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oldest star in the known universe –right on our galactic doorstep


Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
We’ve found the oldest star in the known universe – and it’s right on our galactic doorstep


9 gigapixels, 84 million stars: Peer into the world’s most detailed photo of the Milky Way.)

The remnants of Cassiopeia A, a massive supernova that occurred about 11, 000 light years away from us

As you may know, our current understanding of the formation of the universe (i.e. galaxies, stars, planets) is that supernovae play a very central role. Basically, the theory is that the Big Bang produced vast amounts of hydrogen, helium, and small amounts of lithium. All of the matter in the universe, and all of the matter that will ever be in the universe, is derived from that initial pool of three elements. After a few thousand years, as the universe started to cool, dense regions of hydrogen started to coalesce under gravity — and in some cases, if they became dense enough, a fusion reaction would begin. Thus, the the universe’s first stars were born. These early stars fused hydrogen into helium — but more importantly, when they went supernova, they produced the first instances of carbon, and traces of heavier elements like iron. Slowly but surely, through repeated cycles of star formation and supernovae, the universe started to fill up with heavier elements, eventually resulting in the formation of metal-rich stars and planets like our Sun and Earth. (Read: Supernova explodes nearby in the Cigar Galaxy, but don’t worry, we’re safe.)

SM0313, however, is almost pure hydrogen and helium, with almost no heavy elements at all. This indicates that it’s a Population II star — a star that was formed very early in in the universe’s history, from the remnants of the very first stars (so-called Population III stars, which are hypothetical and thought to be long extinct). SM0313 contains some carbon, and light metals like lithium, magnesium, and calcium, but that’s it. This is surprising to astronomers, because they thought that first-generation supernovae produced a lot of iron. “This indicates the primordial star’s supernova explosion was of surprisingly low energy. Although sufficient to disintegrate the primordial star, almost all of the heavy elements, such as iron, were consumed by a black hole that formed at the heart of the explosion,” said Stefan Keller, operational scientist of the SkyMapper Telescope. [Research paper: doi:10.1038/nature12990 - "A single low-energy, iron-poor supernova as the source of metals in the star SMSS J031300.36−670839.3"]

By fingerprinting SM0313′s spectrographic signature (its elemental composition), we should be able to find more similar stars in the universe — and thus paint a more accurate picture of what the universe was like, soon after the Big Bang. (Read: Hubble captures photo that looks back 13.2 billion years to the creation of the universe.)

How to find SM0313, the oldest star in the sky [Image credit: National Geographic]

While surprising astronomical finds are always nice, it’s even more striking when that discovery is in your own backyard. SM0313 is located just 6,000 light years away from Earth, in the southern constellation of Dorado. If you had a large’ish telescope, you could see it in the night sky yourself. We’re not entirely sure how this star — aged at 13.6 billion years — ended up in the Milky Way (which is roughly 13.2 billion years old). One theory, according to Keller, is that SM0313 was formed in an “isolated gas blob,” which was later absorbed by our rapidly expanding Milky Way.

@Dem!god @thesolar65 @chak de INDIA @DRAY
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hmmm...how can one be sure of this discovery.......
our universe has 96% of dark matter and dark energy....
of the known 4% white matter ..we are not sure what is where till now......
hmmm...how can one be sure of this discovery.......
our universe has 96% of dark matter and dark energy....
of the known 4% white matter ..we are not sure what is where till now......
Well I cant answer that.
I am not an astronomer, but those who have spotted it are.
And I kinda trust them.:ashamed:
Well you asked me ..how was I sure of this discovery??
I have to believe the report that was published. :)
well ok...I believe you....
but the truth is we know very little to make such comments...as oldest of newest.....
well ok...I believe you....
but the truth is we know very little to make such comments...as oldest of newest.....
Well this is the oldest known YET.
I am sure tomorrow these astronomers will find something even older than this.

Btw why did you ask about gravity?
Btw why did you ask about gravity?
no nothing...just wanted to know how you look at gravity.....

and true...may be tomorrow something older will come out....

hey never answered that alien thing too....
still waiting...
no nothing...just wanted to know how you look at gravity.....

and true...may be tomorrow something older will come out....

hey never answered that alien thing too....
still waiting...
To me
W= mg
So g= W/m
Where W is my weight and M is my mass. :D
Kidding...I meant I see gravity as something which holds everything to earth. :)
I did answer your question on alien.

It cant be older then hindu civilization.
How's that??whats the logic??
To me
W= mg
So g= W/m
Where W is my weight and M is my mass. :D
Kidding...I meant I see gravity as something which holds everything to earth. :)
I did answer your question on alien.

How's that??whats the logic??
Ok.. by your kidding definition g = 1 right ma'am...:D:D
no I was not looking for that...forget it..I will tell you some other day....
but you never answered on alien.....why you believe in alien..???:what:

tell me what you wanted to ask me..yesterday....
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Ok.. by your kidding definition g = 1 right ma'am...:D:D
now I was not looking for that...forget it..I will tell you some other day....
but you never answered on alien.....why you believe in alien..???:what:
I believe in aliens because we humans and billions of living organisms thrive on this planet.So there is no reason why it can not happen on some other planet... some where else in this universe.

Dem!god said:
tell me what you wanted to ask me..yesterday....
What did I say exactly???:what:
We’ve found the oldest star in the known universe – and it’s right on our galactic doorstep


9 gigapixels, 84 million stars: Peer into the world’s most detailed photo of the Milky Way.)

The remnants of Cassiopeia A, a massive supernova that occurred about 11, 000 light years away from us

As you may know, our current understanding of the formation of the universe (i.e. galaxies, stars, planets) is that supernovae play a very central role. Basically, the theory is that the Big Bang produced vast amounts of hydrogen, helium, and small amounts of lithium. All of the matter in the universe, and all of the matter that will ever be in the universe, is derived from that initial pool of three elements. After a few thousand years, as the universe started to cool, dense regions of hydrogen started to coalesce under gravity — and in some cases, if they became dense enough, a fusion reaction would begin. Thus, the the universe’s first stars were born. These early stars fused hydrogen into helium — but more importantly, when they went supernova, they produced the first instances of carbon, and traces of heavier elements like iron. Slowly but surely, through repeated cycles of star formation and supernovae, the universe started to fill up with heavier elements, eventually resulting in the formation of metal-rich stars and planets like our Sun and Earth. (Read: Supernova explodes nearby in the Cigar Galaxy, but don’t worry, we’re safe.)

SM0313, however, is almost pure hydrogen and helium, with almost no heavy elements at all. This indicates that it’s a Population II star — a star that was formed very early in in the universe’s history, from the remnants of the very first stars (so-called Population III stars, which are hypothetical and thought to be long extinct). SM0313 contains some carbon, and light metals like lithium, magnesium, and calcium, but that’s it. This is surprising to astronomers, because they thought that first-generation supernovae produced a lot of iron. “This indicates the primordial star’s supernova explosion was of surprisingly low energy. Although sufficient to disintegrate the primordial star, almost all of the heavy elements, such as iron, were consumed by a black hole that formed at the heart of the explosion,” said Stefan Keller, operational scientist of the SkyMapper Telescope. [Research paper: doi:10.1038/nature12990 - "A single low-energy, iron-poor supernova as the source of metals in the star SMSS J031300.36−670839.3"]

By fingerprinting SM0313′s spectrographic signature (its elemental composition), we should be able to find more similar stars in the universe — and thus paint a more accurate picture of what the universe was like, soon after the Big Bang. (Read: Hubble captures photo that looks back 13.2 billion years to the creation of the universe.)

How to find SM0313, the oldest star in the sky [Image credit: National Geographic]

While surprising astronomical finds are always nice, it’s even more striking when that discovery is in your own backyard. SM0313 is located just 6,000 light years away from Earth, in the southern constellation of Dorado. If you had a large’ish telescope, you could see it in the night sky yourself. We’re not entirely sure how this star — aged at 13.6 billion years — ended up in the Milky Way (which is roughly 13.2 billion years old). One theory, according to Keller, is that SM0313 was formed in an “isolated gas blob,” which was later absorbed by our rapidly expanding Milky Way.

@Dem!god @thesolar65 @chak de INDIA @DRAY

Suppose while searching again for further older star if by chance the scientists discover a star which is older than the universe then how would our science be affected, any clue? question also to @Skull and Bones ? (Parallel universe?)

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