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,Olny Chinese can understand it. SOme thing about CHinese Characters

Maybe someone is just not smart enough to learn?

Propaganda is developed in China as well, because ordernary Chinese can't know more than some thousands of Chinese words chatracters.:P

That's a cop out. I'm fluent in Cantonese and Hakka and when I read your latinized tone words I can understand half of them. My guess is Vietnamese, just like many ethnic languages in Guangxi and Yunnan, borrowed words from each other and based their writing in Chinese with Cantonese flavors.

China took the same road, as you mentioned, when the literacy rate was very low they simplified the writing and used pinyin. That worked miracle overnight however some intellectual elements in the society today is calling for the return of the traditional writing these days.

It apply for Chinese, not for us.
Propaganda is developed in China as well, because ordinary Chinese can't know more than some thousands of Chinese words chatracters.:P

What Propaganda, and why should people learn that much Chinese character.
What Propaganda, and why should people learn that much Chinese character.

Sorry, you are low IQ chinese, you can't understand my comment.
I explain my comment above for you : ordinary Chinese can't know more than some thousands of Chinese words chatracters, they can't read his own history books, even newspapers, they can hear only, but unschooling people can't understand Madarin language. Therefore Propaganda of CPC in Chine developed very well. You know what happen in Hongkong today when people protest again such kind of "Patriot Education" in schooles there, it's propaganda of CPC to brainwashing chinese people.
Sorry, you are low IQ chinese, you can't understand my comment.
I explain my comment above for you : ordinary Chinese can't know more than some thousands of Chinese words chatracters, they can't read his own history books, even newspapers, they can hear only, but unschooling people can't understand Madarin language. Therefore Propaganda of CPC in Chine developed very well. You know what happen in Hongkong today when people protest again such kind of "Patriot Education" in schooles there, it's propaganda of CPC to brainwashing chinese people.

The "low IQ Chinese" are pleased to tell the "high IQ Mr" that there are only thousands of Chinese characters (recognizing these amount of characters is basics in China) are commonly used in Chinese society, which means that Chinese people are no problem in understanding and reading history books and newspapers at all. The rest of the Chinese characters are rarely been used or only written on ancient books, but don't you worry since we have dictionary that mentions the complete meaning of every single character, unlike yours. Besides the propaganda of CPC never done anything to the HK people, and don't you tell me that there is no such thing of "Patriot Education" in your country.

And next time please get your spelling correct and learn some common senses in order to let me the "low IQ" Chinese understand your English.
The "low IQ Chinese" are pleased to tell the "high IQ Mr" that there are only thousands of Chinese characters (recognizing these amount of characters is basics in China) are commonly used in Chinese society, which means that Chinese people are no problem in understanding and reading history books and newspapers at all. The rest of the Chinese characters are rarely been used or only written on ancient books, but don't you worry since we have dictionary that mentions the complete meaning of every single character, unlike yours. Besides the propaganda of CPC never done anything to the HK people, and don't you tell me that there is no such thing of "Patriot Education" in your country.

And next time please get your spelling correct and learn some common senses in order to let me the "low IQ" Chinese understand your English.

He he, I learnt English in School in Vietnam only and I type direct here.

You can know more about propaganda of CPC, as I quote for you here under.

Hong Kong Protests "Brainwashing" Patriotism Education Plan

Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Thousands Rally in Hong Kong Against National Education

Thousands Rally in Hong Kong Against National Education

By Fox Hu on September 01, 2012

More than 3,000 Hong Kong residentsbraved the rain to protest the government’s plan to begin anational education program, which they say is biased towardBeijing.

Parents, students and teachers were among those gatheringoutside the government’s new headquarters on Tim Mei Avenuetoday, the first of the school semester, demanding thecurriculum be scrapped. Demonstrators said they fear thematerial is biased towards the Chinese Communist Party and maystifle independent thinking.

“The national education program is aimed at fosteringblind patriotism among students,” said Joshua Wong, a spokesmanfor Scholarism, an organizer of the rally. “We fear that manystudents will be brainwashed.”

The authorities intend to extend national educationclasses, which aim to foster Chinese identity, to secondaryschools from 2013 and phase in the lessons over three years.

Today’s rally comes after tens of thousands of parents andstudents marched against the program on July 29, many clad inblack and white to symbolize the contrast between right andwrong. More than 90,000 people attended the July 29 protests,according to Andrew Shum of the Hong Kong Christian Institute,which helped arrange the demonstrations. Police estimated that,at most, about 32,000 protesters were in the procession.

Police estimated about 3,400 people were gathered fortoday’s rally at 5 p.m. local time. Three members of Scholarism,a student group, have been on a hunger strike outside thebuilding for more than two days.

Not Brainwashing

Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong’s leader who was inaugurated onJuly 1, said in a July 30 statement that his government won’tforce the introduction of the lessons in September. Thegovernment isn’t in a rush to start national education andlabeling it as brainwashing would be wrong, Carrie Lam, thecity’s chief secretary of administration, said today.

There’s no plan to forcibly push ahead with the program inSeptember, Lam said, according to a TV report.

“We want our kids to know more about China, but suchcurriculums may teach them to confuse a country with its rulingparty,” said Eva Chan, of Parents’ Concern Group on NationalEducation, which helped organize the rally today. “If taughtlike this at young ages, they may not be able to criticize thegovernment.”

Textbooks in the program may give a pro-Communist Partyaccount of China’s history and political system, according toWilly Wo-Lap Lam, an adjunct professor of history at the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong.

Progressive, United

One textbook explains how the Communist Party is aprogressive, united and effective ruler, comparing it with theU.S. where a two-party system leads to eternal debates andgridlock, Lam said in a July 29 interview.

“The level of crudity is even worse than that of thetextbooks you find in China,” he said.

Hong Kong, a former British colony that in July marked 15years since its return to Chinese rule, is officially autonomousexcept for matters of national defense and diplomatic relations.

Voters head to the polls on Sept. 9 to elect members of thecity’s Legislative Council.

Lawmakers have challenged Leung’s credibility as thefinancial center’s leader after his home was found to haveillegally built structures and his development secretary steppeddown to address corruption allegations.

To contact the reporter on this story:Fox Hu in Hong Kong at fhu7@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story:Paul Tighe at ptighe@bloomberg.net

Thousands Rally in Hong Kong Against National Education - Businessweek
He he, I learnt English in School in Vietnam only and I type direct here.

You can know more about propaganda of CPC, as I quote for you here under.

I speak the language, I live there, I know the situation directly.
I don't really need your suggestion.
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