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on behalf of the Russian people, a plea to Putin to stop his invasion plans for western Ukraine

should Putin just stop his invasion plans for Western Ukraine?

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Jun 2, 2012
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honored President Putin,

i know your pride has been hurt by recent threats and economic acions by the Americans and other western countries after you announced your invasion plans against Western-Ukraine.

but there need not be a referendum in western-Ukraine.
the people there have already chosen to become a part of NATO and the EU, i think.

and while i'm not 100% sure about that ofcourse, i did not run any such referendum myself either of course, coz i don't have the means to do so as a mere lower middle class internet startup boss based in Amsterdam Netherlands (https://gitub.com/nicerapp).....

it is really not helpful to threaten with invasion knowing *now* that you're western adversaries have the ability to cripple your *entire* economy within a month, or less even.

so please, please, no need for apologies from you, just a sincere promise to keep only annexxed Crimea a protected Russian Federation asset because of the valuable and internationally honored Russian naval base https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevastopol in that region, and te dire and sicere and honest need for stable land supply routes to that base.

also : i much enjoyed the more friendly videos of Russian Systema, the now internatonally growing civilian regionally-adapted martial arts school.

maybe in a few years i will have the economic means and time free to spend some time in the ***protected**** Amsterdam-North school branch of that beautiful fighting art. I'm sure they've made their teachings there compatible with my Netherlands new(-ish) nearly-no-violence in-the-streets at-all laws.

Goodbye, and good luck,
to all Russians, male / female, young to old. :)
As ar as the Russians are concerned, there are no plans to invade the Ukraine.
No war, violence
Give peace a chance President Putin
I want Putin to fully absorb Ukraine into Russia.
modern Chinese know next to nothing about the art of war in the 21st century then.
i hope your leaders, diplomats, and military leaders know more and act more responsibly than you, my friend (a young student of the arts of war perhaps).
The most hilarious part was when I read that his Western adversaries can cripple the Russian economy within a month.
Russia can cripple Europe within a week by first cutting off gas flow to Europe and then beating the crap out of all European forces combined in a few days.
US + Europe combined could not cripple the Iranian economy with their maximum pressure campaign. Let alone the Russian economy. Europe is a joke. The only country that may be stopping Russia now is the United States. And if push comes to shove and it turns into NATO against Russia, expect China and Iran to get involved as well. And then you'll have a world war.
It is the West that is desperate for a war. As the pandemic draws down, the true state of faltering Western economies will become visible for all to see. Of course, Western leadership will blame it on the pandemic, but this wouldn't help escape the impending hyperinflation. The West is pointing the finger at Russia so as to divert it's population's attention away from the coming economic crisis.

Russia has no intentions to invade Ukraine, but Russia has a legitimate and lawful right to see NATO expansion into Ukraine as a threat to itself. There is no need for NATO to expand since trade is what dominates Russia and Europe. Flourishing trade allows for peace and stability. Instead of demilitarizing Europe to Russia frontier, America and Britain seek to further militarize the region with it's push for NATO expansion.

NATO expansion is a means to keep the alliance relevant in an era which has seen increased trade between Russia and Europe. We have witnessed some leaders in Europe questioning the relevance of NATO. The West, exclusively America and Britain, are using fear tactics to scare Europe with Russia. The reality is far from it and such tactics can best be described as deception. For this is not how civilized nations behave, and it bares testament to the fact that America and Britain are themselves fearful of losing their relevance in a world where Europe sees economic engagement with Russia and China as the best course forward.
If this guy wasnt constantly insulting people and reporting anyone laughing about his cringe fanfics in which he constantly selfinserts as someone governments and international bodies all over the world give a **** about, all while articulating himself like a 10 year old on an overdose of BBC news, you could think they would be satire pieces about the brainwashing the population in Western countries go through and the amount of kool aid they drink over there.
Put-In some effort my friend, than Putin might hear you :)
verbial diahrea version of mis-information. ha ha ha.

no, your big buddy China has been stealing wealth and intellectual property rights. and since Trump's repeated announcements about that, a year ago or so, maybe up to 2 years ago, Chinese companies have fallen off the top stock market indexes entirely.

and eh, we are just replacing aged housing and roads with new and better roads.
don't you even read CNN from time to time?

at least some of you Asians (on this forum!) are self-lethally arrogant.
attack us, and you will see we are the strongest, in the ugliest of ways.

Blaming China does not hide the fact that America's own left the back gate open. Profiteering Capitalist corporations sought China as manufacturing for cheap in order to maximize their profits. What they didn't count on was China doing anything more than just manufacturing. To cry about China stealing technology know how, flies in the face of hundreds of thousands of Americans losing their jobs which American corporations exported to China and the rest of the world.

Building or repairing bridges, housing does not fix the endemic financial turmoil which Americans live through today. An example of how corporatized America has really become is Seattle where Amazon owns a third of the real estate in the city, housing it's well paid executives as a consequence of which rent prices have skyrocketed to the point a sizable segment of Seattle's employed population has been rendered homeless.

As for the misplaced label of arrogance is concerned, it isn't any Asian country whose leadership declared "We came, we conquered, he died." A quote of Hillary Clinton referring to Western bombing and aiding of terrorists that destroyed Libya and murdered it's leader Qaddafi.

Lastly, you're referring to the same CNN that in the 1990 Iraq War, was reporting from a film set in America, giving it's audience the impression that they were reporting from somewhere in the Middle East? No thanks, I don't read or view garbage spewing, liar news networks.

Old habits die hard, regardless of the amount of time that may have passed.

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Blaming China does not hide the fact that America's own left the back gate open. Profiteering Capitalist corporations sought China as manufacturing for cheap in order to maximize their profits. What they didn't count on was China doing anything more than just manufacturing. To cry about China stealing technology know how, flies in the face of hundreds of thousands of Americans losing their jobs which American corporations exported to China and the rest of the world.

with those patents in tact and respected, Europe and the US could have keep supplying jobs (or roboticly made versions of the same products) as an economic balance measure.
so Trump was right to complain about it so loudly.

Building or repairing bridges, housing does not fix the endemic financial turmoil which Americans live through today. An example of how corporatized America has really become is Seattle where Amazon owns a third of the real estate in the city, housing it's well paid executives as a consequence of which rent prices have skyrocketed to the point a sizable segment of Seattle's employed population has been rendered homeless.

then i suggest to Biden to adopt the Dutch social(-welfare) rent company structure for American cities.

As for the misplaced label of arrogance is concerned, it isn't any Asian country whose leadership declared "We came, we conquered, he died." A quote of Hillary Clinton referring to Western bombing and aiding of terrorists that destroyed Libya and murdered it's leader Qaddafi.

it's global-economy disrupting leader Qadaffi, you mean.

Lastly, you're referring to the same CNN that in the 1990 Iraq War, was reporting from a film set in America, giving it's audience the impression that they were reporting from somewhere in the Middle East? No thanks, I don't read or view garbage spewing, liar news networks.
well, i could say the same about alJazeera or Russian state media or Chinese state media or even my own country's mass media.

fact is, audience, audience, controls what a major news organisation presents as 'the truth'. and they always support the ruling classes of their own country and alliance of countries.

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