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On Insulting Muslims

That is a white lie zarvan..Somnath temple was targetted just to loot the treasures it had..And no history states of soldiers hiding there..
Sir people used to hide their and it was being used as base centre
Dumb , it's main goal of Islam since inception that to destroy other religions and culture make slave to women ,childrens , killings of non-muslims justified in your "HOLY" book.
No Sir in Islam Places of Worships can't be targeted only when enemy uses it for hiding and attack your people and those Non Muslims can be killed who attack Muslims or Islam Mr and and Islam discourages slavers this shows how ignorant you are Mr
Your people were hiding their and used that wealth to attack his people and make trouble for him so he took away the things your people should have avoided making your Religious Place as a shield

It was hunger to plunder the treasure, not to conquer Gujarat.
Don't teach me that bullshit tell that in your madarasa madness school . Islam killed thousand of non-muslims , raped thousand of Women and children. Every non-muslim is infidel according your koran and ITS GREAT WORK TO KILL THEM AND RAPE THEIR WOMEN. A "HOLY" RAPE
Muslims have never killed civilians and not raped women its your history and you still follow this culture in most part of India and according to Quran we can kill only those who Muslims not civilians and no where Islam encourages Rape in Islam punishment of Rape is death but you will always remain an ignorant Sir
Lady first no body was forced to convert and no lady was raped this is the lie spread by you Indians and if you will hide and attack from your temples than don't cry on attack from enemies Lady

In 21st century these Fanatics are so brutal, How can u deny rapes and plunder facts from Islam??? No matter how much you wash it, The stain of Mongolic Method will remain on Islam.

eg: In Islamic Uttar Pradesh (Ruled by Muslims through there Beloved Mulla, Mulla-yam) Muslims are plundering India (6 riots in 6 months). Imagine what they would have done with your ansestors under Babars/Aurangzebs and Gaznavis...

or live in denial and keep saying "Islam is religion of peace" and "it spread thru peace"
In 21st century these Fanatics are so brutal, How can u deny rapes and plunder facts from Islam??? No matter how much you wash it, The stain of Mongolic Method will remain on Islam.

eg: In Islamic Uttar Pradesh (Ruled by Muslims through there Beloved Mulla, Mulla-yam) Muslims are plundering India (6 riots in 6 months). Imagine what they would have done with your ansestors under Babars/Aurangzebs and Gaznavis...

or live in denial and keep saying "Islam is religion of peace" and "it spread thru peace"
Lady no rapes have been done by Muslims whole world knows it lady you Indians are famous for messing up history and filling it with complete lies and creating dramas based on complete lies and yes Islam is religion of peace biggest examples are you Indians who are still in majority and Muslims of Indonesia and Malaysia and and China and today Islam is the fastest growing Religion in the world 68000 convert to Islam daily which force or gun is being used to convert them lady
^ If Islam is the religion of peace why does it ask anyone who insults Islam or its prophet to be killed ? Why cant it ignore or forgive ?

And mullah, have you read Tabeeqat-i-Nasri ?
^ If Islam is the religion of peace why does it ask anyone who insults Islam to be beheaded ? :D

And mullah, have you read Tabeeqat-i-Nasri ?
Peace doesn't mean we start tolerating every kind of crap and attack on Islam Islam is a religions which tells to have peace those who ask for peace not with those who attack Islam and Muslims
Peace doesn't mean we start tolerating every kind of crap and attack on Islam Islam is a religions which tells to have peace those who ask for peace not with those who attack Islam and Muslims

No..then its not the religion of peace..its the religion of revenge.religion of peace would forgive or ignore.

For argument sake..you are a Muslim and you respect Islam..why should I do that ? I'm not a Muslim
No..then its not the religion of peace..its the religion of revenge.religion of peace would forgive or ignore.

For argument sake..you are a Muslim and you respect Islam..why should I do that ? I'm not a Muslim
No body is allowed to abuse other religion Mr yes Islam doesn't tolerate attacks on it and Muslims Sir and their can be no peace if you keep attacking others Mr that is a funny theory no body in an angel that he will keep forgiving you Mr
No body is allowed to abuse other religion Mr yes Islam doesn't tolerate attacks on it and Muslims Sir and their can be no peace if you keep attacking others Mr that is a funny theory no body in an angel that he will keep forgiving you Mr

So no forgiving ? Hardly the religion of peace.

BTW you did not answer my other question - you are a Muslim and you respect Islam..why should I do that ? I'm not a Muslim
No body is allowed to abuse other religion Mr yes Islam doesn't tolerate attacks on it and Muslims Sir and their can be no peace if you keep attacking others Mr that is a funny theory no body in an angel that he will keep forgiving you Mr

Are you sure about that? I am pretty sure your Holy book is not so equal in its treatment of other religions or practitioners of other faiths.

Islam does not, will not tolerate attacks upon it.

Yet Islam exhorts to attack other faiths and convert them to Islam?
American 1st amendment: Defend all kind of (Absolute freedom of ) speech, even hate speech. Referring this amendment YouTube is not removing Anti-Islamic Movie.

American Constitution view: Hate doesn't cease to exist if u put it under the carpet, way its better to see where it is. Banning it glamorise it.

------Sir Salman Rushdi

@Zarvan: If you saying rt thing, then I am the Lastest prophet (of Hinduism) and Cows/Pigs can fly.. :)
Sir people used to hide their and it was being used as base centre
In the words of 13th century arab historian Zakaria al qazwini
Somnath: celebrated city of India, situated on the shore of the sea, and washed by its waves. Among the wonders of that place was the temple in which was placed the idol called Somnath. This idol was in the middle of the temple without anything to support it from below, or to suspend it from above. It was held in the highest honor among the Hindus, and whoever beheld it floating in the air was struck with amazement, whether he was a Musulman or an infidel. The Hindus used to go on pilgrimage to it whenever there was an eclipse of the moon, and would then assemble there to the number of more than a hundred thousand.

When the Sultan Yaminu-d Daula Mahmud Bin Subuktigin (Mahmud of Ghazni) went to wage religious war against India, he made great efforts to capture and destroy Somnath, in the hope that the Hindus would then become Muhammadans. As a result thousands of Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam. He arrived there in the middle of Zi-l k’ada, 416 A.H. (December, 1025 A.D.). “The king looked upon the idol with wonder, and gave orders for the seizing of the spoil, and the appropriation of the treasures. There were many idols of gold and silver and vessels set with jewels, all of which had been sent there by the greatest personages in India. The value of the things found in the temples of the idols exceeded twenty thousand dinars.[14]
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