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Russian-Made Baikal M1-Based Laptop Shows Up in Pre-Production

Russia has about a tenth of China's population. China has much bigger talent pool than Russia. Russia is dependent on China for technology. They need to use China's space station for example.
Shut Up you bought Russian scientists and engineers after breakup of Soviet Union, Russia has experience but lacking money you don't have any experience or relatively new to all modern fields of technologies
Shut Up you bought Russian scientists and engineers after breakup of Soviet Union, Russia has experience but lacking money you don't have any experience or relatively new to all modern fields of technologies

Men make tech. Money does not. It takes people to make tech. China has the talent pool. Russia does not.
Austin Powers isn't chinese, he got caught by a chinese user here, when he was confronted about using google translate to understand chinese, where he was unable to understand more complex chinese, that you couldn't use google translate to figure out.
Men make tech. Money does not. It takes people to make tech. China has the talent pool. Russia does not.
then you're stupid, who launch first sat into space, send men into space etc etc, your space station design is based on Russian tech and assistant, even your first space capsule, that takes your men to space is based on Russian designs (Soyuz design)
then you're stupid, who launch first sat into space, send men into space etc etc, your space station design is based on Russian tech and assistant, even your first space capsule, that takes your men to space is based on Russian designs (Soyuz design)

Tortoise and the hare. Russians had lead. Now China has lead. When China was world super power in the 400s Russians were living in mud huts. So what's your point?
Tortoise and the hare. Russians had lead. Now China has lead. When China was world super power in the 400s Russians were living in mud huts. So what's your point?
My point is simple you still need Russian Scientists and Engineers to update your space and military programs for example PLAAF have 80-90% designs base on Russian Designs (J-11 to J-16, J-15, Y-8, Y-20, J-20 etc etc) your PLAN ships designs based on Russian designs such as Type 53/54 and your 3rd Type-3 aircraft carrier
My point is simple you still need Russian Scientists and Engineers to update your space and military programs for example PLAAF have 80-90% designs base on Russian Designs (J-11 to J-16, J-15, Y-8, Y-20, J-20 etc etc) your PLAN ships designs based on Russian designs such as Type 53/54 and your 3rd Type-3 aircraft carrier

Today China is far more advanced than Russia. Bullet trains. Electric cars. Hobby drones.
LOL and Russian don't have these qualities LOL, Russia is only lacking money, Give them Sufficient money (Soviet era economy) then they will rule the world again for sure

Money is not the problem. China was dirt poor. It is Chinese hard work that made China the most tech advanced country in the world today.
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