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Old Laptop Advice and suggestions

I have an old Dell laptop that is getting overheating problems. I replaced the fan and cleaned out the heat sink. Now it also giving power adapter error. The problem may be the motherboard itself, which is expensive and hard to find. Is it worth to repair this old laptop (five years old) or to try getting a new one?

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Get a new laptop. Preferably a Yoga 13, its $1200 for an i7. The i3 one costs like $800 with discount vouchers from some site.

you possess Yoga 13? If yes, how it the experience with foruming like PDFing on 13 inch display?
you possess Yoga 13? If yes, how it the experience with foruming like PDFing on 13 inch display?

I bought a dell xps13 and since i got a tab I haven't turned it on. Its been 2 years, a true waste of $1400. If I had to buy a laptop today, it would be a yoga13. No idea what it will be tomorrow.
I thought you had Apple's Macbook pro?

Come on, when you can afford expensive cameras... Not a bad idea to buy one Apple Macbook Pro or the new sleek designs from Samsung...

Never used Macs. Sleek design, but software? Plus hard to find used.

never replace the motherboard. it's not worth it .... take it from a pro

anyways if u need suggestions for a new laptop, i'm ur man .....

I am listening.

Trading in/selling will give you nothing. Power Adapter issues are easy to solve - since you know how to service your laptop. I don't think its a motherboard issue. 5 years old is a factor though. But then you can use for a number of ways. Check out instructables.com for some cool ideas for re-using old laptops. Lifehacker.com is also a good place to check things out. :)

The pwer adapter is not recognized by the motherboard as a Dell brand, but it is. Some searches on Google suggest this may be a problem in motherboard.

I will look into there too. Thanks.
MS Office, Internet and some Photoshop. And portable of course.

Yea, tried another Dell adapter, same problem.
well u use Photoshop so u need a pretty decent graphics and memory ...

tell me how much r u willing to spend.
MS Office, Internet and some Photoshop. And portable of course.

Yea, tried another Dell adapter, same problem.

I would say.. get it checked if you are sure it requires change in motherboard only then go for exchange.. I got dell ..and sometimes it tells me I got wrong power adapter ... sometimes the power adapter beeps..

if it can be solved in few dollars why buy another... some shops will tell you how much it will cost before they attempt repair.
well u use Photoshop so u need a pretty decent graphics and memory ...

tell me how much r u willing to spend.

As little as possible! :D

I would say.. get it checked if you are sure it requires change in motherboard only then go for exchange.. I got dell ..and sometimes it tells me I got wrong power adapter ... sometimes the power adapter beeps..

if it can be solved in few dollars why buy another... some shops will tell you how much it will cost before they attempt repair.

Yea, but small shops scare me, all they have is a counter and a couple of small screwdrivers. May be they do good work?
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