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On Pokhran nuke test anniversary, PM Narendra Modi hails Atal Bihari Vajpayee's courage

Oh as expected you dont know anything about the army, you were never fit mentally for the Indian armed forces and you too deep in the heart know that you are a hindu too, and do not associate yourself with khalsa and Indian army, you are disrespecting my Almighty guru gobind singh, if guru gobind singh was alive today, he would had slashed traitors like you into 2 halves, he fought for dharma and he ultimately made the hindu warrior race, made them look diffrent, made them fearless...you are nowhere close to sikh, my Almighty guru gobind singh ji once said, "For this purpose was I born, let all virtuous people understand. I was born to advance righteousness, to emancipate the good, and to destroy all evil-doers root and branch."
And what you did? Hate the same people you promised guru to protect, betrayed them becuase bhindranwale had the greed for takat??sikhism is all about sacrifice for good....chad saala mein bhi kinu samjha reyaan....tu rehne de jaa jeda brew karna karda reh...:disagree:
Binderanwala was stooge of Mrs. Gandhi and killed when he went out of her control, You don't know Sikhi dear I am follower of Guru Nanak and about Guru Gobind he develop personal enmity with Muslim rulers over non-religious issues.
Ik onkar, sat sri akal.

Gurus are not God since we are belive in one God almighty but now a days Sikhs following fake Gurus as God which is against the teaching of Baba Guru Nanak G sirkar.
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This is the achilles heel of beautiful people like you. They will see more worth in things then there actually is.
I was talking about nothing special. Just kids having something to talk about with fervour.
19 years of Pokhran-II tests: Where does Indian nuclear Arsenal stand now


It has been 19 years since India conducted its second nuclear test at Pokhran, Rajasthan. May 11 is now commemorated as National Technology Day for India’s successful foray into nuclear weapons development.

Here is how the Indian nuclear weapons programme has travelled so far.

In 1998, India conducted Pokhran-II tests where five nuclear explosives were tested. The tests took place between May 11 and May 13. The first explosive was a fusion device while the rest four were fission devices. According to Armscontrol.org, as of January 2017, India had 100-120 nuclear warheads.

India has gone on to develop what is called a nuclear triad–nuclear strike capabilities from land, air, sea/undersea.

The Indian Army is in-charge of the land-based nuclear weapons. Launching platforms are both from launch vehicles and silos. The main nuclear weapons ballistic missiles are of the Agni family. Agni-I, Agni-II and Agni-III and Agni-VI have already been inducted. The Agni-V is in development/testing stages and has undergone at least four successful tests. It is expected to be inducted into full service soon. While Agni-VI Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile is in the pipeline.

Agni-I is a short-medium range missile with a range of 700-1250 km. Agni-II is the medium range ballistic missile with a range of 2,000-3,000 km. The intermediate range missiles are Agni-III and Agni-IV. Agni-III can strike targets at a distance of at least 3,000 km. Agni-IV has a range of 4,000 km. Agni V which is of the intermediate to intercontinental range can strike anywhere between 5,000 and 5,500 km.

Prithvi missiles are short-range tactical missiles that are equipped for use with all the three service forces. Prithvi 1 class is a surface-to-surface missile. It is a tactical missile and primary use is for striking targets on the battlefield. These missiles are to be upgraded to the more accurate Prahaar system. Prithvi II missile has a range of up to 250 km. The missile was developed keeping in mind the primary user–Indian Air Force. Though, it was later inducted by the Army as well. The upgraded missiles have an extended range of around 350 km.

Prithvi III can carry a half a ton warhead up to 600 km. If its warhead is replaced with a 250 kg one, the extended range of the Prithvi -III goes up to 750 km. A customised version of this system was made into Dhanush for sea-based attacks.

Air Force nuclear weapons prowess

Air-based deployment via Indian Air Force aircraft is still in a nascent stage. Jaguar and Mirage 2000 aircraft are modelled to have the capability to carry nuclear warheads. Guided attacks, however, may not be possible with these and the option would be free dropping bombs. The soon to be inducted Rafales will have the capability to deploy guided nuclear weapons.

Naval nuclear weapon strike capability

India is awaiting the induction of the four nuclear powered Arihant class submarines with capabilities of launching ballistic missiles. The first of the four, INS Arihant, has been launched. It is the crown of the Indian Naval nuclear program. The submarine will be equipped with Sagarika (K-15) class ballistic missiles. Sagarika missile system has submarine launch capability and can be launched through the vessel’s torpedo hold. It has a range of around 700 km. It can carry a payload of half a ton and weighs seven tonnes itself. The missile was tested via an undersea pontoon. But for extensive testings, India may look to request assistance from the Russian Navy.

Another system available with the Navy is the Dhanush ballistic missile system. It is a variant of the Prithvi missile and can strike targets up to 300 km. This is a ship- based system.

India was getting blue prints of Pakistan's nuclear technology throughout 90's so they managed to build some primitive centrifuge
Check again Sir.
Centrifuges (gas phase) are required for U235 enrichment and these are not required for PHWR which uses natural Uranium as fuel.
do yo know what he mean by it was never centrifuge base?

Nope :undecided:
but I know they had secret dealings with Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari.
While army was sidelined throughout 90's
Agreed Pakistan have the nukes since 80s but they are waiting for a chance that BJP provided them in a plate, I am happy the nation got Nuclear status and can nuke to dust India who invaded our holiest place.
In a previous thread you said you were court marshaled in 87, going by your birthday its amazing that you were allowed into the army while you were just 17 . :lol:
At least have some self respect , dont lie here , you will be caught!!!
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