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on behalf of the Russian people, a plea to Putin to stop his invasion plans for western Ukraine

should Putin just stop his invasion plans for Western Ukraine?

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Who are you to represent Russian People? How can you speak on the entire people's behalf?
because i care about them, one citizen to many other citizens of a land that's being led by a pressured/foolish (set of) leaders. that's why, mr.

Yes give peace a chance pity Iraq wasn’t given that option.
Iraq did have a very unstable leadership, in our defense..

Did you put a heard emoji as well ? I heard that Putin likes Heart emoji with bear emoji.
my emoji skills aint that good, i'm not a girl, you know :p
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You talkd too much meaningless stuff. You think only west world can make countries like Cuba rich? Cuba can join in China's One Belt One Road project. China has infinite money and mature technologies to help it to become a developed country.
China's money all came from the west, and they engaged in heavy patent breaching to prevent us from manufacturing the same type of goods (garnments, especially, like underwear and trousers) using robotic means. You see, you can't beat cheap labor (in China) with a robotic-manufacturing factory anywhere in the west (which is much more expensive in construction cost and operating cost), on the international end-user markets! And the Chinese government *knew this*.



And that's far from the only international economic law that China broke. They broke more than a few in the economic spying business too.
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with those patents in tact and respected, Europe and the US could have keep supplying jobs (or roboticly made versions of the same products) as an economic balance measure.
so Trump was right to complain about it so loudly.

I suggest you read the market indicators from 20 years ago, where one can see the transfer of manufacturing jobs moving at a steady pace out of America.

Patents do nothing for the common man, only makes the rich richer and the poor enslaved in permanent poverty. Your patents are as good as the pedophile sitting in the Oval Office.

then i suggest to Biden to adopt the Dutch social(-welfare) rent company structure for American cities.

Well for your sake, I hope your suggestion is taken seriously. Meanwhile in the real world the number of Americans becoming homeless or living in RVs or downsizing to smaller more affordable rentals, is steadily increasing.

This problem didn't occur overnight, it has been ongoing at a steady pace for the last three decades.

it's global-economy disrupting leader Qadaffi, you mean.

Perhaps you have been too caught up with believing the lies they boldly broadcast on CNN to have ever bothered to check that under Qaddafi, Libyans living standards was better than some European countries.

well, i could say the same about alJazeera or Russian state media or Chinese state media or even my own country's mass media.

No, actually you cannot.

fact is, audience, audience, controls what a major news organisation presents as 'the truth'. and they always support the ruling classes of their own country and alliance of countries.

You might want to go do some soul searching to search for what the "Truth" is actually defined as.

Good luck with that. Oh and remember, the Truth reveals itself to only those who seek it by not living a lie in the first place.
What a non sense.

A retard is trying Speak on behalf of an other nation.

For sure, the Russian people couldn't Care less about what you have to say lol. Find yourself an other hobby instead of showing us western frustration while acting like a desperate clown.
The most hilarious part was when I read that his Western adversaries can cripple the Russian economy within a month.
Russia can cripple Europe within a week by first cutting off gas flow to Europe

That's why Trump was telling countries like Germany to stop relying on Russia.

first it was this 2018
"President Donald Trump repeated a highly misleading claim on Friday that Germany will soon depend on Russia for 50 percent to 70 percent of its energy needs.

Earlier this week, Trump opened a new line of criticism against Germany,"

now it is this tune in 2022
These factors have converged to make Germany the biggest buyer of Russian gas in the world. It draws more than half of its gas imports from Russia against around 40% on average for the European Union, according to the EU’s statistics agency Eurostat.

That's why Trump was telling countries like Germany to stop relying on Russia.

first it was this 2018
"President Donald Trump repeated a highly misleading claim on Friday that Germany will soon depend on Russia for 50 percent to 70 percent of its energy needs.

Earlier this week, Trump opened a new line of criticism against Germany,"

now it is this tune in 2022
These factors have converged to make Germany the biggest buyer of Russian gas in the world. It draws more than half of its gas imports from Russia against around 40% on average for the European Union, according to the EU’s statistics agency Eurostat.

let say Germany get 60% of its Gas from Russia and the rest of Europe 40%.
well do you think the rest of Europe can afford losing those 40%?
where they are supposed to get that extra gas , the second in gas reserve in the world is Iran and thank to USA those european countries can't by gas from iran .
here goes more than 50% of world natural gas reserve
Please do not pretend to be someone that you are not.

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