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On Duty Security Had No Weapons:


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

Today's Jang newspaper is reporting a very disturbing news item---the security personal at the air force and naval base had barely any weapons at hand----. It says that Lt Yaser just had a hand gun----the weapons were in the weapons storage-----first line of defence was weaponless----thus helpless.

This news is on the second page of urdu news----this seems to be unbeliebable news item----.

Can some members please dig in a little deeper into this and find some related items----.

Also the next post also has a very scathing report again against the paf one more time---regarding the Atlantique airplane fiasco---.

Please find the items and please post it here-----.

Let us see what the children of the air force families have to say----.

Where is our dear MURADK------my man---your service is full of traitors---isn't it-----. I used to talk about it a lot----but people didnot believe me---.

So---please go to jang newspaper---open the main page---JANG AAJ KA AKHBAR----click on 'AHAM KHABRAIN'---important news---then go to page two-----.

When you read that news---just keep it in mind that I have been out of the country for 28 years---the first time I went back for a few days was in 1986 and then in 2007 just for 7 days----.

All my research that I posted about about pak air force and millitary was done sitting here----many of you made fun of it----now about time you realized that most of you were either lying to yourself--lying what you wrote here or were totally clueless to what you were saying-----.

If some of you feel the shame that is going to be eternal part of your pakistani psyche for the rest of your living lives----only if you have any conscience left----feel the impotency today----tell me how you feel.
Yes it is hard to believe and absolutely shocking----if it is true----. The news also stated that the cameras only worked in the day time---at night time---they were blind----.

You see- the most important part of the incursion is passing through the first line of defence---the outer parameter----once inside---it is a butcher's bazar---a slaughter house---lambs for slaying----sheeps for slaughter---goats to the butchers shop----aplty named by the terrorists as such.

This base in karachi----it had a marriage hall----where marriages would take place and after marriage parties and it was reserved for the next two years----.

In good old days----in millitary out posts the russian general staff would make a surprise visit to the frontline post---saw the command staf lax and lazy---they would execute the major, colonel and bridagier level officers by a firing squad right on the site-----to set an example.
Well i live around the PAF base and am in the cantt area, all the PAF personnel as well as the army guys are well armed. And this is for the last 2-3 years, not of now.

PAF has atleast 2-3 QRF teams roaming around with MG3s, AK47s & G3s, similarly Army has QR teams nearly in all the sections of the Cantt, plus lot of check points manned by PAF guys and the army guys.

On many occasions have seen the SSW guys too.

So for Peshawar, i can say the cantt area and the area around the base is well armed, but after Mehran fiasco, we need to see that special security arrangements are done around the base perimeter of all the bases, especially the ones having their boundary wall close to residential / open field areas. QRF should be roaming around all the time around the runway, snipers with NVDs & Thermal Devices should be stationed at the highest points that would be the air traffic control towers, base perimeter should be well lit and the areas where assets are based should have their lights off. APCs in the shape of M113s or Muhafiz APCs should be stationed inside the bases, as they are bullet proof and can get quiet close to the targets without taking damage from small arms fire.

And the SSW & SSG-N / Marines should be stationed on all the bases which are vulnerable, since these formations are taking no part in the War of Pakistan, thus atleast they should be used to man their own critical bases.

Please check out today's jang newspaper and see what you can make out of that news item-----it is utterly shocking and totally disturbing---even though not surprising.

Please check out today's jang newspaper and see what you can make out of that news item-----it is utterly shocking and totally disturbing---even though not surprising.

Well i have no issue in believing what the newspaper says. This could have happened, may be the navy guys had taken the issue lightly as from what i have read so far, the outer perimeter defence was of PAF, thus the Navy guys may have taken it lightly and not issued heavy arms to the QRFs posted or to the naval personnel at the base. My guess is they were issued MP5s, as that was what i had seen with the PAF MP guy manning the gate when the Mehran fiasco was happening. MP5 9mm is good in close quarter combat at 50-70 meter range, but its useless when compared to AK47s / G3s and the base fight was at longer ranges, it wasn't close combat.

And MK Sir, just look at how much lightly the naval guys took the security of their major naval station, they posted an aeronautical engineer officer Lt Yaser to head the security arrangement / QRF at the base. I am at loss of words that where the hell were the SSG-N / Marine formations which should have been posted for its protection ??? What are you gonna expect out of an aeronautical engineer to do in such situations ?? Was he trained for such scenarios, i bet he wasn't. The base inner security should have been the job of the SSG-N / Marine guys. SSG-N is being wasted uselessly, they have given no input in this war of Pakistan, had it been upto me, i would have used the SSG-N and SSW guys for the operations in FATA. I would have created a combined Special Services Command and used them jointly, just like what the US special operations command does. I feel ashamed to see the SSW & SSG-N guys sitting idly, while SSG guys are doing their job.

If SSW & SSG-N can't be used in operations in FATA, atleast they can be used to protect their bases and assets.

An aeronautical engineer is used to lead the QRF at the most important and only naval air station ??? Pathetic.
Barely a year ago i strolled into PAF faisal without a care.. "Khala ji ka ghar"..\

The NSSG's were also helpless against the attackers.. who were extremely well trained, in the words of the top boss after the CnC in KArachi..
These guys were picking out our guys from long ranges as if on duck shoot.
It wasnt until Zarrar company arrived from tarbela with their NVG's, cornershots and other gadgets that the situation was settled.
Hi Tk,

I believe that it is time that pakistan govt is put on a state of emergency----an emergency czar put in charge----couple of special operation groups created for special jobs----one group named as COMPNAY 313-----and the second named as---THE BADAR BRIGADE----the first consituting 313 strike force members--and the second one with 1000 members.

A group of judge executors and law enforcers---summary courts and summary executions---pakistan has no way out now----all bets are off.

There is always a very easy cure for this---ala russian style----charge the base commander---security commander and couple of othet top dogs for dereliction of duties----and summarily execute them by a firing squad-----.

You will see the change at a lightening speed if the pakistani men have an iota of character left in them.

There is always a very easy cure for this---ala russian style----charge the base commander---security commander and couple of othet top dogs for dereliction of duties----and summarily execute them by a firing squad-----.

You will see the change at a lightening speed if the pakistani men have an iota of character left in them.

Wont change a darn thing in this nation..
unless you do it publicly.
In that case.. the first to go should be the bastards who gunned down innocent people at the FC checkpost in Quetta.
What you need in this country is a gestapo.. but wait.. we already have that.. and its not on the people's side.
The base security should have been multi layered----outer parameter with security staff with G3's---inner security with---mp's-----sniper positions on top of buildings-----.

Gentlement---now you see the mindset of the generals of your country----they are not very intelligent---now are they.
Possibly they were not expecting an attack of this magnitude on the naval air base that too in Karachi.
The base security should have been multi layered----outer parameter with security staff with G3's---inner security with---mp's-----sniper positions on top of buildings-----.

Gentlement---now you see the mindset of the generals of your country----they are not very intelligent---now are they.

That is not a problem..
its when they think they are is the problem!
In the 90's, we had a school trip to the PAF Museum and as some of us knew the area well, we had decided to sneak into a secure area where we can sit in a fighter jet. Because of the lax security, the plan worked and we were climbing the jet when I turned around and saw an officer running towards us screaming.

I jumped off quickly and ran away while my friends were caught, good old days.

So the moral of the story is that the security is in the pits, always has been like this.

Similarly men of power can stroll around secure areas like they own the place and the security do not even confirm their identity.
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