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on behalf of the Russian people, a plea to Putin to stop his invasion plans for western Ukraine

should Putin just stop his invasion plans for Western Ukraine?

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I hope you would say the same to US when Cuba decides to join in Russia military alliance and deploy missiles on its soil.

Maybe China could set a military base in Cuba as well.
i emailed this thread to a wide range of government parties, media organisations, and intel communities world-wide.
same as what i've been doing for the past 20 years or so..

so yeah, it was on Putin's monday morning desk reading material allright. as print-outs by the FSB, no doubt :)
Did you put a heard emoji as well ? I heard that Putin likes Heart emoji with bear emoji.
I hope you would say the same to US when Cuba decides to join in Russia military alliance and deploy missiles on its soil.

Maybe China could set a military base in Cuba as well.

Thats pretty much asking for the U.S. to deploy the missiles back in Europe.
I hope you would say the same to US when Cuba decides to join in Russia military alliance and deploy missiles on its soil.

Maybe China could set a military base in Cuba as well.
they couldn't in the 1960s, and i doubt they can today. plus, in the 1960s, the Russians were going to store *nuclear* missiles in Cuba. We have no such plans for the western border of Russia. ;)

but in the meanwhile, i am working on a plan to provide a solid belt-and-road infrastructure of asphalt roads from Brazil's new farmlands and farm towns in the Amazonian Jungle, through equador, to Baranquilla city there, and then provide legitimate privately run boating services for refugees between that city, Cuba, entire Latin America, and Mexico.

Mexico could then offer tourbus services to refugees travelling to the US, to Trump's border wall, for safe and comfy immigration facilities (with medical marijuana dispensaries and tobacco sold fairly cheaply to the immigrant farmers who would use 'organic farming of tobacco' in Mexico or the US, to make safe tobacco that does not cause cancer at all.)

But your idea is a fair one. I was working on something similar. And i have no doubt the chinese 'digital eye police service glasses' could work wonders against crime gangs in Latin and South-America. hint : short jail times are better. allow people to learn from their mistakes in freedom, pleeease, world leaders..
they couldn't in the 1960s, and i doubt they can today. plus, in the 1960s, the Russians were going to store *nuclear* missiles in Cuba. We have no such plans for the western border of Russia. ;)

but in the meanwhile, i am working on a plan to provide a solid belt-and-road infrastructure of asphalt roads from Brazil's new farmlands and farm towns in the Amazonian Jungle, through equador, to Baranquilla city there, and then provide legitimate privately run boating services for refugees between that city, Cuba, entire Latin America, and Mexico.

Mexico could then offer tourbus services to refugees travelling to the US, to Trump's border wall, for safe and comfy immigration facilities (with medical marijuana dispensaries and tobacco sold fairly cheaply to the immigrant farmers who would use 'organic farming of tobacco' in Mexico or the US, to make safe tobacco that does not cause cancer at all.)

But your idea is a fair one. I was working on something similar. And i have no doubt the chinese 'digital eye police service glasses' could work wonders against crime gangs in Latin and South-America. hint : short jail times are better. allow people to learn from their mistakes in freedom, pleeease, world leaders..
You talkd too much meaningless stuff. You think only west world can make countries like Cuba rich? Cuba can join in China's One Belt One Road project. China has infinite money and mature technologies to help it to become a developed country.
West is creating oroblems by giving ukraine as nato ally definately they are cornering russia whichno country will allow to be cornered from all borders by enemies
Will be extremely difficult for Putin to backdown now without loss of face. Rhetoric has gone too far. Especially western media has gone nuts with war drumming. Forcing Biden to send so much weapons and marines. Putin will have to show some gain from this exercise.
Why are you begging Russia and Putin not to invade Ukraine?
Putin, Once you are done reading his post, Reach out to me

Why are you begging Russia and Putin not to invade Ukraine?

He is a deranged person who is full of his own farts and deluded to the point of not realizing how ridiculous he is. Perhaps autistic to be honest now that most of his stuff is read.

Russia is worried about Ukraine becoming NATO next door and that's where its boundary testing is coming from. USA is doing the same and provoking everything. This war was over influence and as politics extends towards military force, this is what we are witnessing as the influence shifts entirely from Russian held to USA held. Russia's response to losing the influence is military force as they consider USA's method of turning influence as its old tricks. Basically tell local people they are poor and going down a bad road and to come onto the road of shiny USA.

It is a trap for the people. There is no shine at the end and only being used. Used as a forward base and as a pivot towards USA's political and economic enemies.
The way these western powers work is they robbed from the whole world robbed everyone blind and even had the disgusting desire to abuse those people after robbing them. It is the first major criminal while pointing fingers everywhere else.

Then with their power and wealth they developed much further ahead of all others while others were looted clean and destroyed with all their best minds leaving for the west to further western power as they contribute their talent and labor.

These guys then tell their newer and stubborn enemies to stop trying to be independent. Be a good servant like the rest. Some of those servants are allowed to get rich but at the end of the day all the ownership is in one hand and that power can do as it pleases at any moment.

The stubborn powers who insist on being independent don't give in and the USA and UK then uses all that accumulated ill gotten power and wealth to attract poorer people. Look at how nice these things are and you can be like this too. Do this for us and we promise you riches and a good life.

So many Ukrainians were misled like that. Because they were poor and think they can have better lives being western. They forgot that their old form and their old friends were victims and were kept poor by that evil power in the first place and it will do everything to keep everyone else poor and dependent on its false charity.
Trump is putin asset,Biden is furious of Russia meddling in election on behalf of Trump, it's almost personal for him. Putin is reaping what he sowed.
honored President Putin,

i know your pride has been hurt by recent threats and economic acions by the Americans and other western countries after you announced your invasion plans against Western-Ukraine.

but there need not be a referendum in western-Ukraine.
the people there have already chosen to become a part of NATO and the EU, i think.

and while i'm not 100% sure about that ofcourse, i did not run any such referendum myself either of course, coz i don't have the means to do so as a mere lower middle class internet startup boss based in Amsterdam Netherlands (https://gitub.com/nicerapp).....

it is really not helpful to threaten with invasion knowing *now* that you're western adversaries have the ability to cripple your *entire* economy within a month, or less even.

so please, please, no need for apologies from you, just a sincere promise to keep only annexxed Crimea a protected Russian Federation asset because of the valuable and internationally honored Russian naval base https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevastopol in that region, and te dire and sicere and honest need for stable land supply routes to that base.

also : i much enjoyed the more friendly videos of Russian Systema, the now internatonally growing civilian regionally-adapted martial arts school.

maybe in a few years i will have the economic means and time free to spend some time in the ***protected**** Amsterdam-North school branch of that beautiful fighting art. I'm sure they've made their teachings there compatible with my Netherlands new(-ish) nearly-no-violence in-the-streets at-all laws.

Goodbye, and good luck,
to all Russians, male / female, young to old. :)
Who are you to represent Russian People? How can you speak on the entire people's behalf?
Who are you to represent Russian People? How can you speak on the entire people's behalf?
On behalf of Whole Crypto community,

I request Putin to take Russia and Ukraines to mars and fight there. Leave planet earth so that Bitcoin picks up momentum once again which it lost due to Russia Ukraine conflict FUD
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