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Oldest primate fossil yet found. It is a tiny Chinese Archicebus fossil

you should.

Evolution of man is just a small chapter in the very large book of how all kinds of species evolved.
Oh that evolution...Well, I do believe in microevolution but not jumping species ....

Humans are primates.
thats the thing genius, no one has been able to prove it

Humans are apes,precisely African apes.Humans along with orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos are all descended from a common ancestor.And what kind of proof you want???
Well, that THE KIND of EVOLUTION...jumping of species level is possible at Human level...or even evidence that such things can happen...or occurrence of such a thing....and if it were the case, why havent the rest of the apes evolved to something else?

BTW, if any of you have studied genetics at Masters level or done a BSc in genetics then please explain to these lot, I am tired of trying to help them understand genetics when they have no basics!
@Talon then y does the world believe in the ape theory??:what:
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@Talon then y does the world believe in the ape theory??:what:

NOT WORLD....SOME people! Very few but the news was blasted to feed people who wanted to swallow it
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Evolution theory is good for comparative biology....I mean you can use BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool software to compare DNA and well I use this too but they took it 1 step forward out of excitement that we evolved from apes..

Look, out of the DNA only 1.5% is coding for genes out of this 1.5% we also have regulatory genes, genes which code for hair production, for bone formation, for brain development and what not all squeezed into 1.5% and we STILL DO NOT KNOW the function of the 98.5% and now if 95 of this 100% may or maynot include the 1.5% is similar to another species, it proves nothing UNLESS the it is 99% of the 1.5% of the genome ...then we might be taking...

There are some genes similar in classes, like we are mammals so we have hair, all mammals will have the same code for hair production and what not and so on....

Next, we have something which whose function was discovered in early 2000s is called Retrotransposons search on them...they change the DNA regions....and many other factors, go study epigenetics and other fields...students of none of these fields can swallow this theory!

Chinese are known for making fake fossils ......

At least I dont throw such allegations... :blink:

why quote me? Tell that to @hinduguy who was trying to cover up for you! I have no business nor interest in such things!

I said earlier fossils is not my field so I am not even gonna bother standing up or trashing it! I am no expert about it! Unlike you lot who are EXPERTS in EVERY field!

Enjoy your day!
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Oh that evolution...Well, I do believe in microevolution but not jumping species ....

Typical creationist argument.Jumping species such a crude term for defining the complex process of speciation,which make me wonder you have any knowledge in this field.

thats the thing genius, no one has been able to prove it

There are plenty of evidence of speciation in the modern world.Hawthorn fly, Rhagoletis pomonella is one such classic example which appears to be undergoing sympatric speciation.

Well, that THE KIND of EVOLUTION...jumping of species level is possible at Human level...or even evidence that such things can happen...or occurrence of such a thing....and if it were the case, why havent the rest of the apes evolved to something else?

Modern primates branched off and evolved from a common ancestor. There is no idea that "apes are not evolving now". Primates today are still evolving, they've just been evolving in a different fashion. Drop the idea that humans are farther along than other primates, they've been evolving for just as long as we have, but their adaptations have not been as drastic as ours because they did not deal with the same environmental stress. You'll find that early humans were not so civilized and were just as barbaric as their cousins.

BTW, if any of you have studied genetics at Masters level or done a BSc in genetics then please explain to these lot, I am tired of trying to help them understand genetics when they have no basics!

Well That's pity.

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