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Oldest primate fossil yet found. It is a tiny Chinese Archicebus fossil

When some one talks of "Evolution" they actually mean "Spontaneous Evolution", "Creator-Less Evolution" through series of "random chance" processes; helped by "Natural Selection". This is NOT supported by ANY evidence discovered so far. If evolution(spontaneous) was true, there must have been thousands of minute changes observed; say between monkey-like alleged ancestors & humans. All we see is SUDDEN emergence of difference species without any evidence of thousands of gradual transformations. The best they could come up with was resemblances from species to species; which is basically saying that fork evolved from spoon bcoz they resemble. And we know it is NOT true. Both were designed & resemblances only means that they have similar use. Different tea-cups in my cupboard have resemblances too, again bcoz of similar use. Same with boats all designed to sail on water; hence the resemblances in shape. Airplanes ALL built to fly in air; hence ALL have wings & rudder. All these resemblances were chosen by designers bcoz they served the purpose the best. Other thing evolutionists talk of are DNA changes;; established science tells us that DNA only deteriorates under natural conditions.That's the reason increasing maternal age is associated with rise in birth defects in babies, like Down's syndrome.

ONLY "controlled" manipulation of DNA results in improved & added features. Like insulin gene added to bacterial DNA to make it produce insulin for diabetes patients. This is done in "controlled" way by scientists. Similarly evolution if happened was a "CONTROLLED" evolution, NOT a spontaneous one.

This is the key point, controlled evolution. There be a role of mutation but evolution of over all, of the humanoids, has been what the humanoids themselves desired through the selection of mates, i.e., mtDNAs.

If we consider Homo Erectus and Homo Nienderthalensis etc as archaic species and Homo Sapiens as the modern humans who replaced the former species is because Homo Sapiens were initially sex maniacs who had sex with not only the archaic hominids but also many other different kind of species giving birth to different subspecies. Some of them died out and some of them remained and the Chimps, Gorillas etc are the byproducts of such sex frenzy interbreeding.

It Wasn't Just Neanderthals: Ancient Humans Had Sex with Other Hominids - Adam Clark Estes - The Atlantic Wire

Fully evolved Homo Sapiens, the blue eyed, fair skinned, tall, handsome Homo Sapien men are the result of strict inbreeding once the descendants of modern human aka the Cro-Magnon male ancestor, decided to limit their sex only within themselves not expand it to other species at all.

Yes, the Cro Magnon is the key to explain the creation of all different races. Now who was the Cro Magnon man and how did he come into existence on this planet?

Was there any evolution from an ape man to the Cro Magnon man? The answer is NO.

I may sound crazy but I must say Cro Magnon Y Chromosome either came from the outer space or was the result of some thing which landed on this planet somehow and had sex with an earthly female creature.

The recent Hollywood movie Prometheus someway tried to explain the missing link. The bio-genetic reaction it showed in the beginning is somewhat convincing to me. May be such bio genetic reaction occurred in a different way, may be through the intentional fertilization of an unknown creature which gave birth to the direct ancestors of the Cro Magnon Y Chromosome or the Cro Magnons themselves but whatever it was, there must have been some kind of reaction which introduced a new kind of species, the hominids.

Now the scientists have already found evidence that life came to earth from outer space. This is what I assumed several years ago. Now they are saying what people like me already said back in time.

Did Comets Kick-Start Life On Earth? – News Watch

Now the Cro Magnons started random sexual activities, whichever species it found it could subdue and fertilize through penetration, it did without hesitation and thus gave birth to other archaic hominids. Only the inbred Cro Magnons finally evolved into Homo Sapiens and then into modern humans. Thus the evolution and manipulation of DNA were controlled and directed to a desired point. We all want how our children should look like and this is why we select mates (mtDNAs) according to our wishes.

Homo Florensiensis or the Hobbits had themselves been the the bastardized children of sex between the Cro Magnons/proto Cro Magnons and other kind of species completely different in appearance. But then again, the children of inbreeding between Cro Magnons came to have sex with the Hobbits in the second wave of sexual invasion. That gave birth to the origin of East Asians/Mongoloids. This pattern was followed in other places under different circumstances.

The Nazis were not that much ignorant, they understood well how to create more advanced superior hominids and thats why they started the eugenics projects. Unfortunately they could not finish the projects but still genetic engineering is what the ancient Cro Magnons carried out to create advanced humans.
That in fact applies to CreatorLessevolutionists. There isn't an iota of proof that proves transformation from one being to another. Homology is NO proof. Ford, Honda, Toyota all have homologous structures & all are designed. Various aeroplanes have homologies & all are created.

If Homology was proof of spontaneous-CreatorLess-evolution, then fork must have evolved from spoon, spork being intermediary.


results in improved & added features. Like insulin gene added to bacterial DNA to make it produce insulin for diabetes patients. This is done in "controlled" way by scientists. Similarly evolution if happened was a "CONTROLLED" evolution, NOT a spontaneous one.




1430+ years ago this book was written down. It describes event in the lines of Big-Bang theory & evolutionary concept of life-forms starting in water.


Quran:21:30:- Do not the Unbelievers see that the SKIES AND THE EARTH WERE JOINED TOGETHER as one unit, before We parted them? (***Big Bang Theory***) We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (***just like evolution teaches that life & early beings started in water then later came to land***)


51:47:-With the power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of Space.(other translation reads “expanding universe”)



Q:79.30 . And the Earth, after that, He made it egg-shaped.


Q:39.5:He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His laws of physics He invented), each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power― He Who forgives again and again?


Q:24:45:-And God has created every animal from water(***As evolutionary theory says life started in water bodies***)...




Why aren't we told EVERYTHING in detail??? Bcoz that would nullify the very purpose of creation of mankind. We've been tasked to "DISCOVER"; put the intellect we`re given to some use to discover CREATOR thru His creation. appreciate Him, recognize Him, & His exalted stature. And give Him due respect.

more religious Blah Blah Blah

13:39-41:- Thy duty is to make (the Message) reach them: it is Our part to call them to account. (40) See they not that We gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders?(receding continents!!!)


21:44:see they not that we gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders?


Current sea level rise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Rise in sea level can


Continental U.S. glaciers receding at alarming rate - CBS News


Arctic sea ice shrinks to smallest extent ever recorded | Environment | guardian.co.uk




Biology books even to date teach some lies; following picture was in my biology book, & is in books all over the world. This is a fake drawing by Ernst Haeckel proven to be a fraud more than a century ago (first time in 1874) but for some reason they liked to keep this fraud in books to brain-wash students. Top row is fake pictures by Haeckel & bottom row is what they actually look like at that particular stage.






17:49-51:- They say: "What! when we are reduced to bones and dust, should we really be raised up (to be) a new creation?" (49) Say: "(Nay!) be ye stones or iron, (50) "Or created matter which, in your minds, is hardest (to be raised up)--(yet shall ye be raised up)!" Then will they say: "Who will cause us to return?" Say: "He Who created you first!" Then will they wag their heads towards thee, and say "When will that be?" Say "May be it will be quite soon! (51)


14:19:- Beholdest thou not that Allah hath created the heavens and the earth with a purpose? If He willed He would make you pass away and bring a creation new.

Two Simple questions
How old is earth.

Who created the creator.
Oh that evolution...

Yes .THAT evolution.

Saari raat Yousuf Zulikha Qissa suntay rahay.. Soobh poocha, Zulaikha mard thii keh aurat.

Translation: She watched Romeo-Juliet movie 10 times, and then she asked "was Juliet a woman or a man?".

Hint: she was either a blond, or a Hij@ban.

Well, I do believe in microevolution but not jumping species ....


Very good. At least it is a good start. Hopefully one day you will figure out how dinosaurs died out, and little furry mammals evolved to modern day species.

Oh wait!

that stuff is not in Quran Hadees, So it must be the propaganda of Juice and Saihoonies.

Sad to see the so-called scientists stuck with apes monkey debates.

so sad
DNA[...]we STILL DO NOT KNOW the function of the 98.5%

I thought the so-called junk DNA was involved in orchestrating the activation of the encoding genes?

You are right that fossils don't prove anything - they are merely interpreted by evolutionists to theorize a linear progression of features. When such interpretations form a self-consistent pattern, it increases our confidence that we may be on to something. However, as for the mutational drivers at the genetic level, you are right that the current explanations for the mechanism are less than satisfactory, especially for species using sexual reproduction. A mutation not only has to pass the natural selection barriers, it has to form a dominant allele.

All we have is evidence that natural selection favors certain mutations over others, regardless of how those mutations came to be. That still leaves open the question of how and why mutations occur, and whether they are fully random. Note that this still does not necessarily involve God in the process; it merely marks the question as unanswered and the current explanations as "needing work". Also note that evolutionary theory itself keeps going back and forth, e.g. with Lamarckism being in vogue, then out of fashion, and now some evolutionists suggesting that it may have a role to play through epigenetics.

Since evidence of natural selection and mutation in the modern world seems fairly conclusive, it would make sense to accept at least the mechanism, if not the driver, proposed by evolutionary theory. It is also not against religion, since nowhere does religion deny God the right to create complicated mechanisms to express His will.
So what's the big deal? There are plenty of them on PDF!!! :cheesy: :rofl:
Nothing....Unless it carries weight I have no view on it!

I do not study fossils...I study DNA....
All 6,000 years of it?
@Developereo.....same with big bang.....never understood what religious people had against it....as it more closely jibes with their thought than a steady-state universe.
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Talon, since you are studying genetics, I guess, you may well explain this in a layman's way. I think you have already noticed this post.

Now, what I want to know is whether the native East Asian Y chromosomes which just died out according to the study, mentioned above, had anything to do with the East Asians (now known as Chinese) living on the other side of the Himalayas. When I see the Google map, removing the cartographic barriers between India and China and simply with the Himalayas as the natural barrier, it appears that the entire Asian region, say the South Asian + South East + East as well as North East Asian regions were contiguous homeland for that particular type of Y Chromosome before the migration of other human species.

I somehow believe that the Y Chromosome, under discussion, had existed millions of years ago even before the Gondwana moved eastward and rammed into Asia giving rise to the Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau. Interesting to note that the term Gondwana derived from the central Indian forests of Gond tribes who had genetic similarities with the Australian natives. So, this was for the first time, another race came to Asia and came into conflict with the Proto East Asians giving rise to the typical native South Asians who still had that particular Y Chromosome. The natural barrier Himalayas could not resist the human movement across it. In North East India, such Y Chromosome is still predominant.

Now, when the Aryans aka Caucasoids aka Indo Europeans came to the subcontinent, they replaced the proto East Asian Y Chromosome with that of theirs. The mtDNA however remained lingering for a long period but it also somehow reshaped the Indo European Y chromosome to some extent. Now, does this explain that the native East Asian aka the distant relatives/ancestors of the modern Chinese could not withstand the superior Aryan Y Chromosome and simply got extinct as the genetic study shows?

I think you did not miss this news back in 2009: Ancestors of Chinese came from India

Ancestors of Chinese came from India: Study - Times Of India

I am sure the DNA samples collected from India are not of the Indo European north Indians but the native tribal populations who are at the bottom of the Hindu caste system. I am also sure that nobody from India migrated to China before the Aryan invasion but as the native proto East Asian populations interbred with the newly arrived Australoid Y chromosome after Gondwana joined itself with Asia, the samples as a result carried the proto Chinese aka East Asian mtDNA that is still prevalent in the tribal female populations.

What is your opinion? I don't know whether I have explained it well or not.

Ok I read all that...

Now, 1stly, You cut and pasted pieces from the paper, send me the link for the whole paper because it didnt make sense to me which Y Chromosome and from where....died out?! :unsure:

2ndly, I do not study Anthropological Migrations...But I do not mind reading the article as a full...Cant deduce anything from cuttings...

But there are a number of factors which can change your DNA....Environment, mutations, retrotansposed elements, gene splicing, methylation, there are also questions of gene silencing and other such stuff....epigenetics is studying all this...a fascinating field!

The field of epigenetics refers to the science that studies how the development, functioning and evolution of biological systems are influenced by forces operating outside the DNA sequence, including intracellular, environmental and energetic influences.

Since the 1950s scientists have accepted that epigenetic influence is critical in our development. Epi – Greek for "besides" – combines with the word, genetics, to essentially mean "something more than genetics." That "something more" is widely held today to refer to our environment – thus meaning that our genetic code and the environment in which we develop determine who and what we are.

Theory of evolution is a thoery where more concrete evidence is needed to establish it as a fact..... whereas the counter to theory of evolution is the angry guy in the sky, adam and eve non-sense.

your pick chief

Two Simple questions
How old is earth.

Who created the creator.

Whats with you and an angry man in the sky? Did HE say something to you? How do you know HE is angry?
Hey @Talon I always thought that I evolved from a Ginger Bread Man complete with frosting & marzipan buttons ! :)
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All 6,000 years of it?
@Developereo.....same with big bang.....never understood what religious people had against it....as it more closely jibes with their thought than a steady-state universe.
@Juice ...Islam NEVER had a prob with Big Bang...Apparently you have not even seen any verse of the Quran:

“And the heaven We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander.” (Quran 51:47)

(the word vasi’ in Arabic means vast, moowsi’oon [which comes from the root word vasi’] is the word used in that verse which signifies that someone is an expander and expanding that certain thing, in the context of the verse – the heavens or space is gradually being expanded by God’s control.]

*heavens = the skies and space above us (in arabic = sama' = heavens), Even linguistically in English and many other languages.

it isn't the Paradise promised for the believers. The gardens promised to the beiievers in the next life is Jannah (which means gardens.)

**We = Royal We, it is used by kings to refer to themselves in a respectful way. Allah - the One & Only God refers to Himself in this respectful Royal 'We' too.

Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke... (Quran, 41:11)

This gradually expanded into the universe, the heavens, and space. After around 300,000 years these gradually cooled and slowly – over time - were formed into stars, and planets (including the planet earth we live in.)

Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?
And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?

(Quran, 21:30)

Hey @Talon I always thought that I evolved from a Ginger Bread Man complete with frosting & marzipan buttons ! :)
I wouldnt be surprised @Armstrong :disagree:
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Very good. At least it is a good start. Hopefully one day you will figure out how dinosaurs died out, and little furry mammals evolved to modern day species.

Can I ask why has it become your personal "project" to stuff YOUR BELIEVE into me? And you call me Mullah :disagree:

I have my reasons for not believing esp all those responses I wrote to the Indians, Kindly learn GENETICS 1st before blindly believing what others throw at you!
Oh wait!

that stuff is not in Quran Hadees, So it must be the propaganda of Juice and Saihoonies.
Ok accusation expert...DID I SAY SUCH THINGS? stop putting your backward words and trying to align them as mine! Because you fail misrably!

Sad to see the so-called scientists stuck with apes monkey debates.

so sad

Dear moderators and Wbby @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Awesome @nuclearpak @Elmo

Either your Jr. TT is on drugs, a wasted position or seriously a low level scum for taking a cheap shot at one's profession when he himself has no idea about genetics!
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I thought the so-called junk DNA was involved in orchestrating the activation of the encoding genes?
It is still not certain because "THE JUNK" is changing more rapidly and containing more mutation than the coding region....but there are people searching on it...Am not into that part of the field, I deal ONLY with the coding and characterizing of the gene...
You are right that fossils don't prove anything - they are merely interpreted by evolutionists to theorize a linear progression of features. When such interpretations form a self-consistent pattern, it increases our confidence that we may be on to something. However, as for the mutational drivers at the genetic level, you are right that the current explanations for the mechanism are less than satisfactory, especially for species using sexual reproduction. A mutation not only has to pass the natural selection barriers, it has to form a dominant allele.
I agree and hope it was not a tana! Yes, many theories can be formed....and well, there is no proper consistent patterns, hence the cries about MISSING LINKS!!
All we have is evidence that natural selection favors certain mutations over others, regardless of how those mutations came to be. That still leaves open the question of how and why mutations occur, and whether they are fully random. Note that this still does not necessarily involve God in the process; it merely marks the question as unanswered and the current explanations as "needing work". Also note that evolutionary theory itself keeps going back and forth, e.g. with Lamarckism being in vogue, then out of fashion, and now some evolutionists suggesting that it may have a role to play through epigenetics.
Yes...agreed! That is why I asked the questions...because ALOT OF WORK needs to be done!

Since evidence of natural selection and mutation in the modern world seems fairly conclusive, it would make sense to accept at least the mechanism, if not the driver, proposed by evolutionary theory. It is also not against religion, since nowhere does religion deny God the right to create complicated mechanisms to express His will.

I am not against the mechanism, nor do I object microevolution...I understand and rely on mutations to study otherwise we have to construct knock-out projects which are kinda costly and hence, studying mutations is cheaper as it is naturally occuring....

BUT SPECIES jumping is really SOMETHING modern science has not been able to prove and as a genetics I cant swallow based on the very points you touched!

Lastly, the probability and chances that such things occur is slim and that is why I need proof not COZ I SAID SO/ COZ I BELIEVE it to be true attitude!
Ok I read all that...

Now, 1stly, You cut and pasted pieces from the paper, send me the link for the whole paper because it didnt make sense to me which Y Chromosome and from where....died out?! :unsure:

Talon, that is not just a paper, I cut and pasted from a book titled The Land of Naked People: Encounters with Stone Age Islanders written by Madhusree Mukerjee who received Guggenheim Fellowship for the project that finally came out as this book.


See the press release: Press Release for The Land of Naked People published by Houghton Mifflin Company

You can read the book on Google books.

The book refers to the genetic study of M Bamshad et al. Just google Bamshad and you will get his research papers available on internet.

Bamshad is well known in the filed of genetics. I hope you know that.

Just an interesting note, the way Madhusree wrote the book, it looks as if she is some tribal girl in search of her identity. But she is a Brahmin and despite that she does not look like one.

This is her.

Now notice her nose. This shape of nose only comes from East Asian genetic inheritance. It is not a Nordic nose and can never be. Out of nothing nothing comes. She is having this shape of nose proves that she must be having East Asian mtDNA as a female, even if she is a Brahmin. How could it be like that? It is because she is an East Asian from her Maternal ancestry but an Indo European from her Paternal ancestry and since she is a woman, the impact of her maternal ancestry is prominent. Had she been a male, her paternal ancestry would have been prominent and she would have a completely different shape of her nose.

Nasal index of Hindu caste populations:


Now look at her skin color in this photo taken in natural sun light:


An Indo European cannot just have such skin color, if he or she has, then person is whatever but not an Indo European. Just impossible! She is having dark skin is because her maternal ancestry mtDNA came from hominids which took birth for interbreeding between Proto Cro Magnon Y chromosome and archaic Homo Florensiensis mtDNA.

Now as she is a Brahmin, high among other Brahmins, there is no way that her Paternal ancestry might have come from non Cro Magnon East Asian ancestry. So, miscegenation could only come from her maternal side. This is why she wrote Hindu females are more East Asian and Hindu males.

2ndly, I do not study Anthropological Migrations...But I do not mind reading the article as a full...Cant deduce anything from cuttings...

But there are a number of factors which can change your DNA....Environment, mutations, retrotansposed elements, gene splicing, methylation, there are also questions of gene silencing and other such stuff....epigenetics is studying all this...a fascinating field!

I already said that in some other manner in this post of mine:

This is the key point, controlled evolution. There be a role of mutation but evolution of over all, of the humanoids, has been what the humanoids themselves desired through the selection of mates, i.e., mtDNAs.

If we consider Homo Erectus and Homo Nienderthalensis etc as archaic species and Homo Sapiens as the modern humans who replaced the former species is because Homo Sapiens were initially sex maniacs who had sex with not only the archaic hominids but also many other different kind of species giving birth to different subspecies. Some of them died out and some of them remained and the Chimps, Gorillas etc are the byproducts of such sex frenzy interbreeding.

It Wasn't Just Neanderthals: Ancient Humans Had Sex with Other Hominids - Adam Clark Estes - The Atlantic Wire

Fully evolved Homo Sapiens, the blue eyed, fair skinned, tall, handsome Homo Sapien men are the result of strict inbreeding once the descendants of modern human aka the Cro-Magnon male ancestor, decided to limit their sex only within themselves not expand it to other species at all.

Yes, the Cro Magnon is the key to explain the creation of all different races. Now who was the Cro Magnon man and how did he come into existence on this planet?

Was there any evolution from an ape man to the Cro Magnon man? The answer is NO.

I may sound crazy but I must say Cro Magnon Y Chromosome either came from the outer space or was the result of some thing which landed on this planet somehow and had sex with an earthly female creature.

The recent Hollywood movie Prometheus someway tried to explain the missing link. The bio-genetic reaction it showed in the beginning is somewhat convincing to me. May be such bio genetic reaction occurred in a different way, may be through the intentional fertilization of an unknown creature which gave birth to the direct ancestors of the Cro Magnon Y Chromosome or the Cro Magnons themselves but whatever it was, there must have been some kind of reaction which introduced a new kind of species, the hominids.

Now the scientists have already found evidence that life came to earth from outer space. This is what I assumed several years ago. Now they are saying what people like me already said back in time.

Did Comets Kick-Start Life On Earth? – News Watch

Now the Cro Magnons started random sexual activities, whichever species it found it could subdue and fertilize through penetration, it did without hesitation and thus gave birth to other archaic hominids. Only the inbred Cro Magnons finally evolved into Homo Sapiens and then into modern humans. Thus the evolution and manipulation of DNA were controlled and directed to a desired point. We all want how our children should look like and this is why we select mates (mtDNAs) according to our wishes.

Homo Florensiensis or the Hobbits had themselves been the the bastardized children of sex between the Cro Magnons/proto Cro Magnons and other kind of species completely different in appearance. But then again, the children of inbreeding between Cro Magnons came to have sex with the Hobbits in the second wave of sexual invasion. That gave birth to the origin of East Asians/Mongoloids. This pattern was followed in other places under different circumstances.

The Nazis were not that much ignorant, they understood well how to create more advanced superior hominids and thats why they started the eugenics projects. Unfortunately they could not finish the projects but still genetic engineering is what the ancient Cro Magnons carried out to create advanced humans.

Now, one may buy the Atlantis kind of lost world now submerged under water theory but I think there must have been something even before the Pangea broke apart and dispersed. I think, archaic hominids had existed long long ago and might have co existed with the dinosaurs which existed until the end of the Cretaceous (66 million years ago). Hominids somehow survived the ice age long after the formation of the continents.

You know, environment played a significant role in evolution. It may have something to do with a person's size to say the least.

The pygmy elephants earlier thought extinct have been found in Borneo and they give us some clue as the archaic hominids found in the same region are also dwarf compared to other archaic hominids.

"Extinct" Pygmy Elephants Found Living on Borneo
@Developereo.....same with big bang.....never understood what religious people had against it....as it more closely jibes with their thought than a steady-state universe.

Some people tend to take scripture literally and expect simple answers. However, I don't see complexity as denying God. Surely an omnipotent being would create something complex rather than something simple.

It is still not certain because "THE JUNK" is changing more rapidly and containing more mutation than the coding region....

I mentioned it because I can see how mutations in the "junk" DNA are more likely to have beneficial effect, relatively speaking.

For example, if the genes coding for tail formation are compromised, then the organism has no functioning tail and it's game over. However, if the mutation happens in the timing genes (junk DNA) which controls the on/off switches for the tail genes, then it's possible that the tail formation genes may be left active for a slightly longer period. This might result in a functioning, yet longer, tail which may prove beneficial in the given environment.

I agree and hope it was not a tana! Yes, many theories can be formed....and well, there is no proper consistent patterns, hence the cries about MISSING LINKS!!
Yes...agreed! That is why I asked the questions...because ALOT OF WORK needs to be done!

No, my comment was in earnest. There are evolutionist refutations of objections by Kimura, Sanford, etc. in regards to genetic entropy, but I don't find the evolutionists' arguments as rigorous as, say, those of physicists. Most of their refutations about genetic entropy tend to lie in microevolution.

I am not against the mechanism, nor do I object microevolution...I understand and rely on mutations to study otherwise we have to construct knock-out projects which are kinda costly and hence, studying mutations is cheaper as it is naturally occuring....

BUT SPECIES jumping is really SOMETHING modern science has not been able to prove and as a genetics I cant swallow based on the very points you touched!

Lastly, the probability and chances that such things occur is slim and that is why I need proof not COZ I SAID SO/ COZ I BELIEVE it to be true attitude!

I do believe in evolution but I agree that the mechanisms affecting mutations are not as yet well understood. I would say "guiding mutations", but that would be a loaded phrase without any data supporting it either.

P.S. The following link answers many questions. An Index to Creationist Claims
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