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The Weirdest Object in the Universe

Well, a "theory" is quintessentially a provable observation. And the energy behind something like a black hole is collapsing gravity and the mass of the star, and not the temperatures within the star itself. This is something well understood by the Chandrasekhar limit.
Well a black hole or a star is Massive and would also have extreme density and extreme gravity causing other stars to collapse.

Well a black hole or a star is Massive and would also have extreme density and extreme gravity causing other stars to collapse.
and also black holes are know to grow or get bigger in size, the theory of hole fails there because then the question would rise, how is the hole growing in size, hence, the example is of when planets collide, u get a Super Planet
please do explain

As far as I understand it(I'm no astrophysicist by a long shot ), a black hole expands its mass(or grows, going by layman's terms) through "consuming" anything pulled by its gravitational field or by colliding with other black holes.

Ergo, a black hole strips could theoretically strip away mass or even swallow a nearby star within its orbit.
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As far as I understand it(I'm no astrophysicist by a long shot ), a black hole expands its mass(or grows, going by layman's terms) through "consuming" anything pulled by its gravitational field or by colliding with other black holes.

Ergo, a black hole strips could theoretically strip away mass or even swallow a nearby star within its orbit.
if something that is getting bigger Must have Mass, if it's a hole than there must be a dead-end in the hole that is expanding because logically holes themselves don't get bigger unless its the perimeter of the hole but in that case as well the perimeter is being stretched out because the 'hole' is filled up and overflowing
if something that is getting bigger Must have Mass, if it's a hole than there must be a dead-end in the hole that is expanding because logically holes themselves don't get bigger unless its the perimeter of the hole but in that case as well the perimeter is being stretched out because the 'hole' is filled up and overflowing

Perhaps you're interpreting the terminology of black holes literally?

Maybe considering black holes as an "event horizon" or "gravitational singularity" would further aid your understanding about them.
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Perhaps you're interpreting the terminology of black holes literally?

Maybe considering black holes as an "event horizon" or "gravitational singularity" might further aid your understanding about them.
I agree but What I'm trying is to say that it is a physical entity with mass,density and gravity. Black holes are confirmed that they exist but our understanding of them is limited because we can't see them obviously :cool: so everything related to them will be theories so I threw one of mine in there:D. Just my opinion.

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