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,Olny Chinese can understand it. SOme thing about CHinese Characters



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Jul 26, 2012
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Translate: 石室诗士施氏,嗜狮,誓食十狮。 a poet named SHi lives in stone room, like lions, vowes eat ten lions.
施氏时时适市视狮。十时,适十狮适市。SHi goes to the market to see the lions frequently.ten O'clok, Just ten lions come to the market.
too many Words,omit the next Translation.

文章注音 the article phonetic notation
  原文拼音化后如下(汉语拼音正词法建议数字以阿拉伯数字代表,故「十 shí」作「10」):
tongue twister :
&#12288;&#12288;<< Sh&#299; Shì shí sh&#299; sh&#464; >>
&#12288;&#12288;Shíshì sh&#299;shì Sh&#299; Shì, shì sh&#299;, shì shí 10 sh&#299;.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shíshí shì shì shì sh&#299;.
&#12288;&#12288;10 shí, shì 10 sh&#299; shì shì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shí, shì Sh&#299; Shì shì shì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shì shì 10 sh&#299;, shì sh&#464; shì, sh&#299; shì 10 sh&#299; shìshì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shí shì 10 sh&#299; sh&#299;, shì shíshì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shíshì sh&#299;, Shì sh&#464; shì shì shíshì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shíshì shì, Shì shí shì shí shì 10 sh&#299;.
&#12288;&#12288;Shí shí, sh&#464; shì shì 10 sh&#299;, shí 10 sh&#299; sh&#299;.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shì shì shì.

In the earlier of 20Th century,some Chinese activities thought the Chinese Languish is the obstacle of China's prosperity. and advised banning the use of Chinese Characters and take place by PINYIN.
ZhaoYuanren felt angry and write the article. To prove the PINYIN languish 's disadvantage.
I like the story in post#1 especially the part where Shi went to the market to see the lions frequently. Which markets in China can I go and see lions?
I'm a conservative when it comes to traditional Chinese language, so as far as I'm concerned, both Pinyins and simplified writings are not my cup of tea. Look at the Vietnamese language (no hard feeling here), it's so ugly.
I'm a conservative when it comes to traditional Chinese language, so as far as I'm concerned, both Pinyins and simplified writings are not my cup of tea. Look at the Vietnamese language (no hard feeling here), it's so ugly.

In this case Japanese are smarter than Korean and Vietnamese, in my opinion.
We used the Vietnamese version of Chinese writings "Chu Nom"

Chu Nom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In case of Vietnam, the French colonial administration was partly to blame. They made Rhodes's alphabet official. Alexandre de Rhodes (Vietnamese: A-L&#7883;ch-S&#417;n &#272;&#7855;c-L&#7897;) (15 March 1591 &#8211; 5 November 1660) was a French Jesuit missionary and lexicographer who had a lasting impact on Christianity in Vietnam. He wrote the Dictionarium Annamiticum Lusitanum et Latinum, the first trilingual Vietnamese-Portuguese-Latin dictionary published in Rome in 1651.


foto: Alexandre de Rhodes

The other part to blame was the Vietnamese nationalism at that time when the Vietnamese sougth a way to distinguish themself from the Chinese. So China was to blame, too.


foto: A page from the work T&#7921; D&#7913;c Thánh Ch&#7871; T&#7921; H&#7885;c Gi&#7843;i Ngh&#297;a Ca (Chinese:&#21987;&#24503;&#32854;&#35069;&#23383;&#23416;&#35299;&#32681;&#27468;), a 19th-century primer for teaching Vietnamese children Chinese characters. The work is attributed to Emperor T&#7921; &#272;&#7913;c, the 4th Emperor of the Nguy&#7877;n Dynasty.
We used the Vietnamese version of Chinese writings "Chu Nom"

Chu Nom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In case of Vietnam, the French colonial administration was partly to blame. They made Rhodes's alphabet official. Alexandre de Rhodes (Vietnamese: A-L&#7883;ch-S&#417;n &#272;&#7855;c-L&#7897;) (15 March 1591 &#8211; 5 November 1660) was a French Jesuit missionary and lexicographer who had a lasting impact on Christianity in Vietnam. He wrote the Dictionarium Annamiticum Lusitanum et Latinum, the first trilingual Vietnamese-Portuguese-Latin dictionary published in Rome in 1651.


foto: Alexandre de Rhodes

The other part to blame was the Vietnamese nationalism at that time when the Vietnamese sougth a way to distinguish themself from the Chinese. So China was to blame, too.


foto: A page from the work T&#7921; D&#7913;c Thánh Ch&#7871; T&#7921; H&#7885;c Gi&#7843;i Ngh&#297;a Ca (Chinese:&#21987;&#24503;&#32854;&#35069;&#23383;&#23416;&#35299;&#32681;&#27468;), a 19th-century primer for teaching Vietnamese children Chinese characters. The work is attributed to Emperor T&#7921; &#272;&#7913;c, the 4th Emperor of the Nguy&#7877;n Dynasty.

I rudely suggest that Vietnam should create/use their own (ancient) character, just like what Japan, Thailand and Korea did. That will be so awesome.
Today there are only few people in Vietnam who can write and speak in "chu Nom". Nevertheless there are still some clubs and foundations in Vietnam and Overseas such as this one with the aim to reserve our lecacy.

Vietnamese Nôm Preservation Foundation (VNPF)

Vietnamese Nôm Preservation Foundation
I'm a conservative when it comes to traditional Chinese language, so as far as I'm concerned, both Pinyins and simplified writings are not my cup of tea. Look at the Vietnamese language (no hard feeling here), it's so ugly.

In this case Japanese are smarter than Korean and Vietnamese, in my opinion.

this is a matter of IQ

Idiot comments, Latin alphabet is easier to learn for writing and reading in our language.
You sound like you have too much latin in you to forget who your ancestors were.

One more idiot comment. In ancient time Our ancestors used Khoa dau characters. It was lost in time Chinese invaded in to Vietnam. When used Han Characters to writing Chu Nom, people have to know well in Chinese. it was big disanvantage.
Using Latin alphabet we can record directly our speaking sounds.
<< Sh&#299; Shì shí sh&#299; sh&#464; >>
&#12288;&#12288;Shíshì sh&#299;shì Sh&#299; Shì, shì sh&#299;, shì shí 10 sh&#299;.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shíshí shì shì shì sh&#299;.
&#12288;&#12288;10 shí, shì 10 sh&#299; shì shì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shí, shì Sh&#299; Shì shì shì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shì shì 10 sh&#299;, shì sh&#464; shì, sh&#299; shì 10 sh&#299; shìshì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shí shì 10 sh&#299; sh&#299;, shì shíshì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shíshì sh&#299;, Shì sh&#464; shì shì shíshì.
&#12288;&#12288;Shíshì shì, Shì shí shì shí shì 10 sh&#299;.
&#12288;&#12288;Shí shí, sh&#464; shì shì 10 sh&#299;, shí 10 sh&#299; sh&#299;.
&#12288;&#12288;Shì shì shì shì.

After reading this part i felt like peeing :D
One more idiot comment. In ancient time Our ancestors used Khoa dau characters. It was lost in time Chinese invaded in to Vietnam. When used Han Characters to writing Chu Nom, people have to know well in Chinese. it was big disanvantage.
Using Latin alphabet we can record directly our speaking sounds.

That's absurd! Your ancestors had no problems at all and I don't see why you young generations have to take the easy way out. It's your own language and you do whatever you have to do to preserve it. That's called honor.

I'm glad in China they don't put pinyin in the actual writings, otherwise it's equally disgusting. Oriental calligraphy is the most beautiful writing in the world and it's not only restrict to Chinese alone.

After reading this part i felt like peeing :D

That's actually the butt of the joke tongue twister.
That's absurd! Your ancestors had no problems at all and I don't see why you young generations have to take the easy way out. It's your own language and you do whatever you have to do to preserve it. That's called honor.

I'm glad in China they don't put pinyin in the actual writings, otherwise it's equally disgusting. Oriental calligraphy is the most beautiful writing in the world and it's not only restrict to Chinese alone.

That's actually the butt of the joke tongue twister.

Plus one more idiot comment. It was big problem in the past, like we have to learn chinese language first then use such characters to writng our own language, it take long time to study, no good for general education system.
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