIRUS (based on NRX) works. Do you know what the feedstock material is? Hint: its not plutonium. Its a light-water design (unlike heavy water CANDU) notably and this has direct bearing on its fissile production quality.....unlike inherently safeguarded CANDU.

CHASHMA only started operation after chagai tests...so I am not talking about that.

Only Kanupp is relevant to Pak chagai designs, and kanupp AFAIK is a CANDU reactor. If its a pure CANDU reactor design, it cannot be used for nuclear WMD material (forget about safeguards or not) without a massve reprocessing and established testing apparatus. If you know what the CANDU design is essentially (whatever level of enrichment), you would know why and that CANDU is incapable of efficiently producing weapons grade Pu-239.

This is the major reason why Pakistan did not go plutonium route (and did not have any plutonium design at chagai), but went Uranium (stolen URENCO centrifuge design) route instead...along with other secondary reasons.
i am not going to pretend to be an expert but its an open source that Pakistan started work on both types of weapons, i mis stated chashma(we dont have military reactors in chashma), what i meant was khushab reactors that went on line in early 90s, and were used to build plotonium

just google it: you will get a dozen of articles, every one knows it, i dont know why are you spinning it politically. yes we stole technology and modified it, like every other country that became nucelar power after USA

uranium pathway was the fastest but it was not the only pathway we took
i am not an expert but what do you mean by this.?
how will you get any fissionable material if you have no centrifuges?
is there a way to direct get plotonium?
you have to "burn" "enriched" uranium in reactor to get it

Weapons grade Pu-239 can be produced with natural uranium ore and enough neutron flux (achieved either though enrichment in LWR or through moderator like in the case of HWR)....feedstock is simply natural uranium (which needs no centrifuge).

You can scale it up and optimise for full weapons grade production like the Dhruva military reactor that India uses. (And I believe khushab in Pakistan)

Producing fissile plutonium thus is quite easy. Difficulty with Plutonium is the actual bomb design given tendency of Pu-240 contamination (however little you feasibly reduce it to) to pre-detonate and de-shape the pit (and produce a dud).

With uranium, its reverse....its difficult to refine to weapons grade thats needed, but once you got it, you can make a crude design quite quickly (like the hiroshima design)....and implosion design is also lot less complicated than Pu-239 one.

i am not going to pretend to be an expert but its an open source that Pakistan started work on both types of weapons, i mis stated chashma(we dont have military reactors in chashma), what i meant was khushab reactors that went on line in early 90s, and were used to build plotonium

just google it: you will get a dozen of articles, every one knows it, i dont know why are you spinning it politically. yes we stole technology and modified it, like every other country that became nucelar power after USA

uranium pathway was the fastest but it was not the only pathway we took

Well Pakistan of course would be foolish not to hedge (at least to lay the groundwork of Pu seperation to check economic feasibility depending on the long term feedstock and conversion rates that Pakistan would not have established when just starting the program)....esp given ease of production of fissile Pu-239 that I just stated. Chagai II tested Pu devices apparently. Can you tell me if the material for this came from Kahuta or from Khushab I (both non-safeguarded I believe right)?

Its similar to the uranium pathway India also did concurrently. Which one ends up getting selected by each country as the mainstream path in the end was from many factors.
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i am not an expert but what do you mean by this.?
how will you get any fissionable material if you have no centrifuges?
is there a way to direct get plotonium?
you have to "burn" "enriched" uranium in reactor to get it

PS: my knowledge is based upon 10th grade physici
i will be glade if you correct me

Military grade or weapon grade Plutonium does not require any enrichment or centrifuges.
Irradiation process does it all in civil nuclear reactors.
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